Megaman Zero: Mission 1E (Find Hidden Base)

Find Hidden Base (1/3)
"We have received information that there is a hidden base of
 the enemy somewhere in the desert, and that they are
 holding Reploids in it... We have been trying to locate it, but...
 If there is a hidden base, and Reploids are being held there,
we must save them as soon as possible... Will you find where the
hidden base is? They must be somewhere in the desert...!"

Simply go left until you see the Ryusa Mixer and destroy it to drop down a pit.

Nabitan [1200 EC]
As you're falling into the base, slide down the left wall to drop down into an alcove where this elf rests.

Be careful as you slide down the walls (past the electric trap Ciel disarms) because there are spikes everywhere. When you make it to the bottom, continue left shooting down the icicles and then jumping on top of them to avoid the Top Gabyoalls. 

Shelter [500/1000 EC] (1/1)
Find this elf by defeating the Battleattle Bros. enemies in the first section of the base. 

As you continue on, you can walk across the ice floor a long (long) way left to find some energy crystals, health, and a 1up. Back by the turtle enemies go up the ladder, watching out for the Colppers here. Once you're through the large door, climb the ladder.

The first prisoner us over on the right end down a ladder, slash the door to break it open (1/7) and then there's another back up and over to the left (2/7). When you've freed them both, go up the ladder in the middle.

Over to the right you'll find a bunch of orange tubes. In behind is a wall you can climb up (on the right side) to get up to this small background area.

Inside the crate here.

As you move through this hallway you will see a bunch of Pantheon Guardians with red beams coming out of their eyes. Just keep your distance and take them out with the buster. If you hit the beam, a siren will go off and Pantheon Fists will appear and all the cells will lock until the siren goes off. As you go up and down ladders they will reappear, just wait for them to turn their backs.

Following the hall to the right, the first ladder going up leads to a cell with another prisoner (3/7). The next ladder just leads to a Pantheon Guardian. Both of the next two ladders lead to prisoners (5/7). The next ladder leads to a Pantheon Guardian and the two after that lead to the last prisoners (7/7). The last ladder is another guardian, and then at the end you'll find the boss shutter.

Blizzack Staggroff
Weakness: Fire
Reward: Ice Chip

This guy jumps around a lot, and often when he does he will throw a ball of ice at the ground that will leave a cluster of icicles that will damage and freeze you, but these can be destroyed with just a couple hits. He'll also blow a stream of air at you with a bunch of small snowflakes running through it which will cling to you and slow you down. You can avoid this by climbing the wall. If you stick in close he will fire arcing ice spikes at you, but this has a rather short range so just dash away. Your biggest challenge here is keeping an eye on him so you don't get jumped on.

His EX Skill "Crystal Ice Beam" is another wind attack, this time with damaging icicles mixed in instead of snowflakes. Note you can't actually destroy these with your weapon. I thought perhaps you could, but I was wrong.

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