Pokemon Red Version (Part IX)

Welcome to Bullies and Motorbikes: A Love Story. We just got the Pokeflute in the last part, so let's go put it to use. There's actually two routes to the next city and I will be covering them both eventually. For now I'll start off west of Celadon City.

Route 16
Rattata || Normal
Raticate || Normal
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Doduo || Normal / Flying

|| Road Block ||
Snorlax Lv.30 || Normal || 660 exp

If you're trying to catch Snorlax, you may be in for a long struggle unless you get lucky. It knows Rest, which will fully recover all its HP and unfortunately for you, in generation 1 wild Pokemon have unlimited PP for their moves. The good side is that, as the name implies, the move will also put it to sleep. If you can manage to get its hp down quickly it will actually be easier to capture this way. Not that if you have inflicted paralysis or another status condition, this will be wiped out in favour of rest. You may be best off putting it to sleep yourself with Hypnosis or Sleep Powder so you get the condition without it regaining all its hp. If you KO it by accident don't worry, there's another one resting elsewhere.

Out on the west side of the guard house you will find six trainers all lined up, so we're going to give them all a smack.

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥580
Grimer Lv.29 || Poison || 558 exp
Koffing Lv.29 || Poison || 708 exp

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥700
Machop Lv.28 || Fighting || 528 exp
Mankey Lv.28 || Fighting || 444 exp
Machop Lv.28 || Fighting || 528 exp

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥725
Mankey Lv.29 || Fighting || 459 exp
Machop Lv.29 || Fighting || 546 exp

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥660
Weezing Lv.33 || Poison || 1222 exp

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥825
Machop Lv.33 || Fighting || 621 exp

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥520
Grimer Lv.26 || Poison || 501 exp
Grimer Lv.26 || Poison || 501 exp
Grimer Lv.26 || Poison || 501 exp
Grimer Lv.26 || Poison || 501 exp

Route 17 & 18
Raticate || Normal
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Fearow || Normal / Flying
Doduo || Normal / Flying
There are three paths on this route. I'll be going left first.

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥560
Weezing Lv.28 || Poison || 1038 exp
Koffing Lv.28 || Poison || 684 exp
Weezing Lv.28 || Poison || 1038 exp

There is a trainer facing left a bit farther down but I'll be battling him when I take the middle path. For now I'm just continuing south.

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥650
Mankey Lv.26 || Fighting || 411 exp
Mankey Lv.26 || Fighting || 411 exp
Machoke Lv.26 || Fighting || 813 exp
Machop Lv.26 || Fighting || 489 exp

I was a bit slow with the screencap here so I missed the message, but there was a Max Revive here. (Hold down B so you can stay in place or move one step at a time)

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥580
Weezing Lv.29 || Poison || 1074 exp
Muk Lv.29 || Poison || 975 exp

There is a guy in the middle of this southern section here and since I'm covering the middle path next, we might as well fight him now.

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥500
Koffing Lv.25 || Poison || 610 exp
Weezing Lv.25 || Poison || 925 exp
Koffing Lv.25 || Poison || 610 exp
Koffing Lv.25 || Poison || 610 exp
Weezing Lv.25 || Poison || 925 exp

The middle path doesn't actually start until halfway up, so you'll have to backtrack up the left path a bit. There is a hidden item here, though.
This is found between the northern edge of the water and the first sign. The only trainer around this middle part really is that guy that we avoided when we were over to the left.

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥660
Muk Lv.33 || Poison || 1110 exp

However, there is a trainer here as well who will engage you from over to the right and since we're heading over there in a second anyway we might as well let him.

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥725
Mankey Lv.29 || Fighting || 459 exp
Primeape Lv.29 || Fighting || 925 exp

Now let's take care of the guy above him.

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥725
Machop Lv.29 || Fighting || 546 exp
Machoke Lv.29 || Fighting || 906 exp

 Then get another hidden item.

Spr RG Biker.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Biker || ¥580
Voltorb Lv.29 || Electric || 639 exp
Voltorb Lv.29 || Electric || 639 exp

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥825
Machoke Lv.33 || Fighting || 1032 exp

This is found about 7 or 8 steps south of that last trainer.

Spr RG Cue Ball.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Cue Ball || ¥725
Primeape Lv.29 || Fighting || 925 exp
Machoke Lv.29 || Fighting || 906 exp

And we're all done with Cycling Road! You will reach a guardhouse with a man upstairs who wants a Slowbro. He'll give you a Lickitung in return, the only one in the game. Outside you'll find a new type of trainer who all use Flying Pokemon.

Spr RG Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Bird Keeper || ¥725
Spearow Lv.29 || Normal / Flying || 360 exp
Fearow Lv.29 || Normal / Flying || 1006 exp

Spr RG Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Bird Keeper || ¥650
Spearow Lv.26 || Normal / Flying || 322 exp
Spearow Lv.26 || Normal / Flying || 322 exp
Fearow Lv.26 || Normal / Flying || 901 exp
Spearow Lv.26 || Normal / Flying || 322 exp

Spr RG Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Bird Keeper || ¥850
Dodrio Lv.34 || Normal / Flying || 1150 exp

And at last, we reach Fuschia City! There's plenty to do here before challenging the gym leader, however. First of all, in the southeast of town there are two houses. Talk to the guy in the one on the right to get the Good Rod. There's even a small pond behind his house to test it out on! It only gives you access to two new Pokemon however; Poliwag and Goldeen. Luckily they can both be found here, so catch one of each and stash the rod in your PC. The guy in the left house  is mostly incoherent, but basically he's lost his dentures and wants us to help him find them. Strangely, this is the second game I've played where that has been a quest.

Check out the zoo on the north side of town if you want, and add a few pages to your Pokedex. Out of the two buildings here the lower one just has some chatty npc's, so head north. You will be at the entrance to the Safari Zone; a kind of preserve that lets you entire for ¥500, and you are allotted a certain number of steps before you are called back in. There are several Pokemon here that cannot be captured otherwise and also various items, so let's go take a wander around shall we? Before you do that though, you might want to switch the PC to an empty box.

I would suggest that you first do a playthrough to get the reward at the "end" of the Safari Zone, and to pick up items, then come back later to wander around and catch stuff. Also shove a ton of items into your PC for the time being, because this place is practically a treasure trove.

Safari Zone - Entrance
Nidoran♀ || Poison (Blue version only)
Nidorina || Poison
Nidoran♂ || Poison (Red version only)
Nidorino || Poison
Parasect || Grass / Bug
Venonat || Bug / Poison
Exeggcute || Grass / Psychic
Rhyhorn || Ground / Rock
Chansey || Normal
Scyther || Bug / Flying (Red version only)
Pinsir || Bug (Blue version only)

No items.

Safari Zone - Area 1
Nidoran♀ || Poison
Nidorina || Poison (Blue version only)
Nidoran♂ || Poison
Nidorino || Poison (Red version only)
Paras || Grass / Bug
Parasect || Grass / Bug
Doduo || Normal / Flying
Exeggcute || Grass / Psychic
Kangaskhan || Normal
Scyther || Bug / Flying (Red version only)
Pinsir || Bug (Blue version only)

First in this area go up the steps to the elevated rocky area, then go north east and pick up a Carbos. Head back southwest, take the left steps down to the flat area and go north. There's a bit of grass sticking out to the right into a pond, with TM37 Egg Bomb sitting at its edge. Northwest of here is a Max Potion. Take some more steps to the upper part of the right side and get a Full Restore down by the rest house. Go northwest and at what appears to be a path split, take the lower road. The top is a dead end.

Safari Zone - Area 2
Nidoran♀ || Poison (Blue version only)
Nidorina || Poison
Nidoran♂ || Poison (Red version only)
Nidorino || Poison
Paras || Grass / Bug
Venomoth || Bug / Poison
Exeggcute || Grass / Psychic
Rhyhorn || Ground / Rock
Chansey || Normal
Tauros || Normal

Ignore the first set of steps upward here, instead heading left. Loop around a large area to the northeast and obtain TM40 Skull Bash. Continue west getting a Protein along the way.
*Note: There is also an exit to the south-west that will bring you to a section of Area 3 with a Max Revive  and a Max Potion.

Safari Zone - Area 3
Nidoran♀ || Poison
Nidorina || Poison (Blue version only)
Nidoran♂ || Poison
Nidorino || Poison (Red version only)
Venonat || Bug / Poison 
Venomoth || Bug / Poison
Doduo || Normal / Flying
Exeggcute || Grass / Psychic
Kangaskhan || Normal
Tauros || Normal

As soon as you enter here you will find the Gold Teeth to the south. To the west you'll find TM32 Double Team.

Get this hidden item, then head into the house here and talk to the man to receive HM03 Surf.

When you are don here, go back to the warden's house and return his false teeth in return for HM04 Strength. Use it to move the boulder in his house and get a Rare Candy.

That's all for the "running around" business, time to take on the gym!

**Note: If you feel you need to train your Pokemon a bit more before battling Koga, then you may follow the route covered in part ten. (Minus the surfing bits at the start)

Fuschia City Gym Challenge

This place has a small maze of walls in place to keep you from going straight for the gym leader. You can tell where they are because the pale blue lines across the floor will be broken instead of solid. Although the gym leader uses poison type Pokemon, the trainers surrounding him strangely use Psychic and Ground - the types Poison is weak against. I guess they justify it by the fact that Drowzee and Hypno know Poison Gas, while Sandslash knows Poison Sting. Anyway it works out fine overall because you don't just have one Pokemon getting the experience points for the entire gym.
To get to Koga in the middle you'll have to go counter-clockwise, though some of the trainers can be avoided including the very first one to the left when you enter.

Spr RG Juggler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Juggler || ¥1190
Drowzee Lv.34 || Psychic || 742 exp
Kadabra Lv.34 || Psychic || 1056 exp

Spr RG Juggler.png
Poké Ball battle I.png
Juggler || ¥1330
Hypno Lv.38 || Psychic || 1342 exp

Spr RG Juggler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Juggler || ¥1085
Drowzee Lv.31 || Psychic || 676 exp
Drowzee Lv.31 || Psychic || 676 exp
Kadabra Lv.31 || Psychic || 963 exp
Drowzee Lv.31 || Psychic || 676 exp 

Spr RG Tamer.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Tamer || ¥1320
Arbok Lv.33 || Poison || 1039 exp
Sandslash Lv.33 || Ground || 1152 exp
Arbok Lv.33 || Poison || 1039 exp

Spr RG Tamer.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Tamer || ¥1360
Sandslash Lv.34 || Ground || 1186 exp
Arbok Lv.34 || Poison || 1071 exp

Spr RG Juggler.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Juggler || ¥1190
Drowzee Lv.34 || Psychic || 742 exp
Hypno Lv.34 || Psychic || 1201 exp

Spr RG Koga.png
Poké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.pngPoké Ball battle I.png
Gym Leader Koga || ¥4257
Koffing Lv.37 || Poison || 903 exp
Muk Lv.39 || Poison || 1311 exp
Koffing Lv.37 || Poison || 903 exp
Weezing Lv.43 || Poison || 1593 exp

Soul Badge.png
Shwing! That wasn't so tough. I was a bit worried when he busted out a level 43 Pokemon, since most of mine are 10 levels below that but it ended up using Selfdestruct while Sidnets was underground, so that was nice. With the Soul Badge, the defense of your Pokemon is raised slightly and we can now use Surf outside of battle. Koga also gives us TM06 Toxic which inflicts Poison, but also does a bit more damage each turn.

Another badge, another post! Thank-you for reading, and I hope you'll join me again :)

My Team
Murphy, Lv. 32
Annie, Lv.33
Geraldine, Lv.33
Sidnets, Lv.35
Mark, Lv.33

No I did not forget about my Raticate, I've chucked him in the PC. I just got him to help out with the early game but I really don't have much use for it anymore so I don't want it eating up exp.

Items Obtained
Max Revive (x2)
Max Elixer
Full Restore (x2)
Rare Candy (x2)
Good Rod
TM37 Egg Bomb
Max Potion (x2)
TM40 Skull Bash
Gold Teeth
TM32 Double Team
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
TM06 Toxic

Seen: 106
Own: 64

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