Quest for Giants @ Sek24

Me & buddies did another round of fishing at Sek24 paypond in Shah Alam recently. Since this is the first day of the fasting month, we were hoping the pond would be less crowded. As it turned out, it was! Arriving at 7:30 pm, there were only less than 10 anglers at that hour. The boils was most exciting as perhaps the fishes haven't had enough to eat due to the smaller crowd during the puasa month.

I quickly rigged up & prepared my bait. This round we were fishing with pellets & floating technique.

First fish of the evening, a whopper of 13 kg Bighead Carp. I had a positive hook up at around 8:45 pm when my line suddenly started tightening. In fact, hook up happened while I was holding my rod. Instinctively, I yank the rod with moderate force & the next thing you know, I was onto a behemoth. This round I was fishing with much heavier tackles. I really exerted pressure on the fish, set the drag to near 90% & started pumping the fish back with slow, steady strokes. After about 5 mins, I thought the fish had nearly run out of energy & was only about 3 meter from the bank when suddenly it made another last ditch rush back out to open water almost 10 meter away in just a few seconds. So again, I repeated the slow steady strokes to bring it back. My buddy was on hand to assist to net the fish up. Another 2 mins later, the fish was  caught in the net & we got it to the grass. Then I reached for my tackle bag to get my camera, only to realize I left it at home! instead, I use the phone to snap a few photos but the quality is poor.

I registered another hook up at around 10:45 pm. This time it was for sure a Patin as it had that unmistakeable behaviour of running to the sides. The take was most subtle, this time the fish gulp down & pulled the floating rig straight down. When I saw this, I didn't gave it much time to chew on the bait. Grabbing the rod, I gave it a firm strike & it was fish on. Mr Patin did the usual swaying from left to right even when my reel was set to 90% drag. My rod wasn't strong enough to handle this whopper, while fighting the fish, I had to walk back & forth between two huts & by the time I managed to net the fish, my line had already got tangled up with 2 other angler's line. Some apologies followed by a quick hook removal procedure & I was taking my second photo with the fish. It was a Patin estimated to weigh around 11 kg.

After landing the second fish that is over 10kg, I was rather tired, it was already nearing midnight. I decided to do one more cast. Baited up the rig & send it flying right into the centre of the pond. In just 10 mins, the float suddenly dipped & I yank the rod without hesitation. From the pull of the fish, I got the impression it was another smaller Patin but when it started dashing in straight directions, I could guess it would be a Pacu. Since I wasn't fishing with circle hooks, fighting this fish may risk having it bite onto my leader so I fought it slow & steady. After about 5 mins of struggle, true enough, it was a Pacu. I took it to the counter to weigh & it turned out to be the largest Pacu I ever caught.

After landing the third fish, I was too tired & decided to call it a day. Having caught 3 whoppers of different species in a few hours has satisfied my fishing itch.

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