Intoxicating Preamble

Well it has been a while since my last post, I have been spending the last few weekends watching the rivers and enjoying the extra flora and fauna, made even nicer by the fact that the sun has finally graced us with its presence and I have to say the rivers look rather nice.

A tasty morsel

The fish were certainly gorging themselves on Mayfly, chub, perch and trout all getting their fill, natures food bank creating a ready supply of tasty treats.

Damselfly's were to be seen everywhere, taking flight as I past them by, their colours like a metallic confetti, whilst they fluttered about in that haphazard style that only they have, before evenutally settling back down again.

Meanwhile aerial battles were also taking place, Jackdaw vs Red kite, which ended in a rather one sided affair, as usual the fearless tenacity and brash personality of the Jackdaw winning the day, Kite turning tail to hit the thermals, before gaining an altitude advantage and the solace that comes with it.

There is something about the close season hiatus and the way it creates an ever stronger bond between angler and river, I must admit that I am very much looking forward to once again being intoxicated by the flora and fauna that abounds such places and perhaps a fish or two also.

Tight lines and the best of luck for this coming season to all you river anglers out there.

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