Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (Part 4)

The next day starts off with us receiving Match Notice 4. We're going up against two people this time; the twins Ariel and Mariel (with Mariel taking the place of a Summon Beast). They both belong to the Silver Guild, so naturally they will come introduce themselves.

And of course they're not very nice about it. That's the nature of competitive events, I suppose. Bron will come in and chase the twins away, and also give you a new Sword Technique. However, we need some new materials in order to forge it so head over to the labyrinth. Warp to the 11th floor and go down the stairs on the right, however when you get to the door on the next level you will discover it's locked. Rawr. Exit the labyrinth.

Go the the second level of Wystern and locate this house on the east side. Enter and you will find Master Sakuro. No matter which option you pick, you will end up taking his "special training" in the end (no it's not that, stop thinking that). You will receive the Lesson Recipe here and be shooed away to collect the materials.

First, go to the house directly south of Sakuro's and talk to the man here for Menu Material 1. From here go southwest, and enter the first house. If you talked to the old man yesterday, speak to his son to get your first Mystic Ore Technique of the day. Speak to the woman at the table to get Menu Material 2. Now return to Sakuro and get another Technique. Go to your workshop and forge it (it is Sword Technique 10 if you're wondering).

How did you not notice that until you were completely finished forging it? Oh, well. Return to Sakuro again  and he will request some more materials. He gives you the following instructions;

"Can I pay?" - "Bill deje"
"Give me a discount" -  "Cam kalona"
"I don't know" - Pata nahin

Return to Wystern's bottom floor and go to the far west. Talk to the dark skinned man in white clothing. When prompted, say "Pata Nahin" and you will receive the Spice Set completely for free! Excellent, let's return to the Craftlord Demandypants once again. He says he wants you to make him some curry and gives you the following instructions this time;

Heat the oil
Fry the seafood
Fry the vegetables
Add some water
Add the spices

Jeez, give me half a minute to actually make it, will you? Go into the kitchen and inspect the giant white pot on the counter. You will have to choose which ingredients to add at which point, but they are all listen in the correct order anyway so just keep mashing the A button. When you're done you will see that the Craftlord has vanished. Enter the second level of the  Central Tower and enter the room in the center to find him.

That seems slightly excessive, doesn't it? Anyway, Sakuro will tell you a bit more about the city and in the end you will receive Labyrinth Key 2 (no, you don't get anything extra for making your curry perfect). Return to the labyrinth now and warp down to the 11th floor, then go down the stairs and enter that room that was previously locked.

Go down the steps here. On this floor there are some breakable items on the left (they now give better items), and then a healing tile and the stairs down on the right. On the next floor there are various breakable items littered about and also a false exit in the southeast corner that just leads to another room. There are two chests in here that contain a Kicker Potion and Red Lantern, respectively. The stairs down are in the northwest corner, with a room to the right containing several barrels.

The next floor has a room in the northeast corner which contains another Kicker Potion. The stairs are in the southwest. The floor after that has a secret room in the northwest with yet another Kicker Potion as well as a Blue Flask. The next floor has some more barrels and such, but nothing of special interest. Go north to the stairs. Activate the teleporter on the next floor and then enter the room in the northeast corner. Get the Portable Canteen, Core Parts, and Small Faucet here. Enter another room in the northwest and get the Blue Flask, Cooling Fan, and Conductor Rod. That's all we can do for now, so return to the surface.

Craft the sword technique Bron gave you, and also forge Razzy's Knuckle. Talk to Bron before you leave and then make your way to the house pictured above (between the Silver Guild and your character's house). Give the man on the right the knuckle for a new Technique. If you want, you can take the Gladius to Sakuro's house and show him for a bit of extra dialogue. When you're ready, head to the arena and get started on your next match!

You definitely don't want to use a newly forged weapon here. Your best bet is probably a drill with a Tec of 100 (tec decreases the speed at which you lose durability). I didn't really need any special strategy for them besides the weapon, just jump in and hit Ariel and then use the drill spin when she blocks. Like Razzy, her weapon is electrified so it will do a lot of damage, but as far as I know Mariel can't deal any damage. She will just appear sometimes to use healing items, but since you'll likely be trying to break her weapon this will actually help you if her health gets low before her durability. I suggest equipping your guardian beast's Healing Spell as well just in case, and Astral Guard too.

When you are done the battle, pick who you want to visit for the night and that's it for now!

Pratty Level: 21 (Atk 60, Def 50, Agl 40)
Rasho Level: 19
Techniques: 34

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