LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (Part 2)

Hi there, continuing on with my walkthrough of The Legend Of Link Where Zelda Gets Mentioned Once In A While. We've finished the Tail Cave, and have been instructed to go north both by a disembodied voice and that annoying owl. I'm pretty sure the owl is trying to kill us, actually.

Well that doesn't sound good. Go to the first house in the village where the chain chomp was tied up before and talk to the woman inside. It seems her feisty pet has been stolen, and we're going to have to go and do something about that in order to move on with the game.

But first, as you can see in the screenshot I was very close to 200 rupees so I went and got one of the rupee prizes from the Trendy Game (it gives you 30) and bought the Shovel. Is it worth it? Kind of. You can use it to farm for rupees or hearts to recover your health. You have about the same chance of finding these things as you do by cutting down grass, but there are more places to dig than there are bushes or grass. Also you need it to get certain items.

Like this Secret Seashell (2/20) in the doghouse. Also note that after you buy the shovel two new items will become available; you can now buy a batch of 10 Bombs for 10 Rupees each (you can carry up to 30) and also the Bow, which costs a whopping 980 Rupees.

Go now and re-enter the Mysterious Woods north of the village. Go up three screens, right once, up twice, and right three times. You will find a Piece Of Heart (3/4) surrounded by some pits, which we can now jump over with the Roc's Feather. Jump over the single hole to the north and go up to the next screen, then continue across three more to the right (we'll come back to this doorway in a moment). Enter the house here to meet a mouse will take a picture of Link. Throughout your quest he will appear to take more photos as you fulfill certain criteria.

Head back left two screens and enter the cave - this is the moblin's hideout. In the first room there's a guy with a sword and shield on his own. Not too hard, just swipe at him a few times and he's done. Careful of the cracked floor though. When he's defeated the door to the north will open up so head on through. Charge your sword on the way if you want, the next room contains 4 unarmed moblins.

In the next room is the Great Moblin. You can't hurt him with direct attacks, you will have to wait until he rams into a wall and stuns himself to deal any damage. Your shield can deflect the arrows he fires, though I prefer to just jump around a lot because it's fun. He'll die after about five hits, then head right into the next room and push up against the rock to get back BowWow! You may think we have to return him to Madam MeowMeow, but we don't. Instead head back to where you got the Tail Key - if you press select to bring up the world map the space will have a picture of the owl on it, and be four tiles north of a "shop" icon (which is the fishing spot). Go left and up to get to a sunnier section of the map.

Head right a screen from here and you will encounter Like-Likes - spongey guys that will catch you up and if you don't escape quickly they will eat your shield. Yes, permanently. You do not get it back once you kill them. There is a couple treasure chests to the north but we can only access one of them for now so we might as well come back when we can get both.

From here go right, up, right again, and then allow BowWow to eat the giant flower and take the rightmost path leading south. Once your way is clear here, proceed to the right for a chest containing 50 Rupees. Head back left and up, then right once more to get to the entrance of the next dungeon, though you'll have to wait until BowWow eats one of the flowers to get inside.

Level Two: Bottle Grotto

Dungeon Map

When you enter, all you can do is head north so do that. Hopefully you have some magic powder left (which you really should) because you will need to light the two torches here to open the door to the east. Be quick though, the fires will go out after a few seconds. We still can't destroy the spark, so just stay out of its path.

*Note: The room to the left leads to the Stone Beak. We don't have any keys right now, but since there's nothing else in that direction I won't be directing you back here because it's fairly pointless. If you like getting every single item though, it's there.

In the next room, defeat the two stalfos who will try to jump on your head and collect a Key (1). You can use this immediately to open the door to the south and defeat a mimic enemy for the Compass. Either way, head two screens right from the room with the stalfos. You will encounter two arm mimics on the other side of the stone blocks here. Face to the left, holding your sword out so that Link doesn't face a different direction as you move around. The arm mimics will take one step in the opposite direction that you've moved every time you take a step, so your goal is to try to get them with their backs up against the stone block so you can take them out with a spinning sword attack. Alternatively you can just wait until we get over to that side of the room, but you'll have to backtrack for the Key (2) they drop. To carry on, go back a room.

Hit the orb with your sword to lower the blocks. Go down and take out the easy enemy here, hitting another switch and opening the chest here for another Key (3). Go right. In the next room jump across some ledges, collecting more magic powder if you are running low, and stepping on a switch at the bottom right. Jump up and open the chest for a Key (4) and then jump back and take the north exit.

Pass through the room that had the two arm mimics heading east and kill two spiky beetles here. Go north through the locked door (-1 key).  In here there will be a spark flying around and two keese. Kill the bats and move the two stone blocks toward each other, onto blue tiles. A staircase will appear so take it downward. Emerge in a darkened room with a floating healing heart, a spark, and a keese. You can light the torches if you want but the revolving door at the top is ready to use from the start.

This guy's name is Hinox. He'll lumber around the room throwing bombs at you and also charge at you and toss you onto the cracked tiles. You will be stunned and will fall through. I don't have my sword out here which is a bad idea, but I switched to it right after.Try to always keep your sword between you and him so that he runs into it if he tries to charge you.

Head right through the simple but pit-riddled room and exit to the northeast. Remain in the doorway for a second and you will see the keese get sucked in by the thing on the left. Seeing as how there are pits everywhere, this is obviously hazardous to us. When you know it is just about to stop start making a mad dash for the chest, or avoiding it all together and heading to the north. It contains a Dungeon Map but you have me so you don't need it.

In the next room there's a couple keese as well as some more magic powder and a chest with 20 Rupees. Take the locked door on the left (-1 key). The enemies in here cannot be harmed until you light one of the torches - you do not need to light both (not that we have any shortage of magic powder to begin with). When you've killed them a chest will appear.

Yay, we got the moldy croissant! I know, I know. "The Power Bracelet is a croissant" jokes have been done to death. But it does totally look like one. Go back to the previous room and with your new item smash a path through the pots to the northeast. Head through to the next room. Stand on the left set of lowered blocks as you hit the switch to end up on top of them as they are raised. Then move down to the center space, and open the chest for a Key (3). Move to the right set of blocks and flip the switch again to raise them under you. Head right to the next screen.

There's an annoying hardhat beetle in the way here and a much less troublesome keese. Try to lure the beetle as best you can and knock him down into the pit. Head right again. In this next room, avoid the switch and the locked door and go down. In this room you will find a pols voice trapped behind some stone blocks, a shrouded stalfos, and a keese. You must move the blocks out of the way, kill the pols voice with a pot, then kill the keese, then the stalfos. It must be in this order for the chest to appear, which contains the Nightmare's Key. Go back up now and open the door to the right, clearing out the enemies in the next room to reveal a staircase. Smash some pots if you're in need of health and then head down.

This next area is straightforward, just on the second screen you need to grab the pot and carry it up the ladder to have enough weight for the platform to drop. Once you emerge head north to the boss room.

The Genie, like many other bosses, requires you to use the item you got in the dungeon to defeat him. Run left and right to avoid the fireballs he throws at you and when he returns to his bottle and starts hopping toward you, hit it with your sword. You won't actually damage him this way however - you will stun him and then have to pick up the bottle and throw it at the wall. Repeat this several times to break the bottle and then you are free to take out the genie himself.

And, there it is our second instrument! You are teleported out of the dungeon as usual, but this time turn around and go right back in. There is a chest in the very first room surrounded by pots that contains 50 Rupees.We're done here now, so let's carry on!

Go to part 3 --->

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