Clean Energy Wins Policy Roadmap Puts Renewables, Conservation Out Front

The PennFuture Energy Center Wednesday announced the release of the Clean Energy Wins Policy Roadmap to provide nonpartisan education to gubernatorial candidates, policymakers and the general public about the economic, job creation and environmental benefits of clean energy while identifying practical policies that can grow Pennsylvania's clean energy economy.
"All too often, the energy conversation in Pennsylvania is co-opted by fossil fuel interests including natural gas and coal," said Cindy Dunn, president and chief executive officer of PennFuture. "The 'energy independence' argument falls short when our leaders are looking to export natural gas, and our air and water continue to be negatively impacted by fossil fuel extraction, posing ever greater risks to public health. Renewable energy and energy efficiency must have a seat at the table, and a majority of our citizens agree."
The Clean Energy Wins initiative was launched in January 2014 with a goal of developing the roadmap report and educating Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates, policymakers, and the general public on the benefits of clean energy. The initiative is also working to identify clean energy voters throughout the Commonwealth.
"We worked with stakeholders in the solar, wind and energy efficiency industries on a local, state and national level to create these policy recommendations," said Christina Simeone, director of the PennFuture Energy Center. "It's time for a meaningful conversation on energy in Pennsylvania, and that has to include truly clean energy resources and what they can do to grow the state's economy while safeguarding public health and protecting our air, land and water."
"Pennsylvania was once a leader in clean energy development but we have fallen behind," continued Simeone. "The roadmap report plots a course that will allow the state to regain its competitive advantage in renewable energy and energy efficiency as it unleashes its myriad benefits."
A copy of the full report is available online.
Events throughout the state with renewable energy businesses, policymakers and clean energy voters will be scheduled over the course of the year.

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