Air-Spawning Steelhead: A Photographic Journey

For the past three years staff from Nez Perce Tribal Fisheries (NPT), Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), and the University of Idaho (UI) have come to the hatchery to collect female North Fork Cleawater steelhead for their kelt reconditioning program (see "What is a Kelt" March 8, 2012, for details). It’s rather hard to recondition a dead fish, so we use non-lethal spawning techniques to provide live female steelhead in good condition for this project.

Join me on this photographic journey of the air-spawning process.

I’m sure you have heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”. Well, it also takes a village to spawn a fish!
Staff from USFWS, IDFG, NPT, CRIFC, UI, and FWS Volunteers work together to get the job done!

Females are anesthetized with AUQI-S, a synthetic form of clove oil that is much gentler on the fish than other anesthesia.


Next the female is scanned for a coded-wire tag….



…and then she is spawned. Air is delivered into her abdomen to help push out all of her eggs. Fish health also collects a sample of ovarian fluid to test for disease.

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