Pokemon Red Version (Part V)

Are you ready to take on an entire small army of Pokemon trainers?! (sobbing noises from the background) Yeeeeeeeeeah! Wooooooo!

The ship is docked in the southeastern part of Vermillion City. I'm actually going to go a bit backwards with the order of things here. When you board, head off to the right and go down the stairs. I'll be covering the rooms going from the furthest left, working back over towards the stairs.

Room 1

Spr RG Fisherman.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Fisherman || ¥595
Tentacool Lv.17 || Water / Poison || 382 exp
Staryu Lv.17 || Water ||  385 exp
Shellder Lv.17 || Water || 352

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥600
Machop Lv.20 || Fighting || 376 exp

 I was trying to see if I could rest in the bed and this happened instead. Alright, then.

Room 2
Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥540
Tentacool Lv.18 || Water / Poison || 405 exp
Staryu Lv.18 || Water || 408 exp

There is an item ball next to the trainer which contains TM44 Rest.

Room 3
I feel unsaaaaaafe.

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥510
Horsea Lv.17 || Water || 301 exp
Horsea Lv.17 || Water || 301 exp
Horsea Lv.17 || Water || 301 exp

The item ball here has an Ether.

Room 4
Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥630
Shellder Lv.21 || Water || 436 exp

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥510
Horsea Lv.17 || Water || 301 exp
Shellder Lv.17 || Water || 352 exp
Tentacool Lv.17 || Water / Poison || 382 exp

Room 5
The person in here will not battle you, but there is an item ball with a Max Potion.

Back on the main floor now, I'll be going from right to left this time.

Room 1
Spr RG Gentleman.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gentleman || ¥1260
Growlithe Lv.18 || Fire || 351 exp
Growlithe Lv.18 || Fire || 351 exp

Room 2
Spr RG Gentleman.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gentleman || ¥1330
Nidoran♂ Lv.19 || Poison || 243 exp
Nidoran♀ Lv.19 || Poison || 240 exp

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5
Spr RG Lass.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Lass || ¥270
Pidgey Lv.18 || Normal / Flying || 211 exp
Nidoran♀ Lv.18 || Poison || 226 exp

Spr RG Youngster.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Youngster || ¥315
Nidoran♂ Lv.21 || Poison || 270 exp

There is also an item ball with TM08 Body Slam. I was really tempted to teach this to my Diglett, but in the end I gave it to Gyarados.

Ignore the stairs going upwards for now and head south into the kitchens.

This is the only thing in here, so exit into the hallway and take the stairs up. You'll see another set of stairs, so take those as well and follow the hallway left out onto the deck.

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥510
Machop Lv.17 || Fighting || 319 exp
Tentacool Lv.17 || Water / Poison || 382 exp 

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥540
Machop Lv.18 || Fighting || 339 exp
Shellder Lv.18 || Water || 373 exp

Back down on the mid-level, going from left to right from the stairs.

Room 1
Talk to the man in here to get the blank Pokedex page for Snorlax.

Room 2
Spr RG Fisherman.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Fisherman || ¥595
Goldeen Lv.17 || Water || 403 exp
Tentacool Lv.17 || Water / Poison || 382 exp
Goldeen Lv.17 || Water || 403 exp

Spr RG Gentleman.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Gentleman || ¥1610
Pikachu Lv.23 || Electric || 403 exp

There is also an item ball here with a Max Ether.

Room 3

Room 4
Spr RG Gentleman.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gentleman || ¥1190
Growlithe Lv.17 || Fire || 331 exp
Ponyta Lv.17 || Fire || 553 exp

Spr RG Lass.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Lass || ¥270
Rattata Lv.18 || Normal || 219 exp
Pikachu Lv.18 || Electric || 315 exp

There is an item ball containing a Rare Candy

Room 5

Room 6
If you've been going straight from battle-to-battle, you may want to leave and heal up or at least save here by the last doorway. Continuing on to the next stairway will trigger a battle.

Spr RG Blue 2.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rival || ¥1300
Pidgeotto Lv.19 || Normal / Flying || 459 exp
Raticate Lv.16 || Normal || 397
Kadabra Lv.18 || Psychic || 558
Charmeleon Lv.20 || Fire || 607 exp

Go up the stairs now and talk to the captain, and you will receive HM01 Cut. This move can be used outside of battle to temporarily remove the small, forked trees you see blocking your path all over the place. Teach the move to one of your Pokemon, and when you leave the S.S.Anne it will depart. Slowly. After this, we are finally ready to take on the Vermillion Gym!

Vermillion City Gym Challenge

Electric types can be a bit tricky to deal with, though more so in later games than here. They are strong against Flying and Water types, so you'll want to leave those on the bench. Grass types resist electric-type moves, and they are completely nullified by Ground types. However, of all the Pokemon types, Ground is the only one to be super effective against Electric Pokemon. If you haven't taught the TM for Dig to anyone yet, now is the time.
However, don't go catch a level 15 Diglett and expect it to be invincible. All Pikachu throughout the gym know Quick Attack, and the rocker's Pokemon know Sonicboom which takes of 20hp regardless of a Pokemon's type. The gym leader's Raichu also knows Mega Kick. Graveler will have some resistance to the normal-type moves, or you could try to outlast it with a grass type that knows Leech Seed or Poison Poweder. Nidoking and Nidoqueen also have decent HP and can learn both Dig and Poison Sting. Diglett has very poor defense, but a good attack score and excellent speed. 
As for the gym itself, you will have to unlock the doors by finding two hidden switches in the trash cans. Their locations are random, but once you find the first, the second will always be directly to the right, left, above or below it.

Spr RG Sailor.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Sailor || ¥630
Pikachu Lv.21 || Electric || 369 exp
Pikachu Lv.21 || Electric || 369 exp

Spr RG Rocker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Rocker || ¥500
Voltorb Lv.20 || Electric || 441 exp
Magnemite Lv.20 || Electric || 381 exp
Voltorb Lv.20 || Electric || 441 exp

Spr RG Gentleman.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Gentleman || ¥1610
Pikachu Lv.23 || Electric || 403 exp

Spr RG Lt Surge.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gym Leader Lt. Surge || ¥2376
Voltorb Lv.21 || Electric || 463 exp
Pikachu Lv.18 || Electric || 315
Raichu Lv.24 || Electric || 627 exp

Thunder Badge.png
 The Thunder Badge lets us use Fly outside of battle, and as usual that is of no use to us at present. However it also slightly increases your team's speed, and he gives you TM24 Thunderbolt. Yayayayay!

Also, Sidney became Sidnets. Isn't that precious.

My Team
Murphy, 24
Toby, 24
Annie, 24
Sidney, 26
Geraldine, 24

Items Obtained
Hyper Potion
TM44 Rest
Max Potion
TM08 Body Slam
Great Ball
Max Ether
Rare Candy
HM01 Cut
TM24 Thunderbolt

Seen: 64
Own: 32

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