Pokemon Red Extras (Part 1)
So I know I *still* haven't done the bonus stuff for Mega Man Battle Network and it's been like, over a year. But I have my reasons. And even though I just finished Pokemon today I'm going to do the bonus stuff for it! So yay!
I am going to be getting the three legendary birds, and I am going to be doing it in reverse Pokedex order. Moltres is easy to get to and Articuno is a pain in the butt, that's why. Kay? Kay. There's not really any special strategy for catching legendary Pokemon besides bringing as many Ultra Balls as money can buy and a Pokemon that knows a sleep/paralysis move. You don't want to poison it for obvious reasons.
I've read that putting them to sleep increases your chances of catching them slightly more than paralyzing them does, but I'm not 100% sure of that since I've only used Pokemon with paralysis moves in my past several games. Always save before you attempt to capture them, because if you knock them out they will not come back.
Fly back to the Indigo Plateau and make your way south back into the cave. Go up the first set of steps and then push the boulder out to the left. Continue in this direction until you come across another boulder. Push this upward out of your way, then circle around to the northwest and go down the ladder there. Moltres is in the east.

The Power Plant is located east of Cerulean City, south of the entrance to Rock Tunnel. Simply go north to find the break in the barrier and surf down. There is one trainer her.

Pokemaniac || ¥1500
Rhyhorn Lv.30 || Ground / Rock || 867 exp
Lickitung Lv.30 || Normal || 816 exp
Inside head north along the (so far) linear path. Pick up a Carbos from the plain-view item ball to your right. Keep going up until your path is blocked and then go right.

This is not an item.
|| False Item ||
Voltorb Lv.40 || Electric || 588 exp
The path here goes right or down, go right first. You will be in a long room, and as you move around the perimeter you will see one item ball on the right and one at the top left. The first is a Voltorb, and the second... an Electrode.
|| False Item ||
Electrode Lv.43 || Electric || 921 exp
There is this hidden item left of the Electrode, though. Go back to the split and head down, and you will come to another divergence. Go south again to another long room. The ball resting against the right-hand wall is another Voltorb, and the one above is TM33 Reflect. Head back up and go right. You'll soon come across two more balls, both are Voltorb.
South in a longer room there is another Voltorb to the right and a TM25 Thunder to the left. Backtrack north and head right and you will see an opening up into a very large room. On the right is a Rare Candy and on the left and HP Up. Back out into the hallways you'll come around to a bunch of very small rooms leading south, with an Electrode in the bottom dead-end room (by some speakers).
You'll come across these rocks as you progress along the linear path through more small rooms. One room each left and down from here you will find the second legendary bird.

Next Surf south from Fuschia City to get to the entrance to a cave bobbing about in the sea (it's not actually bobbing about). This is the Seafoam Islands. When you're inside head right and push the boulder here up and then left into a hole. Go left and walk along the rock platform to the right until you come back down to a lower area with another boulder. Push it into the hole, then go down the stairs directly above you and push it down into another.
Back up to the ground floor, head back left and go down a ladder you passed by earlier. Go down the ladder in the northwest corner, then head right and push a boulder down a hole here. Go back up and make your way right to find the second boulder and push that one down into the next level as well.
Take the ladder either west or south of the hole you should be standing by, and inspect this stone to the south. Then head down the ladder to the far left. Head south here to find a small area with a whole bunch of boulders.
And another hidden item. From here, push the boulder on the left over a few spaces out of the way and then push the other one on this side down into the hole. As for the two side-by-side on the right, push the eastern one all the way up. Push the other one down one square, left two squares, then circle around and push it down into the hole. When you are done this, head north and take the ladder down.
Here head right, up a ladder and then up another directly above you. On this upper floor you will have plain view of a boulder which you should push down into the hole it's sitting next to. Go back down the two floors. Hop into the water right by your feet here and surf directly south.
Not that ONE ball is going to make much difference, but it's nice nonetheless. Surf back up and head left, jumping into the lake once again on this side. You should be able to see your destination at this point - a small island to the north. Once you reach it talk to the little flappy-bird and start the battle.

I am going to be getting the three legendary birds, and I am going to be doing it in reverse Pokedex order. Moltres is easy to get to and Articuno is a pain in the butt, that's why. Kay? Kay. There's not really any special strategy for catching legendary Pokemon besides bringing as many Ultra Balls as money can buy and a Pokemon that knows a sleep/paralysis move. You don't want to poison it for obvious reasons.
I've read that putting them to sleep increases your chances of catching them slightly more than paralyzing them does, but I'm not 100% sure of that since I've only used Pokemon with paralysis moves in my past several games. Always save before you attempt to capture them, because if you knock them out they will not come back.
Victory Road - Catching Moltres
Fly back to the Indigo Plateau and make your way south back into the cave. Go up the first set of steps and then push the boulder out to the left. Continue in this direction until you come across another boulder. Push this upward out of your way, then circle around to the northwest and go down the ladder there. Moltres is in the east.
|| Legendary Encounter ||
Moltres,Lv.50 || Fire / Flying || 1550 exp
Power Plant - Catching Zapdos
The main new encounters here are Magnemite and Electabuzz, though the latter are exclusive to Red. Blue version players have a rare chance of finding a Raichu instead, and you can also find the evolved Magneton and Electrode. Also, if you couldn't find a Pikachu back in Viridian Forest, they are much more common here.
The Power Plant is located east of Cerulean City, south of the entrance to Rock Tunnel. Simply go north to find the break in the barrier and surf down. There is one trainer her.
Pokemaniac || ¥1500
Rhyhorn Lv.30 || Ground / Rock || 867 exp
Lickitung Lv.30 || Normal || 816 exp
Inside head north along the (so far) linear path. Pick up a Carbos from the plain-view item ball to your right. Keep going up until your path is blocked and then go right.
This is not an item.
|| False Item ||
Voltorb Lv.40 || Electric || 588 exp
The path here goes right or down, go right first. You will be in a long room, and as you move around the perimeter you will see one item ball on the right and one at the top left. The first is a Voltorb, and the second... an Electrode.
|| False Item ||
Electrode Lv.43 || Electric || 921 exp
South in a longer room there is another Voltorb to the right and a TM25 Thunder to the left. Backtrack north and head right and you will see an opening up into a very large room. On the right is a Rare Candy and on the left and HP Up. Back out into the hallways you'll come around to a bunch of very small rooms leading south, with an Electrode in the bottom dead-end room (by some speakers).
|| Legendary Encounter ||
Zapdos, Lv.50 || Electric / Flying || 1542 exp
Seafoam Islands - Catching Articuno

Seel is the main new encounter here. In Red you can find wild Golduck and in Blue wild Slowbro on the ground floor or BF2 (1%) or BF4 (4%). You can also find Kingler in Blue and Seadra in Red on BF1 (1%) and BF3 (4%). You can also find wild Dewgong in both versions on BF1 (4%) and BF3 (1%).
Next Surf south from Fuschia City to get to the entrance to a cave bobbing about in the sea (it's not actually bobbing about). This is the Seafoam Islands. When you're inside head right and push the boulder here up and then left into a hole. Go left and walk along the rock platform to the right until you come back down to a lower area with another boulder. Push it into the hole, then go down the stairs directly above you and push it down into another.
Back up to the ground floor, head back left and go down a ladder you passed by earlier. Go down the ladder in the northwest corner, then head right and push a boulder down a hole here. Go back up and make your way right to find the second boulder and push that one down into the next level as well.
Here head right, up a ladder and then up another directly above you. On this upper floor you will have plain view of a boulder which you should push down into the hole it's sitting next to. Go back down the two floors. Hop into the water right by your feet here and surf directly south.
|| Legendary Encounter ||
Articuno Lv.50 || Ice / Flying || 1535 exp

Ta-daaaah! I've caught all three, and I hope you have too! They can really be aggravating and difficult but I got incredibly lucky. Moltres only took 5 Ultra Balls and Articuno only took 2. I lost count on Zapdos, but it was the most difficult one with around 15.
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