Fishing for Sockeye Salmon Tips & Guide
Each year, typically from May through July, millions of sockeye salmon on an annual spawning migration invade the Pacific tributaries from northern California to Alaska. The wild parade of these red-backed salmon attracts an army of anglers. Known for being finicky biters and lackadaisical in their search for prey, the sockeye is often a relentless fighter when hooked and can put on an aerial acrobatic display as it tries to escape. Patience and repetition is required to properly catch these sought after fish.
- 1 Attach lead weights to the fishing line just above the point where the fly is attached. Adjustments may have to be made depending on the depth and speed of the water. Choose a weight that will sink to the bottom quickly while still allowing for the current to pull it downstream while ticking along the bottom.
2 Stand on shore or in ankle deep water and flip your line into the current three to 10 feet out toward the other shore of the river. Aim for the natural traveling path of the hundreds of fish that are streaming by in front of you close to shore.
4 Jerk your rod upwards or sideways when a fish strikes. Sometimes the fish may simply take the lure in its mouth and the lure will feel as if it is snagged on the bottom. Jerk your rod when you feel this sensation as well.
6 Reel in your line while keeping the line taut. Take in any slack as fast as possible if the fish swims toward you. Your drag setting from Step 5 should allow the fish to swim away from you without breaking your line.
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