Unique, Energetic, and Dedicated

Many of the activities at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery are successful only because of a unique group of energetic and dedicated individuals who donate their time, effort, and energy to helping our program succeed.  Who are they? OUR VOLUNTEERS!
Frequently attired in rubber boots and various colors of rain gear, volunteers can be seen:

  Sorting adults that come up the fish ladder,

Preparing females for spawning, and

                                                            Rinsing fertilized eggs. 


 A few volunteers prefer educating visitors

and guiding tours!

Other volunteer activities have included sorting and digitizing our photo collection, organizing our outreach materials, leading classroom dissections,
                                               Inventory sampling,
Creating works of art,
Greeting our guests on Kid's Fishing Day,                                 


assisting  on Veteran's Fishing Day!

We greatly appreciate all of our volunteers and to each of them we say
We could not accomplish our mission without you. 

If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers please contact us at 208.476.4591.

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Remembering William "Bill"  Anderson,

fishing enthusiast, friend, and Dworshak Volunteer since 1987. 

Posted by Jill Olson

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