Days in Key West

I have been way too busy to blog about the  fun and times in Key West.  I arrived just after Thanksgiving and have really enjoyed the 80 degree weather.  As soon as I arrived I got my bike set up.  I mounted a white milk crate with two PVC pipes to the back of the bike.  Now I could carry things and put my two fishing poles upright into the PVC pipes.  Dorky looking but it carried all my beach gear, a hammock, a backpack, tackle box and anything else I needed for my trips around and through KW.

As soon as I arrived I headed down to Mallory Square  for a bike ride and to watch the cruise ship come in.  There are 1-3 ships that dock for the afternoon every day, so downtown Duval Street area gets jammed with tourists.  Actually people watching is a big past-time down here. It is fun to hear all the different languages and watch the people hit the shopping areas downtown.

Mallory Square is where Sunset Celebration takes place every night.  There are many street performers and booths for shopping right along the dock.  Our favorites include the CatMan of Key West (Goggle him!!), the tightrope walker, the escape artist, and the Southermost Bagpiper.  Then it is off to happy hour!

1/2 price drinks (buy one, get one free; two for one; or 50 % off for  youall Northerners!) :-)  Then it is 1/2 price off on the whole appetizer page at many of the restaurants along  the eastern end of Front Street.  Oysters for 50 cents, great soups for $2-3, shrimp for $5-6, believe me that you can get enough "happy hour" food for a meal.  Some happy hours are from 4-7 pm, some are 5-6:30 pm, always check.

After we walk the Historic Seaport walkway we enjoy our night ride back up Duval to our house.  You have to have a white front light and a red back light on your bike at night.  A horn or bell also helps.

We usually ride all around the island in the morning.  The island is 2 miles wide and 4 miles long.  Some days we even get up for a sunrise ride.

After breakfast and our ride we do like to go to Ft. Zachery Taylor State Park beach for the afternoon.  It is $2.50 @ to get in.  The beach is right at the tip of where the Gulf and Atlantic meets.  Nice beach and a great place to snorkel dive.

I like to go out to the end of this stone jetty and fish.  I get small reef fish but did land a nice 36" mackerel.

We took a day sailboat cruise one day.  It was a great ride and view of KW from the water.

The black sailboat is the America 2.0.  It is 105 foot schooner that has only been in the water for 3 months.

There were free drinks, and a fruit bowl and a veggie bowl. The two white coolers hold the free wine, beer, champagne, or soft drinks.

My daughter, Molly, and Joey enjoying the sail.

This was the sail out towards the reef and sun.

Smoked fish and crackers before we head to our favorite place to eat.   El Siboney!

Two people can split a plate of Cuban food at this place.

Soft roasted, juicy pork with lightly grilled onions, yellow rice and black beans, and fried plantain.  I once ate supper here and ordered the same meal for lunch the next day, it was so good.

Now that I got this started, I'll post another story in a couple days!  Who wants to come down to Key West?  I know I am already making plans for next December here!

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