Congressman Ellison and His Oath of Office

Keith Ellison(D-MN), the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, who has a Christian name, but a Muslim – opposite of Barack Hussein Obamahas a Muslim name and insists he is a Christian – stated in an interview with raging progressive, Bill Maher,that he wishes Democrats would come out in opposition to the Second Amendment.
But he also stated, as it seemed he could not quite make up his mind … I don't think you have got to eliminate ownership of all guns in order to get some common sense gun rules.
The following video demonstrates how ignorant the anti-gun, using Sandy Hook(again) as a reason to take away firearms, and discusses the need of background checks that has been in process for sometime. The village idiot with the British accent on the show is a useless moron, and people like him have sent England toward progressive socialism – and now apparently on a mission to help spread that here …

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