How to fish for catfish

How to fish for catfish

Catfish fishing is an activity that comes from Central Europe. In Belgium, it is mostly in the Meuse while in France, the fishing is done in the Rhone. The catfish is a fish of great interest to fishermen because of its size.

It is for this reason that the cane used to capture must be solid. But how to fish catfish? There are different ways to do this, but we must first have the following equipment: the reels, the son, rods and hooks.

Season and location of catfish

The catfish is generally located in the slow currents of streams and rivers, but also and especially in the calm waters and deep. That is why they are often found in pits in open water, rocky spikes, swirls or riprap ... The main reason for this location is the water temperature of around 17 °.  temperature that catfish are particularly fond.

During the winter period, this kind of fish eats very little, because the water is cold. By cons, in the current April-May, it eats more, making it more visible and easier fishing. Females need to supply protein, especially before the period of reproduction. During the months of September and October, catfish go in low current areas to store fat.

The best time to fish for catfish is May to October, because during this time the water reaches a temperature of 20 ° C. Catfish rush so looking for food. But it should be noted that the fishing period may vary depending on the weather and region. During the time when the water is cold, these fish are hard to find, but as soon as the temperature rises, they all come to start looking for food.

It is thanks to their barbels and swim bladder that fishermen can locate catfish. In fact, they easily capture the sounds of their bladder, so you can easily attract them.

Catfish are primarily located in France in places such as rivers and streams of the Rhone, the Loire ... They are also found in large numbers in ponds and lakes. In Europe, we found mainly in the Po in Italy, Ebro in northern Spain, or Greece ...

Catfish: eating habits and favorite bait

The catfish is a fish with a big head with a big mouth, barbels and an elongated body, but has no scales. It is a carnivorous fish that eats everything it finds (!), Such as clams, crayfish, snails, mussels ... Sometimes they search for food on the surface of the water like frogs or waterfowl.

Note that this fish has a small throat although it huge mouth, which does not allow its to swallow large prey.

Tips and techniques for catching catfish

It is important to choose a place where the water temperature can rise quickly to good fishing. Indeed, it is a favorite spot for catfish. There are many.

To do this, you must use a boat and hit the water surface with klonk to attract them. Worms used for bait. It is also possible to fish with live bait that can catch the biggest. These are more attracted by bait alive than dead.

It is also possible to use a large diameter nylon fishing for bright, because it causes less vibration. It should guide the choice of float according to the current size and bright. It is even advisable to implement the floats pass. Do not forget to put a stop line and a bead above the hook to prevent the worm back on the line.

It is vitally important to be very discreet when arriving on shore, because this type of fish is very sensitive to vibrations. We must therefore avoid making too many noises such as slamming car door or shouting so as not to frighten them. If the goal is to bring more, it is best not to take the kids.

Moreover, not only must properly install stakes for water does not prevail, but the place cane about 45 ° relative to the direction of the river. If we position the rod 90 ° to the direction of the river, there is a good chance it will break. It is therefore essential to position his cane as a function of current strength and the degree of inclination to the river.

It is also important to have a flexible launched, but powerful. To make an excellent fishing catfish, it is necessary to have experience, but also to respect the different principles that allow to carry out this activity.

With the progress of society, the fishermen of Central Europe have implemented baits for catfish especially to attract are very attentive to the slightest sound.

The most famous and used fishing is "Butochkalo" or "Clonk" is a piece of wood with a wide end shaped bowl. To capture the attention of the fish, just hit the surface of the water with this tool three to six times every minute. Note that it is possible to determine if there are catfish around. For this, it suffices to identify the presence of a trail of bubbles. This is one of the benefits of fish for catfish during the day.

Put a live bait at the end of the hook is the perfect way to catch these fish. Thus, to carry out this fishing technique, it is necessary to have a boat and implement various tricks needed.

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