James Woods Tells It Like It Is

James Woods is one of my all-time favorite actors and the only one to whom I was able to correspond with personally during the period I was publishing Lighthouse Journal. He is a true artist.
He is also a true patriot. While Wikipedia still has him registered as a Democrat, he certainly is not afraid to do the Hollywood unforgivable: speak out against Emperor Obama.
In Hollywood, free speech, the First Amendment is touted regularly; however, that only covers those who agree with the mindset of the Hollyweird crowd of socialist-progressives. They are the same people who denounced the crusade against communist-socialist infiltration of the American infrastructure and Tinseltown; only because it was the truth. Films have been used to press home their political and personal ideals, indeed, family values have deteriorated with occupants of Tinseltown's help in the name of art and the 1stAmendment.
On Twitter, Mr. Woods wrote:
Report: Data on Americans shared with Israel … Obama: the gift from hell that keeps on giving.
Mr. Woods also spoke out against the media-induced frenzy over the Martin-Zimmerman affair especially the stupid statement made by President Obama stating he was more concerned with the death of a juvenile delinquent 17-year-old than wounded and killed American soldiers. I would like to add that he doesn't care about the US Army sergeant, Bowe R. Bergdahl, who has been held for years by the Islamic fascist as prisoner while parents wonder when he will come home. There is a website dedicated to him with a printout brochure [Page OnePage Two] to pass around for citizens to get involved by sending demands for his return via Congress and especially the White House.
Fox Newsreported that Mr. Woods reported that he doesn't expect to find work in Hollywood again.
James Woodsis a character actor, but has also starred in several films as a leading man – he is a true professional and artist like Gene Hackman. Both are on my Hollywood favorites list. My all-time favorite Woods films are, to date: The Onion Field[1979], One Upon a Time in America[1984], Salvador[1986], Casino[1995], Nixon [1995], Ghosts of Mississippi[1996], Cat's Eye[1985], The Specialist[1994], Vampires[1998], Holocaust[1978], and Night Moves [1975].
He justifiably fired his agent for not telling him of an offer to portray “Mr. Orange” in Quentin Tarantino's riveting Reservoir Dogs[1992] which would have been performed, I am sure well.
Mr. Woods father was a US Army intelligence officer, the high school in the animated series Family Guywas named after him [James Woods High School] and he loves cooking, reportedly an excellent chef. He has been nominated and received several awards.

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