Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls (Part 1)

Hello again! This time I'll be playing Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls. However my arms are going to fall off if I keep typing out that title so I will just be writing the "Dawn of Souls" part. Naturally, I'm going to start with Final Fantasy I.

Before we get started at all, the game will have you choose four heroes from six possible classes. You can choose multiple members of the same class if you wish, and also give them customized names (if you don't put anything in manually the game will just generate names for them).

Warrior  [35 HP]
Advantages: Can equip a wide variety of weapons and armor, and can use some white magic after being upgraded to a Knight.

Disadvantages: None really, except that it can get sort of pricey to fit this class with the best equipment.

Thief  [30 HP]
Advantages: High speed, can equip some relatively good weapons and armor. Can use some black magic after being upgraded to a Ninja.

Disadvantages: Attacks don't do as much damage as the knight, defense isn't as good either.

Monk  [33 HP]
Advantages: Strongest without a weapon equipped, saves some money. Very high attack power and hp.

Disadvantages: Equipping most armor actually lowers his stats, which is unfortunate because his defense sucks.

Red Mage  [30 HP]
Advantages: Can use both white & black magic, as well as some decent weapons and armor.

Disadvantages: Because this class dabbles in all areas, it is a big money consumer. Its attacks are not as strong as the monk or knight, and its magic won't be as effective as that used by the other mages.

White Mage [33 HP]
Advantages: The most skilled class at using White Magic. A gifted healer with decent speed.

Disadvantages: Low defense, can't equip strong weapons or armor.

Black Mage  [25 HP]
Advantages: The most skilled class at using Black Magic. Undoubtedly your best bet for exploiting enemies' elemental weaknesses.

Disadvantages: The same as the White Mage, low hp as well.

The game's default party is a Warrior, Thief, White Mage and Black Mage, but personally I'm going to be swapping out the first two for a Monk and Red Mage. If this is your first time playing through the game I would recommend a team of Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage personally.

Once you confirm your selection, a short scene will play which will introduce the story of Final Fantasy.

The world lies shrouded in darkness
The wind stops...
The seas rage...
The earth decays...
But the people believe in a prophecy,
patiently awaiting its fulfillment.
"When darkness veils the world,
four Warriors of Light shall come."
After a long journey, four young travelers
did at last appear... 
...and in the hand of each was clutched a crystal

Simple, but I quite like it personally. It is a bit vague though, isn't it. Apparently the entire world is waiting for these four young people and all it says is that they appear. Appear where exactly? Just, in the world?
Well, specifically they appear on this particular patch of land, outside the town of Cornelia.

The first thing I did was take my Monk's staff since he's stronger with his bare hands, and I gave it to my black mage. You may not have any equipment you need to switch around if you started with a different party. Level up once or twice if you feel inclined to do so, and then enter the town.

As soon as you do so, turn around and talk to the knight standing right behind you. He'll take you to see the king, since he's been looking for some folks carrying crystals.

Yup, that's us alright!  The king will ask us to save his daughter Sarah, and being the heroic bunch we are, we head out to do so. Eventually. Go south and take the stairs down. Talk to the people around the castle if you wish, though there isn't any items to gain from it or anything. Exit to the south or the north and then re-enter the main town. 

Just inside the town is the Inn where you can heal your entire party for 30 gil. Note that allies who have been knocked out cannot be revived here. North of here are the shops.

Weapon Shop
Nunchaku - 8g
Knife - 4g
Staff - 4g
Rapier - 8g
Hammer - 8g

Armor Shop
Clothes - 8g
Leather Armor - 40g
Chain Mail - 65g

Above these are the magic shops.

Black Magic Shop
Fire - 50g
Sleep - 50g
Focus - 50g
Thunder - 50g

White Magic Shop
Cure - 50g
Dia - 50g
Protect - 50g
Blink - 50g

Personally I find Focus and Blink rather useless, but the shop will tell you what the spells do when you put the cursor on them, so pick whatever seems best to you. Each mage can only learn three spells for each level of magic, but these can be deleted and new ones can be purchased at any time.

Over to the east is the church where you can revive downed allies for 40g a piece, and also the item shop.

Item Shop
Potion - 40g
Antidote - 50g
Phoenix Down - 500g
Sleeping Bag - 50g

Exit the town and start heading north. Ignore the cave to the west when you see it, we can't do anything there for a while. Once you pass it however, you will start to encounter some tougher enemies.

The Gigas Worm is particularly dangerous with its high defense and offense. Have a red or black mage use the Fire spell on it for the best effect.

At the furthest northern point we can reach right now you will find a small castle. This is the Chaos Shrine, our destination. I'd suggest being around level 4 before you enter, but a bit above that wouldn't hurt. Go over to the southwest corner and enter the room here. Open the chest for a Leather Cap. In the northwest corner is another room, this one with a Potion and a Tent. Go outside and use the tent if you need to heal (or go all the way back to town if you prefer) and then go to the center of the shrine. Enter the room here
to find our first boss.

HP:  212
P.Def: 8
M.Def: 64
Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Treasure: Longsword

I'm not going to type out his full set of stats because I feel like that would be a bit excessive, but I think I got all the main points covered. I don't recommend trying to get the longsword - you'll likely be resetting for ages, but if you do have the patience to get one it will be a massive attack boost over anything that will be available for quite a while.

Also, note that an enemy's magical defense will always be much higher than their physical defense. Right now it won't be too noticeable, and later on when there's a more noticeable difference the mages will get spells that hit every enemy of the field. Make no mistake, they are an invaluable resource.

You will automatically return to the castle once the battle is over. Talk to Sarah here to get the Lute and then exit the castle to see a scene of the bridge being rebuilt. Exit town and as you go to cross the bridge you will get another little scene.

And so their quest began.

As the four Warriors of Light,
they felt overwhelmed by
the great task destiny had
placed before them. 

They did not even know the
true significance of the four
crystals they held in their hands...

The crystals that once,
long ago, held a light that
shone so brilliantly.

The time for their journey had come.

The time to cast off the veil of 
darkness and bring the world
once more into light...

But moooooom, do I haaaaaave to? Anyway, after you cross the bridge head east forever and ever through a forest until you see the land split to go north or south. Go down to find the next town; Provoka. It seems to be under the thumb of a band of pirates, and the townspeople are not pleased. What a bother. If you go north you will find the inn where you can stay the night for 50g.

On the east side of town you will find the church, as well as various shops. 

White Magic Shop
Blindna - 250g
Silence - 250g
NulShock - 250g
Invis - 250g

Black Magic Shop
Blizzard - 250g
Dark - 250g
Temper - 250g
Slow - 250g

This time around I recommend leaving out Blindna (since the Eye Drop items will have the same effect) and Slow (since it doesn't work on most enemies you would actually want to use it on). 

Weapon Shop
Hammer - 8g
Broadsword - 450g
Battle Axe - 450g
Scimitar - 160g

On the left side of town are the other two stores.

Armor Shop
Leather Armor - 40g
Chain Mail - 65g
Iron Armor - 640g
Leather Shield - 12g
Leather Gloves - 50g

Item Shop
Potion - 40g
Ether - 150g
Antidote - 60g
Eye Drops - 50g
Phoenix Down - 500g

You will find the pirates in the northwest part of town, standing outside a building waiting for you. Talk to the guy in the middle to start another battle.

Pirate x9
HP: 24
P.Def: 0
M.Def: 35
Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Treasure: Leather Shield

If you have access to the black magic spells Dark and Sleep, this fight is practically a cutscene. Blind pirates, smack pirates with various instruments, collect gil and experience. 

Oh, and a boat. Also collect a boat. 

Well, I guess that's a good enough place to end this section, so off I go to start part 2!

Go to part 2 --> 

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