From the Foxhole: Firearms and Self Defense

Elko, Nevada: Four people were setting up Christmas trees in a lot and while doing so they were joking and laughing. A stranger approached them and became agitated, thinking they were laughing at him. They apologized to him and told him that they had not been laughing at him. He left, but returned with a knife and advanced toward the group. One of the group drew his handgun and warned him to stop while another called the police. Officers arrived and subdued the man with the knife. It was believed he had been under the influence of narcotics. [Elko Daily Free Press, 12/3/2013]

Dallas, Texas: What was supposed to be a routine Craiglist transaction turned out to be dangerous. Two men arranged to meet each other about a motorcycle for sale at Craiglist. When the meeting took place, the person who posted the ad pulled gun on the buyer who had his daughter with him. The buyer pulled his own pistol and fired at the armed man, which prompted him to flee. The family called the police and reported the incident and officers located the suspect and was treated for gunshot wounds. Investigators found ski masks and batons in the suspects car. He had previous convictions of various crimes that included arson, theft, and aggravated robbery. [Dallas News, 12/3/2013]

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Matt Dosser was walking by a market in his neighborhood when he witnessed two men pounding on the window, trying to get in. The owner, Mohamed Ahmed, was inside screaming for help. Dosser wondered what was going on when he saw one of the men had a gun and an attempt to rob the market must have failed when they got locked out. Inside, Ahmed's head was bleeding, apparently because he fought the would-be robbers and Dosser pulled his concealed firearm. When the suspects saw his firearm, they left the scene of their crime. Ahmed received some stitches and recovered. [Minneapolis Star Tribune, 12/19/2013]
Cleveland, Ohio: Everton Mosby, age 24, was approached by two men outside of his home about 2 a.m. and forced Mosby inside his home where they beat him. During the assault, Mosby was able to pull his concealed firearm and fired at his attackers striking both of them. One suspect was pronounced dead at the scene and the second assailant was treated for a gunshot wound to his knee and placed under arrest. The surviving assailant had been previously convicted of charges that included breaking and entering, theft, criminal damaging and felonious assault. [Plain Dealer, 12/18/2013]
Studies have indicated that firearms are used for personal protection and defense about two million times per year. This is rarely publicized in the mainstream, corporate media, with only mass shootings that provide a basis to push their anti-Second Amendment agenda. Even without a weapon being fired, crimes have been stopped or prevented by lawful citizens who exercise their rights under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. If you have a local newspaper clipping of a story of a citizen protecting themselves and others from criminals, send a copy of it to oldglorygunsmith@gmail.comand I will include it. NRA Publications print these stories and stories like them in every issue.

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