Pokemon Gold Version (Part X)
We get another call from Professor Elm (I wrote you a song Professor; it's called Yip Yap Patty-whack, You Can't Pay Me To Give A Crap) but according to Clair we have to go to New Bark town to get to our final challenge anyway. I don't really feel like it (as usual) so I'm gonna go do something else.
Specifically, I'm going to finish going through Mt. Mortar. This is annoying because you need a Pokemon that knows Waterfall (which is why I have the red Gyarados with me now instead of poor Phillip) AND a Pokemon that knows Flash... AND an empty slot in your party. Go in from the middle entrance and instead of going down the ladder surf up and use Waterfall to climb to a higher area. Surf up again and go in the other door here.
Mt. Mortar (Inner Chamber)

Raticate || Normal
Machop || Fighting
Machoke || Fighting
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Graveler || Rock / Ground
When you enter, start by surfing west and up.
Get the Rare Candy here then go back to the entrance and surf west twice. Surf up across another short pool of water.
Get this Max Potion, then continue up across another pool. Go all the way west and jump down over a ledge, then all the way west again and surf up. You can only go east across a ledge here, so do so.
Jump down over another ledge right after to get TM40 Defense Curl. Fun fact: if you have a Pokemon use this before using Rollout, it will do more damage. Jump down over the ledge then circle back to where you were before and go east. You'll come to some more water, so go north across it.
Heading east you'll see this Escape Rope, so grab it and then hop over the ledge to the east. You can likely guess the next step; surf up and go west.
Hop down here and get this hidden item, then since you've got nowhere else to go hop down again.
Surf over to this platform to get the Dragon Scale. Then go directly west and pick up the Elixer waiting for you there. Hop down from here and make your way all the way back around to where you jumped down to the Dragon Scale, but don't jump this time. Continue west to the end of the path, jump over the first ledge only and then continue west and down the ladder.
On this next floor, head east along the raised path and when the road splits stick to the right.
Go down the steps and check the rock for a hidden item. Do not jump over the ledges here, or you will have some serious backtracking to do. Instead go back up the steps and take the left stairs down.
You're bound to see this Max Revive sitting out as you walk by, so duck down and grab it. Follow the path west until it turns south and you find another ladder. Go down it, naturally.
Right when you enter, check this rock for another Max Revive. Then go east (along the top, not past the boulder). Talk to the man here for a battle.

Blackbelt Kiyo || ¥816
Hitmonlee Lv.34 || Fighting || 1012 exp
Hitmonchan Lv.34 || Fighting || 1020 exp
When you win he will give you a Tyrogue - a Fighting type Pokemon that evolves into one of three different Fighting types based on its stats at level 20. Use the Escape Rope you picked up earlier if you wish, and then fly to Newbark Town.
Well, alright. That's a pretty good item. I'm sorry I yell at you every time you call me... but only a little bit sorry. Exit the lab and surf east to a large island. When you land ignore the cave to the north and go down to the water.
Surf all the way east and pick up the Rare Candy sitting here, then surf back and enter the cave.
Before you climb the waterfall, head over to the left and get a Moon Stone. Go back and go up the waterfall, then follow the cave to the end (it's not far) and exit.
Route 26

Raticate || Normal
Sandslash || Ground
Ponyta || Fire

Cooltrainer Megan || ¥1536
Bulbasaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 438 exp
Ivysaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 966 exp
Venusaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 1425
Go into the house and talk to the woman here and if your Pokemon has a good relationship with you, she will give you TM37 Sandstorm. Keep heading east.

Cooltrainer Blake || ¥1488
Magneton Lv.33 || Electric / Steel || 1138
Quagsire Lv.31 || Water / Ground || 909 exp
Exeggcute Lv.31 || Grass / Psychic || 651 exp

Cooltrainer Brian || ¥1680
Sandslash Lv.35 || Ground || 1222 exp

Psychic Gilbert || ¥1088
Starmie Lv.30 || Water / Psychic || 1330 exp
Exeggcute Lv.30 || Grass / Psychic || 630 exp
Girafarig Lv.34 || Normal / Psychic || 1084 exp
After that trainer surf south away from the bridge and pass through the whirlpool to get to this island with TM22 Solarbeam. Then battle the trainer below.

Bird Keeper Jose || ¥840
Farfetch'd Lv.35 || Normal / Flying || 705 exp
Sail back on over to the bridge and continue your journey.

Cooltrainer Reena || ¥1488
Starmie Lv.31 || Water / Psychic || 1374 exp
Nidoqueen Lv.33 || Poison / Ground || 1371 exp
Starmie Lv.31 || Water / Psychic || 1374 exp

Fisher Scott || ¥1360
Qwilfish Lv.30 || Water / Poison || 642 exp
Qwilfish Lv.30 || Water / Poison || 642 exp
Seaking Lv.34 || Water || 1237 exp

Psychic Richard || ¥1152
Espeon Lv.36 || Psychic || 1519 exp
After this trainer there will be a stretch of grass over to the left. If you follow it down you will find a house which is empty except for a book. Reading it will tell you the locations of all the Weekday Siblings. Back on the main path will be another house, where a woman will heal your Pokemon. You can also get an Ice Berry from the tree outside.

Cooltraienr Joyce || ¥1536
Pikachu Lv.36 || Electric || 631 exp
Blastoise Lv.32 || Water || 1440 exp

Cooltrainer Gaven || ¥1536
Victreebel Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 1309 exp
Kingler Lv.32 || Water || 1411 exp
Flareon Lv.32 || Fire || 1357 exp
Ignore the water, there's nothing over there so just continue up the path.

Cooltrainer Jake || ¥1680
Parasect Lv.33 || Grass / Bug || 904 exp
Golduck Lv.35 || Water || 1305

Cooltrainer Beth || ¥1728
Rapidash Lv.36 || Fire || 1480 exp
Jump down the ledges to get the Max Elixer here. Come back up and go through the gate to reach Victory Road.
Victory Road

Golbat || Poison / Flying
Graveler || Rock / Ground
Onix || Rock / Ground
Rhyhorn || Ground / Rock
Ursaring || Normal (Gold version only)
Donphan || Ground (Silver version only)
Go left and pick up this hidden item, then climb the steps. Continue up a bit.
Go down the stairs on the right for this area where you can get a Max Revive (left) and a Full Heal. Backtrack and go down the other steps and then take the ladder above.
Follow the path here, then go down the steps when you come to them. Backtrack just a few steps left and pick up the X Special.
Continue on the path and take the ladder here. On the next floor follow the raised platform left, then go down the steps and come back right. Jump over the ledge and go down the ladder.
Pick up the Full Restore here, then jump down over the ledge below you and go back up to the main section of the next floor. Go up and follow the lower path, and when you see a path leading up ignore it. Keep going left and drop down the hole you find here.
Get the hidden item here, and then get the TM26 Earthquake above. Yay! I can finally teach Suzanne something other than Mud-Slap! Because that's what I've been having her use all this time. Sad, yes? Yes. Anyway, the easiest way to get back is over to the right and up the ladder one last time. Follow the path, save at the fork, and then follow it upward.

Rival || ¥2280
Sneasel Lv.34 || Dark / Ice || 961 exp
Golbat Lv.36 || Poison / Flying || 1318 exp
Magneton Lv.35 || Electric / Steel || 1207 exp
Haunter Lv.35 || Ghost / Poison || 945 exp
Kadabra Lv.35 || Psychic || 1087 exp
Meganium Lv.38 || Grass || 1693 exp
After this go north. Heal over to the left and then save. Buy any items you want from the guy on the right, and then head up north to begin your Elite Four Challenge!
Round One: Will
All of Will's Pokemon are at least part Psychic type. A Dark type is useful here, though the only one you've had a chance to get up until now is Umbreon. A non-ghost Pokemon that knows Shadow Ball will be helpful (all the Ghosts you can have at present will be part Poison type and get destroyed). Electric is also a good choice since two of his Pokemon are part flying and one is part Water. Don't try pitting a Psychic of your own against them because a few of them know Shadow Ball.

Round Five: Lance
Lance is a Dragon master, as has been mentioned before. However as I said back at Clair's gym. that type is in short supply. Ice will do well against the actual dragons since they are part flying and receive 4x the damage. However, his Water type will be almost entirely unaffected by ice attacks, as will his fire type. You'll probably want something that knows an Electric attack, and a strong Water-type move as well.

Items Obtained
Rare Candy
Max Potion
TM40 Defense Curl
Escape Rope
Dragon Scale
Max Repel
Max Revive
Max Revive
Master Ball
Rare Candy
Moon Stone
TM37 Sandstorm
TM22 Solarbeam
Ice Berry
Max Elixer
Max Revive
Full Heal
X Special
And with that accomplished you have conquered the toughest opponents in the entire region! Congratulations to you! *fanfare and confetti*

Mt. Mortar (Inner Chamber)
Raticate || Normal
Machop || Fighting
Machoke || Fighting
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Graveler || Rock / Ground
When you enter, start by surfing west and up.

On this next floor, head east along the raised path and when the road splits stick to the right.

Blackbelt Kiyo || ¥816
Hitmonlee Lv.34 || Fighting || 1012 exp
Hitmonchan Lv.34 || Fighting || 1020 exp
When you win he will give you a Tyrogue - a Fighting type Pokemon that evolves into one of three different Fighting types based on its stats at level 20. Use the Escape Rope you picked up earlier if you wish, and then fly to Newbark Town.

Route 26
Raticate || Normal
Sandslash || Ground
Ponyta || Fire
Cooltrainer Megan || ¥1536
Bulbasaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 438 exp
Ivysaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 966 exp
Venusaur Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 1425
Go into the house and talk to the woman here and if your Pokemon has a good relationship with you, she will give you TM37 Sandstorm. Keep heading east.
Cooltrainer Blake || ¥1488
Magneton Lv.33 || Electric / Steel || 1138
Quagsire Lv.31 || Water / Ground || 909 exp
Exeggcute Lv.31 || Grass / Psychic || 651 exp
Cooltrainer Brian || ¥1680
Sandslash Lv.35 || Ground || 1222 exp
Psychic Gilbert || ¥1088
Starmie Lv.30 || Water / Psychic || 1330 exp
Exeggcute Lv.30 || Grass / Psychic || 630 exp
Girafarig Lv.34 || Normal / Psychic || 1084 exp

Bird Keeper Jose || ¥840
Farfetch'd Lv.35 || Normal / Flying || 705 exp
Sail back on over to the bridge and continue your journey.
Cooltrainer Reena || ¥1488
Starmie Lv.31 || Water / Psychic || 1374 exp
Nidoqueen Lv.33 || Poison / Ground || 1371 exp
Starmie Lv.31 || Water / Psychic || 1374 exp
Fisher Scott || ¥1360
Qwilfish Lv.30 || Water / Poison || 642 exp
Qwilfish Lv.30 || Water / Poison || 642 exp
Seaking Lv.34 || Water || 1237 exp
Psychic Richard || ¥1152
Espeon Lv.36 || Psychic || 1519 exp
After this trainer there will be a stretch of grass over to the left. If you follow it down you will find a house which is empty except for a book. Reading it will tell you the locations of all the Weekday Siblings. Back on the main path will be another house, where a woman will heal your Pokemon. You can also get an Ice Berry from the tree outside.
Cooltraienr Joyce || ¥1536
Pikachu Lv.36 || Electric || 631 exp
Blastoise Lv.32 || Water || 1440 exp
Cooltrainer Gaven || ¥1536
Victreebel Lv.32 || Grass / Poison || 1309 exp
Kingler Lv.32 || Water || 1411 exp
Flareon Lv.32 || Fire || 1357 exp
Ignore the water, there's nothing over there so just continue up the path.
Cooltrainer Jake || ¥1680
Parasect Lv.33 || Grass / Bug || 904 exp
Golduck Lv.35 || Water || 1305
Cooltrainer Beth || ¥1728
Rapidash Lv.36 || Fire || 1480 exp

Victory Road
Golbat || Poison / Flying
Graveler || Rock / Ground
Onix || Rock / Ground
Rhyhorn || Ground / Rock
Ursaring || Normal (Gold version only)
Donphan || Ground (Silver version only)

Continue on the path and take the ladder here. On the next floor follow the raised platform left, then go down the steps and come back right. Jump over the ledge and go down the ladder.

Rival || ¥2280
Sneasel Lv.34 || Dark / Ice || 961 exp
Golbat Lv.36 || Poison / Flying || 1318 exp
Magneton Lv.35 || Electric / Steel || 1207 exp
Haunter Lv.35 || Ghost / Poison || 945 exp
Kadabra Lv.35 || Psychic || 1087 exp
Meganium Lv.38 || Grass || 1693 exp
After this go north. Heal over to the left and then save. Buy any items you want from the guy on the right, and then head up north to begin your Elite Four Challenge!
Indigo Plateau Challenge
Round One: Will
All of Will's Pokemon are at least part Psychic type. A Dark type is useful here, though the only one you've had a chance to get up until now is Umbreon. A non-ghost Pokemon that knows Shadow Ball will be helpful (all the Ghosts you can have at present will be part Poison type and get destroyed). Electric is also a good choice since two of his Pokemon are part flying and one is part Water. Don't try pitting a Psychic of your own against them because a few of them know Shadow Ball.
Elite Four Will || ¥4200
Xatu Lv.40 || Psychic / Flying || 1465 exp
Jynx Lv.41 || Ice / Psychic || 1203 exp
Exeggutor Lv.41 || Grass / Psychic || 1861 exp
Slowbro Lv.41 || Water / Psychic || 1440 exp
Xatu Lv.42 || Psychic / Flying || 1539
Round Two: Koga
The old gym leader is back! He still has a host of Poison type Pokemon, with a few bugs thrown in for good measure. He doesn't do much as far as outright attacks go, but he likes to inflict status conditions and toss out Spikes to harm your Pokemon as they switch out. Fire and Psychic types both work well here, but you can also try a Psychic type against most of his team. If you have an Alakazam or something similar that knows Fire Punch it could probably do a clean sweep here.
Elite Four Koga || ¥4400
Ariados Lv.40 || Bug / Poison || 1147 exp
Venomoth Lv.41 || Bug / Poison || 1212 exp
Forretress Lv.43 || Bug / Steel || 1086 exp
Muk Lv.42 || Poison || 1413 exp
Crobat Lv.44 || Poison / Flying || 1923 exp
Round Three: Bruno
Yep, this guy's still here. He mostly uses Fighting types, so a Psychic or Flying Pokemon will do well here. He also has two Rock/Ground types, so having something that knows Surf or Razor Leaf or something similar will come in very handy as well. There's not much else to say - he's not a very tricky opponent. Just a heavy hitter, as you would expect.
Elite Four Bruno || ¥4600
Hitmontop Lv.42 || Fighting || 1242 exp
Hitmonlee Lv.42 || Fighting || 1251 exp
Hitmonchan Lv.42 || Fighting || 1260 exp
Onix Lv.43 || Rock / Ground || 994 exp
Machamp Lv.46 || Fighting || 1902 exp
Round Four: Karen
The final member of the Elite Four centers her team around the Dark type - though since there aren't many to choose from, she's thrown a couple others in there as well. You'll need a wide range of types to make it through this fight - Fire or Flying for her Grass type, Water or Ground for her Dark/Fire type, Ice or Electric for her Dark/Flying type. She also has a Gengar - both it and her Grass type will be weak to Psychic attacks. Note however that her Dark types are not only strong against Psychic types, but completely immune to their attacks.
Elite Four Karen || ¥4700
Umbreon Lv.42 || Dark || 1773 exp
Vileplume Lv.42 || Grass / Poison || 1656 exp
Gengar Lv.45 || Ghost / Poison || 1831 exp
Murkrow Lv.44 || Dark / Flying || 1008 exp
Houndoom Lv.47 || Dark / Fire || 2053 exp
Round Five: Lance
Lance is a Dragon master, as has been mentioned before. However as I said back at Clair's gym. that type is in short supply. Ice will do well against the actual dragons since they are part flying and receive 4x the damage. However, his Water type will be almost entirely unaffected by ice attacks, as will his fire type. You'll probably want something that knows an Electric attack, and a strong Water-type move as well.
Champion Lance || ¥10000
Gyarados Lv.44 || Water / Flying || 2017 exp
Dragonite Lv.47 || Dragon / Flying || 2194 exp
Dragonite Lv.47 || Dragon / Flying || 2194 exp
Aerodactyl Lv.46 || Rock / Flying || 1990 exp
Charizard Lv.46 || Fire / Flying || 2059 exp
My Champions
Tilly, Lv.42
West, Lv.41
Riese, Lv.42
Harriet, Lv.41
Suzanne, Lv.42
Gobber, Lv.30
Seen: 197
Own: 102
Items Obtained
Rare Candy
Max Potion
TM40 Defense Curl
Escape Rope
Dragon Scale
Max Repel
Max Revive
Max Revive
Master Ball
Rare Candy
Moon Stone
TM37 Sandstorm
TM22 Solarbeam
Ice Berry
Max Elixer
Max Revive
Full Heal
X Special
And with that accomplished you have conquered the toughest opponents in the entire region! Congratulations to you! *fanfare and confetti*
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