Pokemon Red Version (Part VI)

Hidey-ho, Chikoritas. Last time: beating up war vets. This time: I don't really know, faffing about I guess?

On the other side of Diglett's cave, there is a house containing a boy who wants an Abra in exchange for a Mr. Mime. This Pokemon is probably my least favourite out of all first generation. But I made the trade anyway because I need to fill some more Pokedex pages.

South of the house past a forked tree you will find a larger building, and one of Professor Oak's aides is inside. If you have obtained at least 10 different kinds of Pokemon he will give you HM05 Flash. This is by far the most useless HM move. Teach it to a Pokemon who isn't a permanent member of your party, because HM moves cannot be deleted.  I went and taught it to the Mr. Mime I just received.

South a bit more you will find an item ball, which you may have seen from Route 2 way back before we headed into Viridian Forest. It contains an HP Up which is worth the wait, I suppose. Further down is a Moon Stone.

Back in the southwest corner of Viridian Ciy, cut down the tree and talk to this man to get TM42 Dream Eater.

Back in Pewter City, we can hack down this tree now to gain access to the rear portion of the museum. A scientist in here will give you the Old Amber, another fossil-like item that can be turned into the Rock/Flying Pokemon Aerodactyl. You'll want to store it in your PC for now.

We are done all the little side business available for now, so let's continue on. Our destination is east of Cerulean city, a route that is blocked off by a forked tree.

Route 9
Rattata || Normal
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Ekans || Poison (Red version only)
Sandshrew || Ground (Blue version only)

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥360
Oddish Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 300 exp
Bellsprout Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 324 exp
Oddish Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 300 exp
Bellsprout Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 324 exp

This contains TM30 Teleport, which is a move usually only Abra can learn. It will transport you back to the last Pokemon Center you visited. Don't worry about jumping down to get this either, there's a break over to the right that lets you get back up.

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥700
Machop Lv.20 || Fighting || 376 exp
Onix Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 462 exp

The path splits so that you can go up, straight, or down. Go up first.

Spr RG Jr Trainer M.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♂ || ¥420
Growlithe Lv.21 || Fire || 409 exp
Charmander Lv.21 || Fire || 292 exp
Spr RG Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Bug Catcher || ¥190
Beedrill Lv.19 || Bug / Poison || 646 exp
Beedrill Lv.19 || Bug / Poison || 646 exp

To be honest, I never even really use Ethers or Elixers. You may want to keep a few just in case, but I visit the Pokemon centers frequently enough that my Pokemon never really run out of pp. Backtrack and take the lower path.

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥735
Geodude Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 387 exp
Onix Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 486 exp

Be warned here, Geodude of level 21 or higher will know Selfdestruct. It does a ton of damage and on top of that it faints, so if your Pokemon gets KO'd by it you get no experience. Use water or grass types to dispatch them quickly, although Dig works well, and they may even blow themselves up while your Pokemon is safe underground. Go back now and take the "straight" path, which loops back upward.
Spr RG Bug Catcher.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Bug Catcher || ¥200
Caterpie Lv.20 || Bug || 226 exp
Weedle Lv.20 || Bug / Poison || 222 exp
Venonat Lv.20 || Bug / Poison || 321 exp

If you're looking to get as much exp as possible, make sure you turn left here and grab the trainer standing out in the middle of nowhere.

Spr RG Jr Trainer M.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♂ || ¥380
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Diglett Lv.19 || Ground ||  328 exp
Ekans Lv.19 || Poison || 252 exp
Sandshrew Lv.19 || Ground ||  378 exp

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥700
Geodude Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 367 exp
Machop Lv.20 || Fighting || 376 exp
Geodude Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 367 exp
Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥460
Meowth Lv.23 || Normal || 339 exp

After this trainer go right and you will enter into a very small new route.

Route 10
SpearowEkansSandshrew Voltorb
Rattata || Normal
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Ekans || Poison (Red version only)
Sandshrew || Ground (Blue version only)
Voltorb || Electric

If you're going to do some training here, there is a Pokemon Center south of the patch of grass, just be warned that the level 17 Voltorb will know Sonic Boom.

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥400
Pikachu Lv.20 || Electric || 351 exp
Clefairy Lv.20 || Normal || 291 exp

I actually think that's the first Super Potion we've found so far. So hooray I suppose. Anyway, let's head into Rock Tunnel! Note that you will have a really rough time getting through here without Flash. It's not quite as frustrating as in future generations, because you can at least see the outline of the walls. However you won't be able to see trainers or ladders. I don't actually recall whether you can see item balls or not.

Rock Tunnel
Zubat || Poison / Flying
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Machop || Fighting
Onix || Rock / Ground

Right away there is a split in the path, but there is nothing to the right at all so head south past the trainer.

Spr RG PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Pokemaniac || ¥1150
Cubone Lv.23 || Ground || 427 exp
Slowpoke Lv.23 || Water / Psychic || 487 exp

From here, it's a linear path to the ladder which leads down to the other floor.

Spr RG PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Pokemaniac || ¥1250
Slowpoke Lv.25 || Water / Psychic || 529 exp

Another split in the path, but the left is a dead end so once again go past the trainer.

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥440
Oddish Lv.22 || Grass / Poison || 367 exp
Bulbasaur Lv.22 || Grass / Poison || 301 exp

Spr RG PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Pokemaniac || ¥1100
Charmander Lv.22 || Fire || 306 exp
Cubone Lv.22 || Ground ||  409 exp

North of here you will either have a choice of two ways to go, but either direction will have you fight a Hiker trainer.

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥875
Geodude Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 460 exp

If you go left you will fight this one.
Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥700
Machop Lv.20 || Fighting || 376 exp
Onix Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 462 exp

If you go up you will face this trainer, though of course you could just fight them both. Either way, take the ladder in the northwest corner.

Back up on the ground floor you can once again either go east past one hiker trainer or south a ways and then east past another, but the option is always open to fight them both.

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥665
Geodude Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 349 exp
Machop Lv.19 || Fighting || 357 exp
Geodude Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 349 exp
Geodude Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 349 exp
Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥700
Onix Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 462 exp
Onix Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 462 exp
Geodude Lv.20 || Rock / Ground || 367 exp

From here it's just a few squares east and then north, you can actually avoid this Hiker trainer if you really want to.
Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥735
Geodude Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 387 exp
Graveler Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 603 exp

Back on the lower floor, head south (north is empty) and then at another split go left (further south is a dead end).

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥420
Jigglypuff Lv.21 || Normal || 342 exp
Pidgey Lv.21 || Normal / Flying || 247 exp
Meowth Lv.21 || Normal || 310 exp

South and north are both empty paths, so go west.

Spr RG Hiker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Hiker ||  ¥735
Geodude Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 387 exp
Geodude Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 387 exp
Graveler Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 603 exp

There's nothing south once again, so head up. Stick to the far left or right if you want to avoid another trainer.

Spr RG PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Pokemaniac || ¥1000
Slowpoke Lv.20 || Water / Psychic || 423 exp
Slowpoke Lv.20 || Water / Psychic || 423 exp
Slowpoke Lv.20 || Water / Psychic || 423 exp

Back up to ground level now and south past another couple trainers.

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥440
Bellsprout Lv.22 || Grass / Poison || 396 exp
Clefairy Lv.22 || Normal || 319 exp

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥380
Pidgey Lv.19 || Normal / Flying || 223 exp
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Bellsprout Lv.19 || Grass / Poison || 342 exp

Head west, avoiding yet another dead end to the north.

Spr RG Jr Trainer F.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥400
Meowth Lv.20 || Normal || 295 exp
Oddish Lv.20 || Grass / Poison || 333 exp
Pidgey Lv.20 || Normal / Flying || 235 exp

Past the trainer head south, and that's it! We're done with Rock Tunnel and this section of the walkthrough! Ta-ta for now!

My Team
Murphy,  Lv.27
Toby, Lv.27
Annie, Lv.26
Sidney, Lv.27
Geraldine, Lv.27
Mark, Lv.21

Items Obtained
HM05 Flash
Moon Stone
TM42 Dream Eater
Old Amber
TM30 Teleport
Super Potion

Seen: 70
Own: 37

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