Catching up - Cut short
So without further ado one rod cast to an upstream bush with a slight depression under it and my other rod quite close in and under one of the overhanging trees, not particularly deep at round three and a half feet in depth, so I opted to slip a back lead on this particular rod.
A brilliant day, surrounded by Damselflies which had taken a liking to one of my rods, resting on it at regular occasions, it was during one of these intervals that my rod wrapped round and I was met with the reassuring thud and strong run of a barbus.
A lovely conditioned fighting fit fish (8.9) and a nice way to commence and conclude the fishing trip at the same time, as I received a phone call around 4:45 to tell me that someone had locked themselves out of the family home and as no one else was about, said person (dad) had proceeded to have an attack of low blood sugars, so off I rushed home, thankfully he was alright in the long run but it did give us quite a scare at the time and does make me wonder with myself being overweight, just how likely I might be to also develop diabetes in the long run too.
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