LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (Part 6)

Here we are, with the next dungeon.

Level Four: Angler's Tunnel

Dungeon Map

Head north to find a red zol and our old friend the spiky beetle. Ignore these if you feel safe doing so and head up the steps to the north. From here you can go west two screens to pick up a Stone Beak, then head back left. Head up two screens, right another, then up if you wish to collect the Dungeon Map. Go back down, using your boots and feather to jump across the pit here and exit east to the next screen.

Blow up a cracked stone block here and move another out of the way to get a Key (1). Head north, killing or dodging the water tektites and the peahats. Go north to a room that will have another cracked block to blow up for access with a chest with another Key (2). With this collected head all the way back to the room with the two spikey beetles.

Kill all the enemies here to open the door on the right, and do another sweep here for easy access to a chest with a Compass. Head south from here for a room with an easily accessible Key (3) behind some crystals, though you won't be able to leave the room until you kill all the tektites. Head back up and go east (-1 key).  From here there's nothing to do except go north (-1 key) pass an out-of-reach chest, back to the pit we jumped over before, with us now being able to access the north side.

In the next room unlock the keyhole block here (-1 key) and push the regular block upward. Kill the enemies here if you want them out of the way, then head left and kill everything in this room to cause a key to fall into a pit to the level below. We can't go fetch it just yet, so head south two screens and jump across to a stretch of shallow water to the south. Follow this a few screens left until you find yourself out of room and then go up.

The chest here just contains a zol and there's nothing to the left so go up. In here step on the middle tile, then the southwest, then northeast, use the pegasus boots to dash and jump to the northwest (if you touch the tile below it you'll have to start over) and then southeast to reveal stairs leading down. In this tunnel you'll find a thwomp in the first area which is easily avoidable. In the second, you will have to trick the thwomp down from the right side, move to the left and then get it to come down again. Quickly climb the ladder beside you and jump on top of it to get to the exit. Simply go south from here and get the Nightmare's Key.

Head back through the tunnel and then go east to the next room. Here we get another Key (1) at last, so take this and head all the way back around to the room where we saw a key drop down to the lower floor. Go north to find the miniboss.

Cueball here can be a bit of a pain. What the game wants you to do is dash around trying to keep far enough ahead of him to hit him in the back with your sword. What I find much easier (and much more fun) is to just wait until he comes up behind you and jump backwards over his head. When he's dead go to the next room.

In here you'll have to equip the power bracelet to pull back on a chain to separate some stone blocks that will slowly slide back together. Just pull it back as far as it will go and run over to take the door on the left. Kill the zol here and watch out for the fire-spitting statues, and open the chest on display for the Zora's Flippers. Yay we can swim now!

Head south twice and then east to end up back in the room where the key dropped down. Head east and down the stairs here for a tunnel that will finally allow you to get the Key (1). With this head back upstairs, left, down, and left again. Swim across to the chest here for 50 Rupees, then go down and left. Step on the switch here and go north through the door. Unlock the block (-1 key) and then follow the underwater tunnel to a room with three red zol and the boss door. Unlock it and go inside.

You will have to go down a set of stairs and then take a ladder down into the dark waters to find the angler fish. Try to stay above her when you can for access to her weak spot, but of she moves to the top of the screen try to quickly get beneath her. Mostly smaller fish will come and try to bump into you, but she'll also charge at you sometimes. Contact will hurt you obviously, but on top of that rocks will rain down from the ceiling. Just hack away at her the best you can and soon enough she'll go down. Grab your heart container out from amongst the pile of skulls at the bottom of the room and head back up the two ladders. Head north into the next room.

Another dungeon, another instrument! Congratulations, us! If you'll remember there was one chest in the dungeon we never went back to. It's one screen north, two east, and one more north from the entrance and it contains 50 Rupees. And then, that's it! We're done with this section as well. I'll see you soon with more sidequesty stuff.

Go to part 7 --->

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