Business as Usual at EAK

I spent a few hours fishing at EAK (Empangan Air Kuning) recently. About a month ago there was news of landslide on the entrance to the lake but from my observation, the damaged isn't that bad but was enough for the park management to seal off the road for safety reasons.

To enter, anglers are required to park their cars by the road just outside the archway & walk in either via the existing road or, the jungle trail path just 10m from the archway. I've tried both & personally, I prefer the road. Fishing as usual is fun & productive at EAK. Water levels are a bit lower this time around & being a little muddy probably due to the dryness of the weather lately.

Fishing was excellent, I landed almost 15...I think...anyway I lost count. Landed Pacu & Red Belly Pacu from 500g juveniles to a good size 2kg specimen in just a few hours of fishing. Definitely worth the effort to climbing down those slopes.

Business is operating as usual for EAK even with the landslide & road closure. I think the reason why anglers, both novice & expert keep coming here is the environment. It's the closest they can get to wild jungle environment without actually traveling to one. I wonder when the park management is going to fix the road.

I've proven that the basic bottom rig has proven it's effectiveness time & again. All the fishes caught that day was using basic bottom rig with dedak bait. Only the last 2 fishes of the day that I used a floating rig.

Update: 29th Jan 2013
Made another visit today & the results was less than satisfactory. Water was even muddier than the previous trip, this is probably the result of some heavy downpour yesterday. Fishing was slow even at the Pacu's nesting places but I still managed to land about 1/2 a dozen fishes in just 1/2 a days fishing. New behavior of the new batch of Red Tilapia, they don't go swimming around anymore at the piers, they mostly hang around very close to the banks & they are even tougher to catch. Smart fishes I always say but if you really want to catch them, be prepared to do some finesse fishing with ultralight tackles utilizing floating rigs.

Landed around 5 Pacu but lost 3 due to snagging on the bank side fallen tree branches. Fishing was mostly slow & the fishes have become weary. Was told by the operator that during the public holiday on 24th Jan, there were about 50 anglers that visited EAK. No wonder the fishes were not aggressive in their take, must have been spooked by the heavy thrashing on Thursday. Note to self, don't go paypond fishing during public holidays or even during long weekends. I manage to land another 2 more Red Tilapia after some 2 hours of coaxing. Yes, by lightly berleying the waters to attract them towards me.

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