Tim River Part 4: Formidable Foe #2

The sun enraged us on the first day, but the bugs bothered us for the rest of the trip.  In an effort to find some relief from these bloodthirsty critters, Kolya and I decided to go on a moose finding expedition.  Passing through our campsite, some fellow travellers told us they’d just seen one of these massive beasts in the narrows just west of our base.  We hopped into our canoe and went to check out the scene.  Unfortunately, there were no moose in that particular area, so we decided to paddle to a bay on the other side of the lake.  It may have been dumb luck, but we came to the spot just as a moose was munching on some plants in the shallow bay.  Kolya whipped out his massive lens and started snapping away.  It was pretty cool to get within 30 feet of one of these lumbering creatures.  How they deal with the bugs on a daily basis is beyond me.

(Photo by Nicholas Kalimin: n.kalimin@gmail.com)
Otherwise, the second day was relatively uneventful.  It was Sunday, our day of rest, and, after all, this was a vacation.  Bohdan spent much of his time reading, and I sat idly, occasionally sharpening some of my old hooks.  Before we knew it, evening came, and I was once again ready to do some fishing.  I didn’t have any luck that night, but I have a few suggestions for anyone else planning on fishing Long Bow Lake.  These are based on a strategy used by a couple of other fisherman that weekend.  What they did is fish slightly deeper waters, trolling around the lake parallel to the shoreline along a drop-off that must have been about 50-60 feet off land (maybe a bit more).  I imagine they were using spoons, and this method paid dividends- they managed to catch around 6-7 lake trout in one day.  I briefly tried a similar strategy, casting a sinking Rapala along the same drop-off.  Though I didn’t have any strikes, on a few occasions a nice size lake trout would follow the lure almost to the canoe, only to swim away at the last moment.  If I ever return, theirs is the strategy I’ll implement.

We didn't fish as long on the second night because, even on the canoe, the bugs were driving us insane.  Eventually, we bolted back to our campsite, put up our bear bag, and headed for the tent.  After a few rounds of "would you rather", we went to sleep, slowly starting to feel the itch of the many bug bites we had suffered.

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