Megaman Zero: Mission 2A (Rescue Colbor)

If you are trying to collect all of the cyber elves, this is possibly the worst mission in the entire game for doing so. They are hidden in very tough spots, not so much to reach, but to find and get out of without dying. 

Rescue Colbor (1/4)
"One of our comrades named Colbor said he was very sorry
 that we couldn't help but rely on you. He seems to have found a
way into their base through the subway area, but we have lost
contact with the Colbor team... I just hope that he is alright...
If you don't mind, will you go and look for him?"

Birtross (1/1)
Get by defeating many Pantheon Flier enemies.

As you head right be careful of the falling platform sections (cracked around the edges).

Underneath the platform with the first Battleattle Bors (turtle) enemy, drop down off the left side to find this container. You can come back after clearing the mission, but note that any of the cracked platform sections that collapsed during the mission will not have returned. 

Inside the container.

Underneath the platform directly to the right of Sireff.

As you keep going on, you will arrive at a platform where you will see Pantheon Hunters riding up and down on carriers. Slide down the right side of this platform and hold left so that you are directly below the middle of the platform as you fall and you will end up on a ledge with an inactive carrier to your right. Jump onto it and then activate it with your saber or Triple Rod. Ride it all the way right to pass underneath the hunters safely without having to hop between a whole bunch of platforms. Go right from here to reach the boss.

Sage Harpuia
Weakness: Ice
Reward: Cyber Elf
Harpuia is one of the easiest bosses in the game if you manage to dodge his main attack. He'll start off by flying across the screen and trying to hit you with an electric blade projectile, simply jump up from where you start and hit him with a charged attack. Once he lands he will stand on the ground and swipe his swords at you three times, firing three energy blades at you. Jump over the first, let the second pass over you, and then jump over the third and hit him with a charged slash. He will usually keep doing this one move over and over again until you deplete his health completely.
If he does manage to pull off the complete triple attack, he will get back up in the air. If he tries to shoot another blade at you, either knock him down again or dash under and behind it. He will also swoop down at you and try to grab you, then carry you up in the air and drop you, so jump over him if you see him coming down. He will also fire sets of two electric nodes at you (they look like light bulbs) but these can be destroyed with any of your weapons.
For the wind guardian's EX Skill, he will trap you between two walls of lightning and summon a twister to try to knock you into them. The twister will move from side to side, so dash through the bottom of it back and forth to keep away from the electricity. Note that as long as Harpuia has an aura around him he cannot be harmed by your attacks. When the walls of lightning and the twister disappear he will usually fly across the screen and try to hit you with one of his diagonal blade projectiles.

Get this elf by defeating the boss.

Post Mission
Return to the subway area and enter the dark gray door right where the train was stopped in a previous mission. Go right from here and you will be able to reach an elf container now (it was blocked by a resistance member before).


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