Pokemon Gold Version - Kanto (Part II)

After getting the Thunder Badge, head north out of the city.

Route 6
Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Abra || Psychic 
Bellsprout || Grass / Poison
Magnemite || Electric / Steel

There's not even any trainers here. Very disappointing :( Anyway, continue into Saffron City.

When you enter, head to the right and enter the house you come across. The man inside will give you TM29 Psychic. Go up to the next row of buildings, and enter the huge building you see here. Talk to the guard by the stairs to get the Up-Grade.

On the top row of buildings you'll find two gyms side by side - enter the one on the left first to find there's nothing but a Focus Band (and a guy who won't battle you). Exit and go into the other gym now.

Saffron City Gym Challenge
As I mentioned with Will back at the elite four, Psychic types are weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost types. The problem is you still haven't really had much chance to catch any Dark or Ghost types besides Umbreon or the Gastly family. Bug types aren't in any short supply really, but damaging moves of that type are. Beedrill learns Twineedle but is weak to Psychic attacks. Heracross learns Megahorn, the most powerful Bug-type move in this generation, but again is weak to Psychic attacks. If you have something strong that you can teach Shadow Ball or Fury Cutter to, that may be your best bet.

There are nine rooms in the gym, divided into three rows of three and connected by warp panels. I'll be numbering them left to right, top to bottom.

Room 8 (Entrance)
Your only option here is the warp to Room 9.

Room 9
3 - 6
7 - 8

Spr GS Medium.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Medium Rebecca || ¥1400
Drowzee Lv.35 || Psychic || 765 exp
Hypno Lv.35 || Psychic || 1237 exp

Room 7
3 - 9
2 - 4

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Franklin || ¥1184
Kadabra Lv.37 || Psychic || 1149 exp

Room 3
6 - 9
1 - 7

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Jared || ¥1120
Mr. Mime Lv.32 || Psychic || 931 exp
Exeggcute Lv.32 || Grass / Psychic || 672
Exeggcute Lv.35 || Grass / Psychic || 735 exp

Room 1
3 - 2
5 - 4

Spr GS Medium.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Medium Doris || ¥1440
Slowpoke Lv.34 || Water / Psychic || 720
Slowbro Lv.36 || Water / Psychic || 1264 exp

Room 5

Spr GS Sabrina.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Sabrina || ¥4800
Espeon Lv.46 || Psychic || 1941 exp
Mr. Mime Lv.46 || Psychic || 1339 exp
Alakazam Lv.48 || Psychic || 1912

Marsh Badge.png
As far as I know this badge doesn't actually have any effect. But hey, badges are nice right? I'm going to keep going with this section, go head north through the guard house to Route 5.

Route 5
Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Abra || Psychic
Bellsprout || Grass / Poison

Jump over the ledges to reach the house and talk to the old woman inside. She'll give you the Cleanse Tag, then you're free to exit and continue north to Cerulean City.

If you go to the gym right away it will be empty, so exit the city to the east.

Route 9

Spr GS Picnicker.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Edna || ¥680
Nidorina Lv.30 || Poison || 751 exp
Raichu Lv.34 || Electric || 888 exp

If you want, go up here to find another trainer.

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Sid || ¥580
Dugtrio Lv.32 || Ground || 1048 exp
Primeape Lv.29 || Fighting || 925 exp
Poliwrath Lv.29 || Water / Fighting || 1149 exp

Continuing down on the lower path now.

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Dean || ¥620
Golduck Lv.33 || Water || 615 exp
Sandslash Lv.31 || Ground || 1081 exp

If you go south it's a dead end but there is another trainer.

 Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Sidney || ¥1024
Dugtrio Lv.34 || Ground || 1114 exp
Onix Lv.32 || Rock / Ground || 739 exp

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Tim || ¥992
Graveler Lv.31 || Rock / Ground || 889 exp
Graveler Lv.31 || Rock / Ground || 889 exp
Graveler Lv.31 || Rock / Ground || 889 exp

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Heidi || ¥640
Skiploom Lv.32 || Grass / Flying || 931 exp
Skiploom Lv.32 || Grass / Flying || 931 exp

Go east from here to find a patch of grass. Down south is a Pokemon Center if you need it, as well as the entrance to Rock Tunnel. But I won't be dealing with that just yet. For now go up to the water and surf down to the building at the bottom of the route.

Power Plant (Outside)
Raticate || Normal
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Fearow || Normal / Flying
Voltorb || Electric
Electabuzz || Electric

Go talk to the man in the room on the right that's full of machines. After speaking to him go to exit and the guard by the door will tell you that a shady character is lurking around Cerulean. Fly back there and enter the gym.

Thought you were done with these guys? Noooope! He'll take off, so chase him to the north.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥1200
Golbat Lv.31 || Poison / Flying || 1098 exp

He tells you what he did with the stolen machine part then disappears, so let's go find it.

There it is. We'll go give that back... a bit later. For now go back north out of the city, past the bridge where you fought Rocket Man.

Route 24
Abra || Psychic
Bellsprout || Grass / Poison
Weepinbell || Weepinbell
Sunkern || Grass

Surf down to get this hidden item, which is a hold item that will boost your Pokemon's attack but cause confusion. Go back up to the north end of the route.

Oh goody, that's super useful at this point. It's a nice little reference to the first games though. Speaking of which, you'll find another one over to the right.

Spr GS Schoolboy.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Schoolboy Dudley || ¥1120
Oddish Lv.35 || Grass / Poison || 585 exp

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Ellen || ¥816
Wigglytuff Lv.30 || Normal || 700 exp
Granbull Lv.34 || Normal || 1287 exp

Spr GS Schoolboy.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Schoolboy Joe || ¥1056
Tangela Lv.33 || Grass || 1173 exp
Vaporeon Lv.33 || Water || 1386

Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Laura || ¥1244
Gloom Lv.28 || Grass / Poison || 792 exp
Pidgeotto Lv.31 || Normal / Flying ||  750 exp
Bellossom Lv.31 || Grass || 1221 exp

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Lloyd || ¥680
Nidoking Lv.34 || Poison / Ground || 1420 exp

 Spr GS Lass.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Lass Shannon || ¥768
Paras Lv.29 || Grass / Bug || 435 exp
Paras Lv.29 || Grass / Bug || 435 exp
Parasect Lv.32 || Grass / Bug || 877 exp

Spr GS Super Nerd.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Super Nerd Pat || ¥1152
Porygon Lv.36 || Normal || 1002 exp

Cut the tree down here and get the Protein. Talk to the guy to the right to be rewarded with a Nugget. And of course he wants to battle you too.

Spr GS Cooltrainer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Cooltrainer Kevin || ¥1680
Rhyhorn Lv.38 ||  Ground / Rock || 1098 exp
Charmeleon Lv.35 || Fire || 1065 exp
Wartortle Lv.35 || Water || 1072 exp

 That's not very nice, you know. After you've talked to Misty, you can now return to the gym.

Cerulean City Gym Challenge
This gym specializes in Water type Pokemon, as you probably guessed by the giant pool. By now you probably don't need much instruction - Electric and Grass types work well here. Don't use Fire, Rock, or Ground.  Or you can just pound away at them with neutral types. Let's get to it, shall we?

Spr GS Swimmer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Swimmer♀ Briana || ¥1200
Seaking Lv.35 || Water || 1275 exp
Seaking Lv.35 || Water || 1275 exp

Spr GS Swimmer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Swimmer♂ Parker || ¥280
Horsea Lv.32 || Water || 568 exp
Horsea Lv.32 || Water || 568 exp
Seadra Lv.35 || Water || 1162 exp

Spr GS Swimmer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Swimmer♀ Diana || ¥1240
Golduck Lv.37 || Water || 1378 exp

Spr GS Misty.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Misty || ¥4700
Golduck Lv.42 || Water || 1566 exp
Quagsire Lv.42 || Water / Ground || 1233 exp
Lapras Lv.44 || Water / Ice || 2064 exp
Starmie Lv.47 || Water / Psychic || 2083 exp

Cascade Badge.png
Once again, this badge doesn't really do anything. And that's it for this section! We'll explore more of Kanto next time.

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