Pokemon Gold Version (Part III)

Head for Ilex Forest west of town, but before you're able to enter you'll have to fight off your Rival.

Spr GS Silver 1.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rival || ¥960
Gastly Lv.12 || Ghost / Poison || 243 exp
Zubat Lv.14 || Poison / Flying || 162 exp
Bayleef Lv.16 || Grass || 483 exp
Quilava Lv.16 || Fire || 483 exp
Croconaw Lv.16 || Water || 483 exp

Heal if you need to, then proceed into the forest.

Ilex Forest
Caterpie || Bug (Day, Gold version only)
Metapod || Bug (Day, Gold version only)
Weedle || Bug / Poison (Day, Silver version only)
Kakuna || Bug / Poison ( Day, Silver version only)
Zubat || Poison / Flying (Night)
Oddish || Grass / Poison (Night)
Paras || Grass / Bug

Talk to the guy in the green shirt that you come across.

Psht, whatever. This place is full of Oddish and Caterpie. Any excuse not to do anything yourself, I guess. Head east and talk to the bird, and it will run away. Keep talking to it and it will keep running away, making its way around a closed-off side section of the forest.

As you run around you'll see this item ball, which contains a Revive. Very nice. Once you've chased Farfetch'd west of where this item is, talk to it from above or else it will just run upward and you'll have to chase it around the whole area again. Follow it south and shoo it a couple more times back toward its trainer.

Once you're there, talk to the newly appeared guy in the karate outfit and you'll receive HM01 Cut.

Exit the forest and return to the mens' house (with a sign out front) and talk to the guy who lost the Farfetch'd to get a Charcoal. A Pokemon can hold this to power up its fire-type moves. Now, head back to the forest and cut down that tree that was in your way.

Get this hidden item on your way by.

Then this one right after. Go east and south around some trees, coming back west to reach a boy with green hair. Talk to him to receive TM02 Headbutt. A few Pokemon can only be found by using this on the small triangular trees around the region;

Normal-type Aipom can be found in trees in mountainous areas; Route 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and a couple others.
Bug-type Pineco, who later turns into Bug/Steel type Forretress, can be found in Forest areas such as Azalea Town and Ilex forest, plus the National Park that we will be arriving at in a little while. Catching one is somewhat difficult, they are prone to Selfdestruct.
Bug/Fighting type Heracross is found in mountain areas, albeit it's a rare find. If you have the patience it can certainly pay off however - in this generation it's the only one to learn the powerful Bug move Megahorn.

I went and caught myself this lovely lass. I've never used a Heracross before, so we'll see how this works out.

Further up the path is yet another hidden item, then a short walk west is the exit. Talk to the woman behind the counter in the guardhouse to get TM12 Sweet Scent. On the other side you'll have a few trainers to fight through.

Route 34
Rattata || Normal
Abra || Psychic
Drowzee || Psychic
Ditto || Normal

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Youngster Samuel || ¥128
Rattata Lv.7 || Normal || 85 exp
Sandshrew Lv.10 || Ground || 198 exp
Spearow Lv.8 || Normal / Flying || 99 exp
Spearow Lv.8 || Normal / Flying || 99 exp

Spr GS Pokéfan M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokefan Brandon || ¥1040
Snubbull Lv.13 || Normal || 175 exp

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Gina || ¥240
Hoppip Lv.9 || Grass / Flying || 142 exp
Hoppip Lv.9 || Grass / Flying || 142 exp
Bulbasaur Lv.12 || Grass / Poison || 163 exp

Spr GS Youngster.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Youngster Ian || ¥192
Mankey Lv.10 || Fighting || 157 exp
Diglett Lv.12 || Ground || 207 exp 

Spr GS Officer.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Officer Keith || ¥680
Growlithe Lv.17 || Fire || 331 exp
*Will only challenge you at night

The building by this guard is the Pokemon Daycare. Pokemon placed in here will gain 1 exp point for every step you take walking around (using the Bicycle counts). However, they will not evolve and moves will be learned automatically meaning you don't control what they keep or lose. In this generation you can place two Pokemon, which gives access to a new feature; breeding. When two compatible Pokemon are deposited together, after some time they will produce an egg. I won't go through all the details, but here are some notes;
  • Any Pokemon who can breed at all (ie not legendary, not a pre-evolution, and not genderless) can also breed with Ditto.
  • Unless Ditto is used in place of a female, the new Pokemon hatched will be the mother's most basic evolutionary form.
  • New moves can be taught by the father (ie breeding a female Rhydon with a male Tyranitar can get you a Rhyhorn that knows Crunch) but only if the father actually knows the move and the move must be part of the child's "egg move" set. 
  • Pokemon with pre-evolutions are; Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Electabuzz, Magmar, and Jynx

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Todd || ¥280
Psyduck Lv.14 || Water || 240 exp

We are now in Goldenrod City! As always, we've got stuff to take care of here. To start with, go up to the sign in the screen shot above, and take the path leading east just above it, then go all the way down to the bottom and enter the building there. Talk to the guy and answer "yes" to get the Bicycle. Go to your pack, choose the Bicycle and then set it to the "select" but (by choosing "sel" from the menu) and you now have easy access to faster transportation! Yay! 

The house above the bicycle shop has a woman in a blue dress who will tell you whether or not the Pokemon in the first slot of your party is affectionate toward you (helpful for gauging the progress of Pokemon that evolve with high friendship). 

West of this little alleyway is the radio tower (and the train station which we can't use right now). Talk to the woman at the end of the counter and answer yes to start the quiz.

Question One: Yes
Question Two: Yes
Question Three: No
Question Four: Yes
Question Five: No

For answering all of them correctly, you get the Radio Card

South of the bike shop is the huge department store which has Great Balls if you can afford some. On the 5th floor is a man wanting a Drowzee and offering to trade you a Machop, which could be rather useful for the upcoming gym battle. You can also buy the TMs for Headbutt, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch here. On Sunday a woman will be here who will give you TM21 Frustration if your Pokemon strongly dislikes you, or TM27 Return if its affection is high.

Just above the Pokemon Center is the Game Corner.  We don't have the Coin Case yet, we'll be getting it shortly. For more details on the Game Corner see the "Goldenrod Extras" section.

Bill's a funny name for a little girl. The number she gives you actually belongs to her brother, who happens to have invented the PC Storage system. Registering his number will allow him to call you whenever your Pokemon box is full, so you know when to go to a Center and switch boxes (if your currently selected box is full you won't be able to catch any more Pokemon until you switch it). 

The building below that leads to an underground tunnel with a few more trainers.

Spr GS Super Nerd.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Super Nerd Eric || ¥352
Grimer Lv.11 || Poison || 211 exp
Grimer Lv.11 || Poison || 211 exp

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Isaac || ¥720
Lickitung Lv.12 || Normal || 325 exp 

Along the way pick up the Coin Case, which will allow you to use the game corner later on. Further up, there are a few different people who are potentially waiting to take your money. There are two brothers who each give your Pokemon "haircuts", which raises their affection (but one brother slightly more than the other). The more effective of the two operates on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with the other taking every other day but Monday. 

A herb shop will be open Saturday and Sunday, selling healing items that (I believe) Pokemon can use while holding, but which will lower their affection upon use. Monday mornings will have a "bargain shop" which sells decorations for your room. 

Grab another hidden item from in between the two counters here.
Spr GS Super Nerd.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Super Nerd Teru || ¥288
Magnemite Lv.7 || Electric / Steel || 133 exp
Voltorb Lv.11 || Electric || 241 exp 
Magnemite Lv.7 || Electric / Steel || 133 exp
Magnemite Lv.9 || Electric / Steel || 171 exp 

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Donald || ¥600
Slowpoke Lv.10 || Water / Psychic || 211 exp
Slowpoke Lv.10 || Water / Psychic || 211 exp  

After this you can take the stairs up and exit. The building to the right of the tunnel's north entrance is the Name Rater, which you can use to change the nickname of any Pokemon you didn't get in a trade. Across the street is the gym, but I won't be going here quite yet.

Head north through the guardhouse - the guard here has something for us but again, I'll take care of it later - to a sort of park area with a bunch more trainers.

Route 35
Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Nidoran♀ || Poison
Nidoran♂ || Poison
Abra || Psychic
Drowzee || Psychic
Hoothoot || Normal / Flying

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Kim || ¥300
Vulpix Lv.15 || Fire || 202 exp

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Elliot || ¥300
Sandshrew Lv.13 || Ground || 258 exp
Marill Lv.15 || Water || 186 exp

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Brooke || ¥320
Pikachu Lv.16 || Electric || 280 exp

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Ivan || ¥280
Diglett Lv.10 || Ground || 172 exp
Zubat Lv.10 || Poison / Flying || 115 exp
Diglett Lv.14 || Ground || 243 exp  

Spr GS Firebreather.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Firebreather Walt || ¥624
Magmar Lv.11 || Fire || 393 exp
Magmar Lv.13 || Fire || 465 exp 

Spr GS Juggler.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Juggler Irwin || ¥560
Voltorb Lv.2 || Electric || 43 exp
Voltorb Lv.6 || Electric || 132 exp 
Voltorb Lv.10 || Electric || 220 exp
Voltorb Lv.14 || Electric || 309 exp 

Spr GS Officer.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Officer Dirk || ¥560
Growlithe Lv.14 || Fire ||  273 exp
Growlithe Lv.14 || Fire ||  273 exp
*Will only challenge you at night

Spr GS Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bug Catcher Arnie || ¥240
Venonat Lv.15 || Bug / Poison || 240 exp 
*Note: Register Arnie's number to be notified of a Pokemon swam

Spr GS Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bird Keeper Bryan || ¥336
Pidgey Lv.12 || Normal / Flying || 141 exp
Pidgeotto Lv.14 || Normal / Flying || 339 exp 

Pick up the item ball to get TM04 Rollout, which is a decent move if you've got something that can learn it. You just have to be careful because once your Pokemon uses it, they will continue using it for 5 consecutive turns, unless it misses at some point. Even though we can just go straight up and cut the shrub that's in our way, I'm going to go back to the main path and go through the guardhouse.

National Park
Caterpie || Bug (Day, Gold version only)
Metapod || Bug (Day, Gold version only)
Weedle || Bug / Poison (Day, Silver version only)
Kakuna || Bug / Poison (Day, Silver version only)
Hoothoot || Normal / Flying (Night)
Sunkern || Grass (Day)

On certain days of the week, there will be a Bug Catching Contest held in the park. For more info on this, see the "Goldenrod Extras" section.

Talk to this teacher sitting on the bench to get an item that will sometimes give your Pokemon the first move during a turn regardless of its speed. 

Spr GS Pokéfan F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokefan Beverly || ¥1120
Snubbull Lv.14 || Normal || 189 exp

Spr GS Schoolboy.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Schoolboy Jack || ¥480
Oddish Lv.12 || Grass / Poison || 199 exp
Voltorb Lv.15 || Electric || 330 exp 

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Krise || ¥360
Oddish Lv.12 || Grass / Poison || 199 exp
Cubone Lv.15 || Ground || 279 exp

Spr GS Pokéfan M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokefan William || ¥1120
Raichu Lv.14 || Electric || 366 exp

To the right of a boy with a gameboy, there is a hole in the fence that you can use to get over to this Paralyze Heal.

Over on the other side and down a little path you'll find TM28 Dig as well. This move does a decent amount of damage and can be taught to Onix, Sentret, Quilava and various others.

To the right of the TM is a hidden Full Heal. When you're done collecting these items, go back and exit the park through the east gate.

Out here, you can get an Ice Berry from the tree.

Route 36
Pidgey || Normal / Flying (Day)
Nidoran♀ || Poison
Nidoran♂ || Poison
Vulpix || Fire (Silver version only)
Growlithe || Fire (Gold version only)
Hoothoot || Normal / Flying (Night)
Stantler || Normal

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Mark || ¥480
Abra Lv.13 || Psychic || 202 exp
Abra Lv.13 || Psychic || 202 exp
Kadabra Lv.15 || Psychic || 465 exp

Spr GS Schoolboy.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Schoolboy Alan || ¥512
Tangela Lv.16 || Grass || 568 exp

Alright, and that's that! Let's head all the way back to Goldenrod now and take on that gym.

Goldenrod City Gym Challenge
The trainers here all use Normal type Pokemon, which luckily don't have an advantage over any other types. They can still be tricky to deal with however, and the Gym leader is quite the almighty nuisance. Fighting types will handle things pretty well, and the Machop on offer in the department store is a good choice since it actually knows some Fighting-type moves. Rock types will resist Normal attacks, but their own moves won't have any advantage. The gym leader's Pokemon use Attract, so an evolved Nidoran♀ that knows Double Kick can also be useful here if it's a decent level.

Since this gym is less linear than the ones before, I'll be working my way up the left side, across the top, then down the right side and through to the middle and up. 

Spr GS Beauty.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png

Beauty Victoria || ¥1496
Sentret Lv.9 || Normal || 109 exp
Sentret Lv.13 || Normal || 157 exp
Sentret Lv.17 || Normal || 207 exp

Spr GS Beauty.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Beauty Samantha || ¥1408
Meowth Lv.16 || Normal || 235 exp
Meowth Lv.16 || Normal || 235 exp

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Carrie || ¥432
Snubbull Lv.18 || Normal || 243 exp

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Bridget || ¥360
Jigglypuff Lv.15 || Normal || 243 exp
Jigglypuff Lv.15 || Normal || 243 exp
Jigglypuff Lv.15 || Normal || 243 exp

Spr GS Whitney.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Whitney || ¥2000
Clefairy Lv.18 || Normal ||  261 exp
Miltank Lv.20 || Normal || 856 exp

Plain Badge.png
Victory will reward you with the Plain Badge (first move down and listen to what the Lass says then go back and talk to Whitney), which allows your Pokemon to use Strength outside of battle.Your party's speed will also increase slightly, and Whitney will give you TM45 Attract.

My Team So Far
Tilly, Lv.20
West, Lv.20
Riese, Lv.18
Harriet, Lv.19
Phillip, Lv.2

Seen: 70
Own: 32

Items Obtained
HM01 Cut
Full Heal
Super Potion
TM02 Headbutt
TM12 Sweet Scent
Radio Card
Coin Case
TM04 Rollout
Quick Claw
Paralyze Heal
TM28 Dig
Full Heal
TM45 Attract

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