Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls (Part 7)

I'm sorry, what?

Welcome to the next section of my Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls walkthrough! We're almost done with our quest! And coincidentally, we only have one more town to explore. First though, we have to fly back to Melmond and seek out some random npc that you may or may not have talked to 10 hours of gameplay ago and we suddenly can't progress the plot without.

Specifically this guy, who teaches us how to speak a language that has been lost for 400 years in about three seconds! How's that for fantastic.

Land the airship here, on the continent's northeast side. This is the only spot you can land it to reach the town, there isn't a single other spot of bare land. Once you've touched down, go east and then south for a while and you will eventually see the town. It is called Lufenia. If you go to the top right corner of town and walk out to the east you will find the magic shops.

White Magic Shop
Full-Life - 40000 G

Black Magic Shop
Flare - 40000 G

You definitely want both of these! 

This is the person we want to talk to. You can, of course, speak to the other townspeople as well. They've got some interesting history to divulge.

We have everything we need to enter the final Fiend's layer now, so go west and land your airship here. Start walking north (and a bit west) until you reach the Mirage Tower, then go inside.

First Floor
Enter the room above you and make your way north to find a whole heap of treasure chests. These contain; 800 Gil, a Healing Helm, 3400 Gil, 18010 Gil, a Vorpal Sword, 2750 Gil, an Aegis Shield, and a Tent. Take the southwest exit from the room and go up the stairs.

Second Floor
Make your way to the middle of the room and look to the south for a doorway which leads to an inner chamber with several more treasure chests. These one contain; 13000 Gil, a Cottage, 7600 Gil12350 Gil, Thor's Hammer, the Sun Blade, 10000 Gil7900 Gil, 8135 Gil, and the Dragon Mail. Exit from either side and go north - talk to the robot if you want, he's friendly. Then go up the stairs.

Third Floor
Go to enter the room in the middle and you will be attacked by a Blue Dragon. It's not that tough, you should be able to take it out fairly easily with regular attacks. Afterward, enter the chamber and step onto the glowing panel in the center.

First Floor
Exit the main room and head south for another one which contains the Razer sword. Go west and enter the room to get 9900 Gil, a Potion, 4150 Gil, and 7900 Gil. Next go east and enter the room here as well. This time you will find another Healing Helm, 6720 Gil, a Protect Ring, 5000 Gil, and 180 Gil. Return to the middle once more and go north. Step on the warp tile here.

Second Floor
First, go northwest to get the Mythril Helm and a Cottage. East of here is a chest with a pair of Diamond Gloves. South of here is another room with a Diamond Shield and a Ribbon. Further south you will find  a White Robe and a Black Robe. Go back to the middle of the area and take the middle-western path to a room with 880 Gil and 13000 Gil. Go south from here and inspect the odd rock to obtain the Adamantite. Go back to the middle and go south, and step on the warp tile.

Third Floor
The observation window looks down upon the world. The four forces of fire, earth, water, and wind appear as mist converging on a single point... a point at the center of the four Altars. This must be the location of the Chaos Shrine! 

Iiiinteresting. I wasn't aware we were looking for the Chaos Shrine. Since we've known where it was since the first five minutes of the game. We were there already. Kind of a neat little scene, though. Anyway, go north from the starting point for a room with 9000 Gil, a Protect Ring, a Potion, and 5450 Gil. In a room east of the starting point you will find 6400 Gil, a Gold Needle, a set of Clothes, 9500 Gil, a Protect Cloak, and 8135 Gil. West of the starting point you will find a room with a Gold Needle, 4150 Gil, 3400 Gil and Sasuke's Blade.

Fourth Floor
This floor goes around in an endless loop, so it can be very difficult to find the exit. However, all you have to do is go north one "row", then west. Step on the warp tile.

Fifth Floor
Optional Boss: Death Machine
HP: 2000
P.Def: 80
M.Def: 200
Weakness: None
Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence,Confusion, Mind, Death
Treasure: Genji Armor

You find this enemy just by walking around, it may take quite a while. It has an attack called Nuke which is extremely dangerous, but if you are a decent level you should be able to take it on (I was at 55 by the time I found it).

Whether you choose to search it out or not, go up to the north end of the floor to find the last elemental fiend.

The lich, Marilith, the kraken... you have defeated three Fiends and reached my lofty perch. More the better... May the image of Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind, be the last to burn in your eyes!  

HP: 2400
P.Def: 80
M.Def: 200
Weakness: Stone, Poison
Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice

Yaaaay, that's all four of them! We're not done yet of course - there's more to this than meets the eye! (Unless you've actually been talking to the npc's in which case you probably know where this is going by now). Anyway! I hope you'll join me for the conclusion!

Go to part 8 --->

Yay! Now we can head over to the fourth and final bonus dungeon, and I very much suggest that you do so. The bosses aren't all that tough, and it has some great stuff inside. Everyone likes treasure, right?

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