LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (Part 9)

To begin the events leading up to the seventh dungeon, use Manbo's Mambo and make your way back to Mabe Village. Once here, push the rooster statue upwards and enter the hole below. You will come across a pile of bones, use the Frog Song of Soul to bring them back to life. We now have zombie rooster, who is my best friend in the world. Warp up into the mountains and the owl will screech at you a bit, then make your way into the cave where the entrance is blocked by three boulders like before. You can now use the hookshot (or the rooster) over to the east to get a chest with 50 Rupees. Smash through some crystals and take the right-most exit and continue on.

Jump into the small stretch of deep water and swim to the steps leading upward. Cross a bridge and enter the first cave you come to. There will be a lot of round stone blocks here, simply start in the middle and work your way up, pushing them up, left, or right into pits as you progress. At the top jump across to the right (it's two squares though, so you may want to use the rooster just to save the effort) and go up to the next room.

This chamber is pretty much entirely one big pit, so of course use the rooster to fly to the other side (you have to pick it up with the power bracelet, if you're wondering). Jump across another pit to the left and go up the steps and you will get the Bird Key - our last dungeon key! From here exit the cave and head west, using the rooster to fly over the decrepit bridge. When you reach the other side cut down the bush and go down the stairs. There also would have been a secret seashell over to the east, so if you still don't have 20 you can get that, it's just under a boulder. Another screen east of there walk across a bridge onto a small platform, and as you head back west you will get another photo.

When you arrive in the cavern kill or avoid the enemies here, then bomb the little indented section of the wall to the south. Enter the new area and go east to finally get that Piece of Heart (3/4) we saw a while ago. Back up and west, hookshot or fly across the large pit. Make your way up a few sets of steps here, avoiding the falling rocks and killing a couple of mini moldorms. At the top open a chest for another 50 Rupees, and then lift up the boulder to find more stairs. Go down and sprinkle some magic powder on the altar and you will now be able to carry 60 arrows. From here you'll have to go west and jump down, then do the same in the lower area, and make your way back up the mountain from the area of the second dungeon, but it should only take a minute. Note that you can use the hookshot to kill the flowers now.

Make your way back to the steps but swim right past them this time. Enter the cave here and you will be in a cave where the floor is covered almost entirely with shallow water. Place a bomb on the only dry spot, following the stairs and a short tunnel to a room with a bunch of treasure chests in it. If you open even one of these without opening the rest, when you re-enter the room all of them will be empty.

To start, push the stone aside that sits in front of the topmost chest, then walk to the one directly below it and push that one down, then walk around and exit the cave. Follow a short path here for 20 Rupees (this would have been another secret seashell if you didn't have 20 by this point). Now go back inside and push the stones aside so that the room looks like the screenshot above. Open all the chests for a total of 100 Rupees. Backtrack and head right to exit the cave entirely.

Continue to the east and head up the steps into a new cave. Follow the straightforward path through a couple tunnels until you go down some stairs and end up inside another cave. Take the steps up to the ledge in this area and go right. You can kill the hardhat beetle with a bomb or just ignore it, but make your way south and use the hookshot to get across a large pit. Hop down from the southern point of the ledge and exit the cave.

The collapsed wall to the south is a fairy fountain, so heal if you need to and then take the northern door. Follow another short tunnel and go up the stairs, ignoring the enemies as you head left and then exit to the south. Just one screen west of where you exit is the keyhole as well as the entrance to the next dungeon.

Level Seven: Eagle's Tower

Dungeon Map

This dungeon can be a headache and a half, at least it was for me for a while. To start we want to go east two rooms, avoiding the blade traps and the spikes by equipping your Roc's Feather and jumping along the middle of the first room. In the second you will have to kill both of the like likes to get a Key (1). However, we can't really go anywhere else so use it immediately on the door to the north (-1 key). Go up the stairs.

Here toss your boomerang diagonally down and to the right to hit the switch and grab the Mirror Shield from the chest. You can jump down the hole here to get a Key but we actually don't need it. Next, hit the switch with your boomerang again while you are standing on the blocks. Toss a bomb at the switch and then move up and stand in the north exit until the bomb goes off and raises the blocks underneath you, then go north. In the next room grab the iron ball of the pedestal and stand right next to the two stone blocks at the side and drop it.  Go back and pull the handle all the way back, then rush over to the left, grabbing the iron ball and continuing into the next room.

Toss the ball into the corner if you want and then take out the zols here. When the room is clear pick the ball back up and stand to the left or right of the pillar, tossing to ball to bring it down. If the ball bounces into a pit you will have to go back and get it from the pedestal again. Pick it up and carry it south to the next room to take out another pillar, then carry it north again. Push the single block here north and go left. Here toss the ball up over the spikes, then jump over and carry it up.

Kill the three of a kind enemies here if you want a Compass and then carry the ball through the southwest exit and toss it over the low barrier. Go back up to the blue room and go down the stairs. Head west above the barrier and you will encounter an anti-Kirby. It can be killed with your boomerang, and it takes four hits. Head south a couple screens and go up the stairs here (don't mind the chest, it's just a stone beak).

When you emerge go north through the one-way door and take out the anti-fairy right away with your boomerang. The floor tiles will fly at you and if the anti-fairy knocks you into a hole you'll end up back on the lower floor. Once all the tiles are spent, head east and pick up the iron ball again and toss it at the pillar. At this point you can toss it in a pit and then push the block in the south over the edge of another and jump over, going east.

From here head south two screens and hit the switch, then go back up. You'll have to do a diagonal jump in the second room to make it over the pit but it's not too tricky. Head right into the room with the handle and the moving blocks and pick up the ball again, going south. In the room where you got the mirror shield, toss the ball onto the raised blocks, hit the switch with your boomerang, then walk onto the blocks and hit the switch again. Pick up the ball and move south, then left.  You may want to leave the ball in this previous room for now, though.

You will have to defeat the three of a kind enemies this time around to make a chest appear. Take the iron ball now and walk to the low barrier and toss it north. No matter how many rooms or floors you go through, the ball will always remain exactly where you left it (unless you drop it in a pit, or I'm guessing unless you leave the dungeon). Go left now to find a red Hinox, two arrows will take him down and you will get a Key for your efforts. You can also drop down the holes on the far left for a chest that will either contain 20 Rupees or a secret seashell, but either of those are hardly necessary at this point. Also note that you'll have to go back and defeat the 3 of a kind enemies again, because the chest had to be there for us to proceed. Either way from the Hinox room you want to go north twice back to the room with the living tiles and then east.

Back in this room where we knocked down a pillar before, place a bomb between the two torches in the southwest, then proceed through a narrow path in the next room, bombing the wall at the other end. In the room where you defeated the trio enemies, use your grapling hook on the chest to get to the other side where your iron ball should be waiting (open the chest if you want, it just contains a single bomb). Carry the ball north and knock down the last pillar. You'll get a scene of the fourth floor (which we couldn't access previously anyway) collapsing to merge with the third. When it's done go back a screen and jump down the pit to end up back at the entrance.

From here go right twice and then north and up the stairs back to the mirror shield room. Exit to the south, making sure the blocks beneath you are up as usual, then one screen left and up the stairs. From here go up a screen and then east for the miniboss.

The Grim Creeper may seem like a bother, but it's pretty simple to win the fight. He will summon six bats to charge at you in a variety of different patterns, but all you have to do is stand in a corner and swing your sword. One hit will take each of the bats and when all six are defeated (all in the same wave) their master will disappear as well. Go north for a room with three sparks, which you can kill with the boomerang to get a fairy if you need it. When they're out of the way push the two stone blocks into the center of the room to get a chest with the Nightmare's Key.

Go down and two screens left, then open the nightmare's lair and head north. Surprise! No boss yet. If you do not already have one you can get a Secret Medicine by going up a room and then right. There will be a beamos moving around on a square track that will fire lasers at you, and you will have to play around with more of those annoying horse heads from the previous dungeon to make the chest appear.

Either way, from the screen just north of the boss door, climb up the steps on the left and use the hookshot on the block to the east to pull yourself over. Go down a screen, then right and up the stairs. You'll end up outside - climb the ladder for the boss.

The Evil Eagle only takes a few hits from your sword to defeat, but it also has a tendency to fly out of your reach. If you have full health and can time your laser correctly this won't be much of a problem, but if it hits you even once you'll have to resort to the hook shot or wait for it to come low enough to hit, both of which can take quite a while. Try to stay in the middle of the platform.

If it flies in horizontally from the side of the screen, this is your best chance to attack. if you can hit it soon enough it will stop and take off again without hitting you. If it comes down vertically from the top of the screen it is going to try to blow you off the tower while firing feather projectiles. Simply hold out your shield
and keep walking toward it. If you get knocked off it will revert back to full health. It will also sometimes fly down vertically and then charge at you diagonally, but this can be blocked with your shield or give you another opportunity to hit it.

When it's dead, collect your heart container and go back down the ladder. Hop off the ledge to the left and go north to get our seventh instrument - the Organ of Evening Calm.

We'll wrap up the game in the next section!

Go to part 10 --->

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