The duck hunting season comes to an end in January but there is another duck season around the corner and these creatures don't go quack. 

The duck fly hatches is one of the first decent feeding frenzies for brown trout on our Loughs. Imitating theses fly's has many forms from buzzers, emergers, slim and small wet fly's to bushy bumbles among many other variations. Personally I like this time of the year and enjoy heading out on the spring waves in search of some good feeding trout in the duck holes of the mid-land lakes. 
Over the next few weeks ill be tying many different dressings to lure the trout this coming spring, some new developments and some old and tested fly's. This Bumble is one of my favorite top dropper fly's and great on the bob just before you lift off the water. 


Hook: size 12-10 B175 Kamasan 
Thread: Black twist thread 
Tail: Hot orange poly-wing teased out
Rib: Hends burnt orange wire 
Dubbing: Orange spectra dubbing
Body Hackle: Soft black cock
Legs: black daddy legs
Wing: Strands of Pearl Krystal flash 
Shoulder Hackle: partridge dyed orange

I hope you enjoy reading this post and if you have any comments or questions just drop me a line below, also if you would like to see whats coming next and what I am tying for the coming season just sign in and follow us. Thanks for reading.

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