LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (Part 3)

Hello, today in Link's Awakening DX we're going to be getting a bunch of stuff. From the entrance to the second dungeon, head back west in the direction of the Mysterious Woods until you come to a screen with a telephone house on it. Remove the enemies and jump across the pits to the north and continue up. Dispose of more enemies and head into the cave.

Lift up the green skull and toss it away, opening the chest here for another 50 Rupees. There is a chest in the room just left of here across an easily hopped over pit. It contains yet another 20 Rupees. From here go south back into the Mysterious Woods, and from here head east and then south a few more screens. Lift the boulder out of the way here and get all the enemies out of the way to open the chest for a Secret Seashell (3/20). Head north a screen, then east back to the cave where we got 20 Rupees a while ago. Go inside.

The room two screens over has a Heart Piece (4/4) blocked off by two green skulls. Now that we have the Power Bracelet we can reach it with no problem. It will also give us our first of three extra heart containers! Yay! Exit the cave the way you came in and go up a screen. Lift up the single boulder here and go down the stairs, lighting the torch in the small underground cave. Answer yes twice and you will receive an upgrade to your pouch of magic powder - you can now have up to 40 uses at a time. It will even get filled up for you, how nice.

From here go all the way up and east to the lighter screen, then south. If you brought the toadstool to the witch earlier you'll remember this is the way to her hut, but that's not our destination. A screen down from the squishy green guy will be a set of steps blocked off by a boulder. Lift it up and toss it away.

Get your sword and your shovel ready, this next screen has infinitely-spawning zombies. If you still have BowWow he will instruct you to dig every time he passes over the lone shrub in the middle of some vines and patches of grass, so do that to find another Secret Seashell (4/20). From here you can also go right and lift a boulder out of the way to access some stairs. Go down, swiping the keese and hardhat beetle out of the way and making your way right. From here you can actually do a diagonal jump to the space to the right of the stairs, push the stone disc to the right, do another diagonal jump down to a small ledge and the up to get another Piece of Heart (1/4).

Two screens up from the witch's hut is Crazy Tracy's house, she will sell you a Secret Medicine item (currently 28 Rupees, the price will increase as you get more health) that will automatically kick in to restore your health when you run out. Buy one if you just want to be on the safe side. If you're thinking of buying one now to save rupees later just know that we get ton of money later and in my previous playthrough I easily maxed out at 999 again after getting the bow.

Two screens down from the witch's hut, pick up another boulder and get rid of it and then head west a screen for a cave. Inside you'll have to push some stone blocks out of the way to reach a chest with another 50 Rupees. Exit and go down a screen, then west through a couple more boulders to get back to Mabe Village. Go back to Madamae MeowMeow's house and return BowWow at last. After you've talked to her exit the house and you will get a picture taken. Go south and push up against the right-hand window of the house with the old woman outside for a picture of Ulrira.

Next head to the Shop and buy the shovel if you haven't already. We'll need bombs quite a bit in the next dungeon so stock up on those as well if you don't have any. Then stare longingly at that super snazzy bow sitting there. There is a trick where you can steal the bow by picking it up, talking to the shop keep to make him face upward, then leaving the store. It will add a picture to your photo album, but the next time you enter the store the man will zap you depleting all of your health. Npc's and all game data will also refer to you as THIEF for the rest of the game, and you will never be able to buy from the shop again.

There is one thing that is available to us immediately after acquiring bombs which I didn't mention before because it is back in Tail Cave. Follow the map if you forget the way, and once inside go up two rooms, left one room, and then up another room. You should see some cracks in the left wall. Place a bomb here and then go inside the new opening for a Secret Seashell (5/20). While we're over here, you can go south to the beach and enter a house one screen north and east of where you go the sword. Trade your Dog Food for some Bananas. Exit and go two screens east to find a chest with 50 Rupees yet again. Now head back to the village.

From the shop go east through the boulders which we came through on our way back from the second dungeon. One more screen right is this strange pit with energy  spinning about inside. This is actually a warp point. Step on it, though it will just lead back to itself for now. We just need to activate it for when we find others later. From here go south twice, east, and then south again. enter the house.

Richard wants you to go collect 5 golden leaves from his castle and even though we don't really want to, we have to. Follow the road north and slightly west, checking the wooden signs as you go. Eventually you will come to a screen with a path leading up or down, and a sign saying the castle is 50 paces away. Go up to to the castle gate if you're interested in getting a picture for the photo album, but we can't get through the gate. Also Richard shows up. Screw Richard.

Go south two screens, east, and then north defeating the enemies if you want. You'll come to a screen with some kind of tree-hut on it. Defeat a couple more enemies on this screen and then enter the house.

Walk through the bars, and if you have collected exactly 5 seashells you will receive this present with another Secret Seashell (6/20) in it. If you've collected six don't worry too much about not getting this one, there are plenty of other seashells placed around to make up for it. In fact, there is another Secret Seashell (7/20) just one screen to the right underneath one of the shrubs.

Exit and go back two screens. Go south again here and you will find a small stone "maze" filled with Moblins. Simply kill them all and go down one more screen. There is one boulder here that can be lifted, so do so to find yet another Secret Seashell (8/20). Exit left from the lowest point you can and you will have access to a cave.

All the green skulls in here have crabs underneath them and they will run toward you if you get in their direct horizontal or vertical path. You can lift up the skull when they are stopped and then kill them, but it is generally easier to just ignore them. Go left a screen and you will find one patch of ground with some pebbles on it against the left wall, so place a bomb here. Jump across the gap and go up the stairs.

There will be a rock over to your left right in front of a pit, so push it in and jump across. Follow the path around and down you will come to this area. Push the rock I'm standing beside here to the right, then the one above it upward to access the eastern section of the room. Take the exit here and watch out for the bombers outside. Go up and kill the flying octoroks, then dig up the space directly left and down from the owl statue for... yep, a Secret Seashell (9/20).

Back inside the cave, climb of the steps to the right and jump down to the north for easy access to the stairs. There is another exit to the cave to the south, so take that now. Head down two screens and east once, cutting down the bush to get another Secret Seashell. (10/20) Head back and through the cave and go aaaall the way back to the seashell mansion. Go inside once more, walking through the bars and if you have exactly 10 you will once again get a bonus Secret Seashell (11/20) as a reward.

Back outside continue east a screen and up twice. You must be up to date on the trading quest at this point - you won't be able to get across unless you give the monkey the bananas. It will leave a Stick behind, so take it.

Head up until you reach the screen with a telephone hut on it, then go west and cut down the single shrub here for some hidden stairs. Take them to enter a small tunnel with a couple easily disposable goombas and some spiked pits you can easily hop over. When you emerge, go right a screen and then down. You'll have a sort of whack-a-mole situation going on, except you have a sword instead of a hammer and the mole is throwing bombs at you. When you defeat it you will get your first Golden Leaf (1/5).

Go down another screen, defeating the two darknut soldiers here, then go left and cut down some shrubs to gain proper access to the castle. When you enter, go left and kill two more darknut and a zol (you can sprinkle the antifairy with magic powder but it isn't necessary) and something will drop down - it's a Golden Leaf (2/5). Go up and right and step on the switch here to open the castle gates. We won't be leaving quite yet though, of course. Go up the steps, then left and ascend a staircase.

In this room, place a bomb by the carving on the left and get your sword charged up. When the bomb goes off a darnut soldier will pop out, and when defeated it will drop a Golden Leaf (3/5). Follow the rooms down and around and take the exit when you come to it. Go right and enter through the other door here, and you will notice the room to the north will close itself off from you. Simply pick up a pot and toss it at the door to fix its attitude. Go into the next room and defeat the red guy here for a Golden Leaf (4/5). Go all the way back to where you first entered the castle and head back outside.

Go one screen left and another up. Kill the darknut here and then pick up a boulder and toss it at the crow. Be ready to swing your sword fast because if you miss it will fly off the screen and you'll have to go off as well and re-enter to try again. When you've slain the bird you will get the final Golden Leaf (5/5).

Now if you stepped on the switch you will have an easy path back to Richard. Talk to him and he will give you access to a staircase down into a small cavern. Take the left path here and push the rock into the pit so you can jump across. Kill the zol that pops up and open the chest for a Secret Seashell (12/20). Go back and take the eastern path and go up the stairs, exiting to the south.

You will be in a maze of shrubs and pits, you will have to keep cutting the as you move through to find the way forward. Every time you see one of these patches of long grass instead of a shrub, that is the path to the next screen. On this first screen go south, the right just loops around and goes nowhere. On the next screen there are two paths off to the right, take the lower as the upper is the same loop as the one on the screen above.

From here just keep cutting, there will only be one path forward on each screen. On a side note, I am pretty sure Richard was hired to kill us by someone. Probably that owl who keeps sending us into monster-filled dungeons. I bet they're in cahoots, I'm going to call the owl Cahoot from now on. Anyway, when you reach the screen with the owl statue, cut down the shrub and dig in its place to receive the Slime Key. Now, guess what? Yep. we have to go all the way back to the entrance of Richard's house.

Go up, left, and then up again and push the key into the lock to open the way to the third dungeon. Of course, we can't actually access it from here so we have to backtrack some more. Go down past Richard's house in the direction we went to get to the castle/seashell mansion.

On this screen take the path left of the trees and go down, jumping across a couple small islands to the left. When you get to the other side you'll see steps leading upward, so take those and then go a screen to the left. Dig in the middle of the four patches of long grass after you kill the flying octoroks and get another Secret Seashell (13/20).

Go back down the steps and head left, and we are finally here - the third dungeon. I'll be picking this up in the next section, so see you there.

Go to part 4 --->

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