Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls (Part 6)

Well... not US exactly... but our ship can!

Anyway, we've just defeated the Fined of Fire, so now we're supposed to go get the airship. Whoops. Did that already. From Mt. Gulg, fly north (and just a tad bit east) to find a town surrounded by mountains. This is Gaia, and it has some very useful things to offer.

Black Magic Shop
Blizzaga - 30000 G
Break - 30000 G

White Magic Shop
Curaja - 30000 G
Diaja - 30000 G

I only got Blizzaga and Diaja here, break is another instant death spell that rarely works and I prefer Healaga over Curaja.

Armor Shop
Ruby Armlet - 40000 G
Protect Ring - 16000 G

Weapon Shop
Cat Claws - 52000 G

White Magic Shop
Holy - 40000 G
NulAll - 40000 G
Dispel - 40000 G

Black Magic Shop
Stop - 40000 G
Warp - 40000 G
Kill - 40000 G

For these I got Holy and Nulall, and none of the Black Magic. What you get is up to you though, of course.

Item Shop
Hi-Potion - 150 G
Ether - 150 G
Phoenix Down - 500 G
Tent - 160 G
Cottage - 2000 G

I bought Ruby Armlets and Protect Rings for everyone, as well as a set of Cat Claws for my Black Mage. If you talk to the people in town they will mention several useful things, such as the Citadel of Trials to the west. There also seems to be a fairy missing from the spring in town, and a pirate will tell you that he caught her and sold it to "the caravan" though he doesn't tell you where this is. Someone also mentions that the fairy is the only one who can draw Oxyale out from the spring. All very useful information.

When you're done in Gaia fly west to the opposite continent and land southwest of another town (which we will be ignoring for the time being). Use your canoe to travel north up the river until you find a waterfall. Paddle yourself right into it to find a hidden cave!

Once inside the Waterfall Cavern, go up and left. Go up again and when the path splits go west. You will come to an area that branches out in five different directions (that's including the one you enter from). Go west here as well, then go straight south, avoiding all other branches and paths. Eventually the path will curve and take you to a room. There are several treasure chests here and they contain; a Wizard's Staff, a Ribbon, 13450 Gil, 6400 Gil, 5000 Gil, and the Defender sword. Talk to the robot in here to get the Warp Cube then return to the area where you landed your air ship.

Go north into the desert and find the patch of sand in the northwest surrounded by a ring of grass separating it from the rest of the desert. Step into this patch and you will enter the Caravan. The merchant here only has one thing for sale - something we need to proceed with the game. So hopefully you can afford it. Return to Gaia now and the fairy will automatically be released.

Go to the town's west end and then head all the way north until you see the church. Go east from here through some trees, and when the path splits go north to find the faerie's spring. Speak to her to get the Oxyale, then fly back and land your airship in the same spot we used to access the Waterfall Cavern and Caravan. This time go northeast to reach the town of Onrac.

Item Shop
Hi-Potion - 150 G
Ether - 150 G
Remedy - 1500 G
Gold Needle - 500 G
Cottage - 2000 G

White Magic Shop
NulDeath - 30000 G
Healaga - 30000 G

Black Magic Shop
Saber - 30000 G
Blind - 30000 G

I got both of the White Magic spells here and neither of the Black Magic ones. Saber only works on the caster, and there really isn't any point in increasing your Black Wizard's attack power. 

South of the magic shops you will see a bridge leading off to the east, cross this and continue in this direction to find a woman standing near a dock. Speak to her, and she will leave giving you access to the barrel/submarine behind her. This leads to the next dungeon, so make sure you are ready before you inspect it.

Go north from the entrance and ignore the first branches on either side along your way. When you come to the second branch, go east to a room that contains a chest with 2000 Gil. Continue all the way north from here, and when you hit the end of the road go left and up the stairs.

Go down, and you will see a room on the left - it is empty, so continue on to the left past it. Follow the path up and around until it opens up into a few different directions. If you go south and go through the door to the east you can get a chest containing a whole 20 Gil. Whoot. Go back and keep making your way north until you reach a room in the northwest corner of the area. Go inside and get the Diamond Armor from the chest. From here, go south along the western wall until you come to another room - enter it and get the Light Axe. Go east from here and the path will split into an upper and lower path - take the upper path to a room with a Mage's Staff. Go east from here and then south. Enter the room and get 12350 Gil then exit and take the stairs up.

Oh dear. That wouldn't be very nice, would it.

Anyway, go directly north from the stairs and enter the room there to get 9000 Gil, 1760 Gil, and a Diamond Armlet. From here, go west to the wall and go up as far as you can. There is a room just above you, go around it from its eastern side and follow a pathway west to another room. This one contains a Diamond Helm, Diamond Gloves, and the Rosetta Stone. Go back along the path and enter the room on your right for 2750 Gil. Go south from here and enter the room on your right for 4150 Gil. Go north from here and get 10000 Gil and 10 Gil from the chests inside this room. Go south three "rows" and enter the room on the left to get an Antidote. Go up one row from here, east, and enter the room below you for a Diamond Shield. Enter the room two rows above this one for 5000 Gil and then go back to the previous floor. Make your way to the stairs that lead back to the 3rd floor (they are directly north of the other stairs).

Head west past the central hall, then go south to find a room with 9900 Gil in a chest. Depending on how you feel about your current condition, now may be a good time to go back to Onrac and rest at the inn. Either way, when you're ready to continue you will find the stairs to the second floor in the northwest corner.

Go directly north from here and go up the stairs you find, this will bring you to a small section of the 3rd floor - take the other stairs here. On the fourth floor, go southeast and take the stairs down (the room is empty). On the next floor, go through the door just above you and go south, getting 110 Gil and 450 Gil on your way. Take the stairs down at the end. Directly south of the stairs on the next floor is a room with 7690 Gil and 8135 Gil - the chest on the left is guarded on the right side by Water Elementals.

Directly west of here is another room with 5450 Gil, the Giant's Gloves, and 385 Gil. The two "corners" where the chests on the right connect are guarded - the top by various combinations of Cockatrice, Pyrolisk, and King Mummy enemies, the bottom by more Water Elementals.  North of here is a room with another Light Axe, guarded from the left by two White Sharks and a Sahagin Prince, as well as from the front by groups of Sea Trolls, Sea Scorpions, and Sea Snakes.. East of here is a room with 2750 Gil, 7340 Gil, 9900 Gil, and a Ribbon. The spot one pace down from the space between the middle and right-most chest in the top row is another fixed encounter with two White Sharks and a Sahagin Prince. Go north from this room and all the way west, then down the stairs.

From the stairs, go all the way north and enter the room. Go west and exit, then go all the way west. Follow the path south and then west some more and enter the very large room here. Make your way north a fair bit, then go west. You should see a door below you - go through it and then go north to the boss room.

HP: 1800
P.Def: 60
M.Def: 160
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Quake, Fire
Treasure: Kikuichimonji

Well, to be honest I don't even know what kind of strategy to suggest for this boss. I had my Red Wizard caste Haste on my Monk on the first turn, plus the Monk used the Giant's Gloves on himself, plus my Black Wizard used Temper, and on my second turn the Monk defeated him in one hit. Soooo. Do something like that, I guess? He can use Thundara, so you may want to use NulShock, and he has an Ink attack which he will use to try and blind your entire party.

That's all for now, see you in the next section!

Party Level: 44

Go to part 7 --->

We can now go to the third bonus dungeon but I very much recommend staying away from here until the end of the game. The bosses on the final floor are tougher than the game's final boss and you will probably get frustrated and want to punch yourself into a coma. Just a heads up.

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