Megaman Zero (Part 1)

Good time of day, reader. I feel like playing a short gameand I like Mega Man Zero, so I'm going to do a Mega Man Zero walkthrough. It's kind of a quick game (once you know what you're doing) and not extremely complicated, but when I first played it I found it pretty hard. Some of the cyber elves are also in tricky spots which can cause a lot of frustration if you're going for 100%. Especially that frigging one in Neo Arcadia which always takes me a million years to get to. I'll point it out when we get there.

Overview of some stuff, feel free to skip this.

Cyber Elves
- come in three main types; nurse, animal, and hacker.

- elves that appear in larger boxes on the menu screen require that you feed them Energy Crystals in order to use their effects. These are the blue items found in stages or dropped by enemies. Any elf that you have to feed (with the exception of the medium-tier Hacker types) grants a permanent effect.

- all elves die after a single use.

Nurse elves are the easiest to explain and also have the most obvious effect - they deal with health.

The large animal elves grant you enhanced abilities, while the smaller ones help you fight enemies.

The hackers change various parameters - making enemies drop more items, stunning them, giving you a boost in timed missions, etc.

There is also a single "special" cyber elf named Jackson. In order to get it you must obtain and fully raise every cyber elf in the game and then beat the final boss without having used any of them. Do this on Normal or Hard mode, and then save the end-game file and continue from it on the load menu, and you will start a new game with all your fully raised cyber elves plus Jackson. Complete the game having used every single Cyber Elf (Jackson included) and you will unlock "Ultimate Mode".


- throughout the game you will acquire three elemental chips - lightning, fire, and ice. Obviously fire is strong against ice, so by process of elimination, ice is strong against lightning, and lightning against fire.

- note that you CAN miss out on the elemental chips by "giving up" on their respective missions.

Weapon Levels

- each weapon you'll get has a certain number of levels it can gain; the Z-saber has the most with six, then the triple rod with four, the buster with three, and the shield boomerang with two.

- weapon levels are gained by using that particular weapon to defeat enemies over and over. For the most part you just have to use the standard attack, but the Z-saber has two special abilities; one which is learned by using a jumping slash, and the other by attacking while dashing.


- at the end of each mission you get graded. You get a certain number of points for the following areas; clear time, damage taken, enemies defeated, mission success, and cyber elves used (using them will effect your score NEGATIVELY, and using a larger elf will effect all your scores for the rest of the game)

- as far as I know having a high rank only effects two things (besides how much you get to brag); 1 - opening one locked door in the resistence base, and 2 - when you have an A or S rank, bosses will use special "EX Skills" against you. These are often harder to dodge than their regular attacks.

- failing or giving up on a certain amount of missions will result in the game transporting you instantly to the part where you fight Hunamachine (takes place before the three end-game missions). Which I found kind of funny when it happened to me.

Now, let's get on to the intro stage.

Rescue Ciel
Cyber Elves: 3/5

Heck yes! We are so awesome! In case you're wondering, it says 2/4 because only two of the four available elves MUST be gotten during the mission (ie they are dropped by enemies). Ones you find in crates can be gotten afterward if you teleport back to the area, and for these ones it is highly suggested that you do so, in order to avoid wasting time during the mission. As I go through the list of elves, I will mark which ones are dropped by enemies, but you will also just be able to tell from the screen cap.

If you are going for a 100% Cyber Elf completion, you MUST get an A or S rank on this mission to unlock a certain area. After this one it doesn't matter, though. Other than those few cyber elves, this level is pretty simple. Just keep going right and kill everything.

This elf is found in a crate to the left of where you first take control. The crate is a bit hard to see.

Stoccue (1/2)
You need to destroy 5 Kumotials (the web nests) in order to get this elf. Which, if you play the stage, you will notice there are only 4. You have to go off screen and come back to make one re-appear. Yep. In the very first level of the game. One thing you'll learn quick is that MMZ hates you.

Stocchu (2/2)
You need to destroy 5 Pantheon Guardians to get this elf. Note that only the ones with the electric daggers count, not the ones at the beginning with the arm canons.

Also I know it's not the best way to do these things, but I am just recording video of myself playing through the level and taking screen captures of that. Because the game is full of things that want to kill you, it's kind of hard to stop and take a screen cap mid-action.

Nuppie [750 EC]
You find her in a crate, up on a ledge that you have to wall climb/dash jump to. You can either jump to the ledge on the right and wall climb up, or jump and then veer back left and jump up the ledge directly above you. Either way it's a fairly simple jump.

Soon after this we arrive at the boss.

Boss: Golem
Weakness: None

Reward: None

Since this is the intro boss, this fight isn't extremely difficult. When the face-shield drops and it lowers its head

it will fire a laser downward. Wall-climb into the top corner and stay there till the laser vanishes. If the face-shield drops and it keeps its head level, drop to the floor and go stand right beside it because

it will shoot a laser up and blocks will fall from the ceiling. Then climb the blocks (five will fall in total) and go back to the top-left corner because it will charge at you, clearing all the blocks away in the process.

After 30 seconds or so you will be given the Z-Saber, which will take it out in one hit. Just be careful not to Ciel, or you will lose "mission success" points.

Post Stage

After speaking to Ciel (just the automatic text, don't talk to her again right away if you want to explore) you can do a few things around the base.

Beevoize (3/3)
This is the elf that you needed to get an A or S rank for, hence I am including it in the intro stage's one-chance elves. There is a door behind Ciel that will be locked unless you got one of those ranks, and through it will be a room containing a crate with this elf in it.

If you take the elevator all the way up you'll notice it leads out of the base. This will come in (somewhat) usefule later, but we can't do any real exploring until we clear a few levels. On the top floor of the base there is a ladder leading down to a room labelled "Energy" - you can find a large energy crystal in here after every mission. I assume it would also reappear every time you load your save file.

Next, on the level below where Ciel is you will find the Trans server. This lets you teleport to any other area where you have activated a server, right now that means the Underground Laboratory. You can go back here to get the two crated elves if you didn't before, level up your weapons (highly recommended) or just farm for energy crystals.

On the bottom floor there is a pudgy tired man who will ask you for 250 energy crystals. Give him what he asks for and enter the room behind him to find the crate. Nothing fancy.

And with that, we have completed the first section of the game!

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