LoZ: Link's Awakening DX Extras

Hi there. In this little optional section, I'm going to be taking you through the Color Dungeon.

To start, you need to have gotten the Pegasus Boots from the third dungeon. Take these to the library south of the Mysterious Forest on the way to the beach area. Charge into the row of bookshelves along the north wall to knock a book down onto the floor.

Read the book and you will be given these instructions along with some nonsense about graves and colors. Make your way to the graveyard northeast of the village and find a screen with five gravestones. Touch each of them before attempting the puzzle, as some will release ghini enemies. You may only want to take care of one or two of these at a time because they take quite a few hits to dispose of.

Once they are out of the way, move each one of the gravestones - starting with moving the bottom-right one down, and then cotninuing on with the order and directions given by the book in the screenshot above. When you have moved the fifth stone upward you will find a staircase, so head down here.

Bonus Level: Color Dungeon

Dungeon Map

In the first room you'll find two skeletons with different colored robes. Talk to each of them and answer their simple question and you will have access to the next room. Here you will find three camo goblins, who hide in the floor and pop out once they are near you similar to zols. Simply charge up your sword and move toward them and release your attack once they pop up. Move east to the next room.

Here, simply hit the northwest and then southeast eye statues to make them all the same color. A chest will appear containing a Compass so grab this if you wish. In the approximate center of the south wall is a spot you can bomb for access to a room with 140 Rupees. Head up and continue east.

Make your way right across this room as there is nothing to be done here yet, and into the next. In here there are a red and a green karakoro that will bunch up in a ball when you hit them with your sword. Take them with your power bracelet and chuck them into their similarly-coloured pit in the floor to conjure up a chest containing a Stone Beak.

From here go north, ignoring the bone putters and heading into the next room. Once again you must turn all the eye statues blue, so hit the north-west one twice and the south-east one once. You will get a Key (1).  Go right, destroy some camo goblins and go through the doorway to the north (-1 key).

In this room you will be attacked by a giant buzz blob, which I got hit by about four times while trying to take this screen shot. You will have to get in really close and sprinkle magic powder on it, then smack it with your sword. Unfortunately the bow doesn't work on this thing, but three charged hits from the sword should take care of it. When that's done head left, push the stone blocks out of the way and get the Nightmare Key. Now return to the room where you chucked the karakoro into the pits.

From here go south, destroying some more camo goblins and heading west. In this room you will find two hopping bone putters that will bounce on the panels and try to wreck your path to the chest. Simply hop across the tiles and take them out, then open the chest to get a Key (1). Go north twice (-1 key) from here.

The dekudon is more annoying than difficult, really. He will jump to stun you and then a bunch of boulders will tumble down. Simply jump as he hits the floor and hack away at him with your sword. Bombs will take it out in two hits. When you're done get the fairy if you need it and go west.

Jump across the panels here and lift up the jar in the northwest corner to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the doors and then proceed north. Walk around this next room to coax all the zols out of the floor and once you've killed them all you can open the chest for the Dungeon Map. Go east now. Playing another game of "toss the karakoro" will give you a Key (1). Return to the room that had the switch hidden under a pot and go west.

In here you will see a collection of nine eye statues. To solve this puzzle hit the top-middle statue, then the bottom-middle, then the left-center, then the right-center. In the next room kill the four zols if you feel like the, then go left (-1 key). Simply walk across the lowered blocks here and hit to switch so that you will be standing on the raised blocks. Simply go around to the boss door and head inside.

This guy is a bit annoying. As you hit him his shell will change colour, and as he gets closer to red he will get closer to dying. However if you go a couple seconds without hitting him he will start changing back through the colours and you will have to start the whole process again. What's more is that often when you hit him you will bounce back out of sword range, and he also shoots stars at you. I managed to get into a nice position fairly early on where I was practically right on top of him and was able to take him out easily from there.

Continue into the final room and the fairy queen will offer you a Red Tunic or a Blue Tunic. The red will increase your attack strength while the blue will cause you to take half the damage. The blue is quite a bit more practical I think, because the red tunic only increases the power of your sword and there are quite a few enemies who cannot be harmed by the sword. Plus you get an upgraded one soon anyway. No matter what choice you make however, you can come back to the Fairy Queen if you change your mind.

Once you have made your choice you are teleported out of the dungeon. Time to return to the main quest!

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