Pokemon Red Version (Part XI)

Welcome back to Bustin' Up Baddies, a heartwarming coming-of-age story. If you've been following along with my instructions, you already opened up the way to Saffron City before we took on Erika, and now we're finally going to go take care of things there.

I've been playing this game for years and I'm just now realizing that this place is named after the most expensive spice in the world. Well done, myself.

You'll notice that Team Rocket is swarming everywhere, which is likely why the road was closed all this time. They're blocking off many of the City's available buildings, but we can still access a few. The Pokemon Center and Pokemon Mart are available, and there is a house in the southeast (with a sign at the front) where a man will give you TM29 Psychic.

In the northeast end of town there are two gyms. Naturally, the one that actually gives us the badge is blocked off, but let's step inside the other and go a couple rounds. Note that we get a Pokemon at the end, but you won't be able to receive it unless there's an empty slot in your party.

Spr RG Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Blackbelt || ¥775
Machop Lv.31 || Fighting || 583 exp
Mankey Lv.31 || Fighting || 490 exp
Primeape Lv.31 || Fighting || 988 exp

Spr RG Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Blackbelt || ¥800
Machop Lv.32 || Fighting || 603 exp
Machoke Lv.32 || Fighting || 1000 exp

Spr RG Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Blackbelt || ¥900
Primeape Lv.36 || Fighting || 1149 exp

Spr RG Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Blackbelt || ¥775
Mankey Lv.31 || Fighting || 490 exp
Mankey Lv.31 || Fighting || 490 exp
Primeape Lv.31 || Fighting || 988 exp

Spr RG Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Blackbelt || ¥925
Hitmonlee Lv.37 || Fighting || 1101 exp
Hitmonchan Lv.37 || Fighting || 1110 exp

After the fight you get the choice of either Hitmonlee (left) or Hitmonchan (right).

Our first major destination is the Silph Co. building northeast of the Pokemon Center. I bet you can guess who we're going to find in here.

First Floor
It's empty, so go up the stairs.

Second Floor

Just below the stairs is our first opponent.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥750
Golbat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 915 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Raticate Lv.25 || Normal || 621 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp

Then there's another to the southeast and then one a bit left of there.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1400
Magnemite Lv.28 || Electric || 534 exp
Voltorb Lv.28 || Electric || 618 exp
Magneton Lv.28 || Electric || 966 exp

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥870
Cubone Lv.29 || Ground || 540 exp
Zubat Lv.29 || Poison / Flying || 334 exp

The teleporters only take you to places we'll reach as we explore the other floors, so head back to the stairs.

Third Floor

Take the teleporter right below the 3rd floor stairs to reach this room. Go back and head south for another battle.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Raticate Lv.28 || Normal || 696 exp
Hypno Lv.28 || Psychic || 990 exp
Raticate Lv.28 || Normal || 696 exp

Take the teleport on the southwest (the two on the right lead to each other) for a room with TM09 Take Down

Fourth Floor

The first guy here is directly south, and the other guy is off in the southwest.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Ekans Lv.28 || Poison || 372 exp
Zubat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 324 exp
Cubone Lv.28 || Ground || 522 exp

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥870
Machop Lv.29 || Fighting || 546 exp
Drowzee Lv.29 || Psychic || 633 exp

Take the teleporter near this guy to go to a room with a woman in it, with another warp tile that will lead you to a closed-off section of the 4th floor with a scientist trainer. 

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1650
Electrode Lv.33 || Electric || 1060 exp
Fifth Floor

First guy here is over to the right of the stairs, and the next down in the middle room. Note this teleporter but don't use it yet.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥990
Hypno Lv.33 || Psychic || 1165 exp

Spr RG Juggler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Juggler || ¥1015
Kadabra Lv.29 || Psychic || 900 exp
Mr. Mime Lv.29 || Psychic || 844 exp

Pick up this hidden item before fighting the next two villains.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1300
Magneton Lv.26 || Electric || 897 exp
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 exp
Weezing Lv.26 || Poison || 963 exp
Magnemite Lv.26 || Electric || 495 exp

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥990
Arbok Lv.33 || Poison || 1039 exp

Step on the teleporter beside this guy, then when you appear on the other side immediately go back. Instead of returning to the regular part of the room, step off to the south and follow a narrow passage to the right where you will find the Card Key. We can now open  all the doors in the building! But it to immediate use on the northwest room to get a Protein. Head back to the teleporter by the stairs I told you to note earlier.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥870
Sandshrew Lv.29 || Ground || 577 exp
Sandslash Lv.29 || Ground || 1012 exp

We're now in a section of the 7th floor. Fight the trainer (if you want) and get the TM03 Swords Dance to the north, but for now head back. Even though we have the Card Key now, we don't want to skip too far ahead.

Sixth Floor

Starting off with a guy right below you, then step on the teleporter to his right to face off against a scientist on the second floor.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥870
Machop Lv.29 || Fighting || 546 exp
Machoke Lv.29 || Fighting || 906 exp

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1300
Grimer Lv.26 || Poison || 501 exp
Weezing Lv.26 || Poison || 963 exp 
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 exp
Weezing Lv.26 || Poison || 963 exp
Head back and make your way left past the center room and down to a scientist.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1250
Voltorb Lv.25 || Electric || 550 exp
Koffing Lv.25 || Poison || 610 exp
Magneton Lv.25 || Electric || 862 exp
Magnemite Lv.25 || Electric || 475 exp
Koffing Lv.25 || Poison || 610 exp

Open the door to your left to gain access to an HP UP and an X Accuracy. Then find another Rocket to the east.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Zubat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 324 exp
Zubat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 324 exp
Golbat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 1026 exp

Head back to the stairs, talking to the npc's in the middle room on your way if you wish.

Seventh Floor

Engage the guy right below you, then another off to the left.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥870
Cubone Lv.29 || Ground || 540 exp
Cubone Lv.29 || Ground || 540 exp

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥780
Raticate Lv.26 || Normal || 645 exp
Arbok Lv.26 || Poison || 819 exp
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 exp
Golbat Lv.26 || Poison / Flying || 952 exp
Make your way to the bottom left corner to pick up a Calcium and fight this scientist.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1450
Electrode Lv.29 || Electric || 931 exp
Muk Lv.29 || Poison || 975 exp

Eighth Floor

Again when you enter there is someone right below you.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥780
Raticate Lv.26 || Normal || 645 exp
Zubat Lv.26 || Poison / Flying || 300 exp
Golbat Lv.26 || Poison / Flying || 952 exp
Rattata Lv.26 || Normal || 316 exp

Head south and a bit left for another, then when you're done with him get a scientist to the north.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Weezing Lv.28 || Poison || 1038 exp
Golbat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 1026 exp
Koffing Lv.28 || Poison || 684 exp

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1450
Grimer Lv.29 || Poison || 558 exp
Electrode Lv.29 || Electric || 931 exp

Ninth Floor

From the stairs open the two doors directly south for a bit of a shortcut to a scientist.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1400
Voltorb Lv.28 || Electric || 618 exp
Koffing Lv.28 || Poison || 684 exp
Magneton Lv.28 || Electric || 966 exp

There's a Rocket left and south, with a room where you can heal your Pokemon (talk to the woman) through some doors.

You can open the other door on the left here but don't go through it just yet, we've got a couple other things on the other floors.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Golbat Lv.28 || Poison / Flying || 1026 exp
Drowzee Lv.28 || Psychic || 612 exp
Hypno Lv.28 || Psychic || 990 exp

Tenth Floor

Below you is a scientist, then left and down is a Rocket.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1450
Magnemite Lv.29 || Electric || 552 exp
Koffing Lv.29 || Poison || 708 exp

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥990
Machoke Lv.33 || Fighting || 1032 exp

 After defeating this Rocket you will have access to three items. From left to right there is; TM26 Earthquake, Rare Candy, and Carbos.

Eleventh Floor

Just a Rocket here.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥750
Rattata Lv.25 || Normal || 304 exp
Rattata Lv.25 || Normal || 304 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Rattata Lv.25 || Normal || 304 exp
Ekans Lv.25 || Poison || 331 exp

Now head back down to 9F and take that room beyond where you rest. There's a Rocket blocking your way to the teleporter.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥840
Drowzee Lv.28 || Psychic || 612 exp 
Grimer Lv.28 || Poison || 540 exp
Machop Lv.28 || Fighting || 990 exp

On the other side you'll find a scientist and  a Hyper Potion.

Spr RG Scientist.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Scientist || ¥1450
Electrode Lv.29 || Electric || 931 exp
Weezing Lv.29 || Poison || 1074 exp

*Note: Save before you step on the next teleporter, and note that after the next battle you will be receiving a Pokemon. If you do not have a spare slot in your party you will have to come back for it. When you are ready step on the square and move into the room to be challenged by your rival.

Spr RG Blue 2.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rival || ¥2600
Pidgeot Lv.37 || Normal / Flying || 1363 exp
Exeggcute Lv.38 || Grass / Psychic || 798 exp
Gyarados Lv.35 || Water / Flying || 1605 exp
Alakazam Lv.35 || Psychic || 1395 exp
Charizard Lv.40 || Fire / Flying || 1791 exp

Talk to the guy on the left, and if you've got room for it you will receive a Lapras Lv.15.  You might want to heal before setting out again, we've got another couple battles ahead of us.

Spr RG Rocket.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket || ¥960
Cubone Lv.32 || Ground || 595 exp 
Drowzee Lv.32 || Psychic || 699 exp
Marowak Lv.32 || Ground || 849 exp

Spr RG Giovanni.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocket Boss Giovanni || ¥4059
Nidorino Lv.37 || Poison || 934 exp 
Kangaskhan Lv.35 || Normal || 1312 exp
Rhyhorn Lv.37 || Ground / Rock || 1069 exp
Nidoqueen Lv.41 || Poison / Ground || 1704 exp

When the battle is done, talk to the president to receive the Master Ball. One of the most famous items in the series, this Pokeball has a 100% chance of catching any Pokemon that you are actually able to catch (meaning no trainer's Pokemon and no ghost Marowak). Team Rocket has officially been evicted from the premises, which means the gym is now open! (Yes I really am going to squeeze that in here). Before you leave though, head to the southwest corner of the fourth floor for one more room to open up.

You will get a Full Heal, Max Revive and Escape Rope.

Saffron City Gym Challenge

Bleh, Psychic types. Very irritating to deal with in these early games. Their only two weaknesses are Ghost and Bug, however all Ghost types and several Bug types are part Poison which is weak to Psychic. Not only that, but the only offensive Bug-type move is Leech Life, while the only Ghost-type moves are Night Shade (which does a fixed amount of damage and does not get a "super effective" bonus) and Lick.
Many Psychic types have poor defense, so you are probably better off with a Pokemon like Snorlax or Dodrio. If you do wish to use a bug type however, a Parasect who knows Leech Life and Swords Dance could do decent damage.
The gym itself has nine rooms which are connected by warp tiles like the ones found in Silph Co. I will be referring to them numbered left to right, top to bottm (so top row is 1-2-3, middle is 4-5-6- and bottom is 7-8-9). I will cover each "room" individually, indicating which rooms the warm tiles lead to.

Room 8 (Entrance)

The only teleport here leads to room 9.

Room 9
3 - 6
7 - 8 

Spr RG Psychic.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Psychic || ¥330
Slowpoke Lv.33 || Water / Psychic || 699 exp
Slowpoke Lv.33 || Water / Psychic || 699 exp
Slowbro Lv.33 || Water / Psychic || 1159 exp

Room 7
3 - 9
2- 4

Spr RG Channeler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Channeler || ¥990
Gastly Lv.33 || Ghost / Poison || 670 exp
Gastly Lv.33 || Ghost / Poison || 670 exp
Haunter Lv.33 || Ghost / Poison || 891 exp

Room 3
6 - 9
1 - 7

Spr RG Psychic.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Psychic || ¥310
Kadabra Lv.31 || Psychic || 963 exp
Slowpoke Lv.31 || Water / Psychic || 657 exp
Mr. Mime Lv.31 || Psychic || 903 exp
Kadabra Lv.31 || Psychic || 963 exp

Room 6
3 - 9
2 - 4

Spr RG Psychic.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Psychic || ¥340
Mr. Mime Lv.34 || Psychic || 990 exp 
Kadabra Lv.34 || Psychic || 1056 exp

Room 2
6 - 1
4 - 7

Spr RG Channeler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Channeler || ¥1020
Gastly Lv.34 || Ghost / Poison || 691 exp
Haunter Lv.34 || Ghost / Poison || 918 exp

Room 4
6 - 2
1 - 7

Spr RG Channeler.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Channeler || ¥1140
Haunter Lv.38 || Ghost / Poison || 1026 exp

Room 1
3 - 2
5 - 4

Spr RG Psychic.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Psychic || ¥380
Slowbro Lv.38 || Water / Psychic || 1335 exp

Room 5 (Leader)

Spr RG Sabrina.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gym Leader Sabrina || ¥4257
Kadabra Lv.38 || Psychic || 1180 exp
Mr. Mime Lv.37 || Psychic || 1077 exp 
Venomoth Lv.38 || Bug / Poison || 1123 exp
Alakazam Lv.43 || Psychic || 1713 exp

Marsh Badge.png
Pokemon up to level 70 will now obey you, and she gives you TM46 Psywave as well. It's not an incredibly useful move, as it does random damage. And, that's it for Saffron City! Thank you for reading, and I hope you will be back again!

My Team
Murphy, Lv.40
Annie, Lv.41
Geraldine, Lv.41
Sidnets, Lv.40
Mark, Lv.40

Items Obtained
TM29 Psychic
TM36 Selfdestruct
TM09 Take Down
Card Key
TM03 Swords Dance
X Accuracy
Max Potion
TM26 Earthquake
Rare Candy
Hyper Potion
Master Ball
Full Heal
Max Revive
Escape Rope
TM46 Psywave

Seen: 118
Own: 79

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