Mega Man Battle Network (Part X)

Foreboooooooooode. Immediately afterwards he says "To our WWW party of death!!" Well, at least he doesn't waste time with dramatics.

No, nameless middle-aged man. Not a powerout. Power outage, or blackout. Pick one next time.

So, the elevator is out of commission which means the only way down to the power plant is through the trash shute... which is... uh. Dumb. Like, seriously. If there is a power outage you want to have a way down there. Build some stairs for crying out loud. I am so glad I do not live in this world.

Anyway, head out of the death chamber and backtrack up the hall to the garbage disposal thing. It says "Dust" on it, possibly an allusion to Dust Man? Take the shute down, then proceed down the hallway. Talk to the man in front of the blue door, then the man in front of the yellow door. Then go through the blue door.

When you are ready, jack into one of the terminals along the north wall. There will be some dialogue, but you'll push through eventually. Also, be forewarned that you cannot jack out here.

Invisible pathways. Hope you are prepared for the amount of fun we are going to be having. (By we I mean me, at least you'll have someone to guide you). So yeah, head south to the big square platform you see to Mega Man's left there.

On this platform you will find three rectangular holes. We can't do anything with this for now.

Head west from the platform, over to the mystery data and get a Recover120 C. Then return to this square right beside Mega Man in this picture.

Take this invisible ramp down to a new section. Head to the northwest corner.

This program will warn you that some of these little guys have been infected by viruses and will attack you if you talk to them. Oh goody. Because we didn't have enough troubles, what with the limited energy and the invisible pathways.

Also, from here on out I am only going to be taking pictures of the invisible pathways if I find it absolutely necessary. We'll see how that works out. From the location pictured above, head west to another small platform. You will be guided north and slightly east to a longer platform, leading to another big square area.

Talk to the program here to get a BatteryA. From here go south and then east. Ignore the program you pass (not because it will attack you, but because it is on a different level and so you can't talk to it if you try).

Blue leads to a mystery data (Ratton1 D), red leads further in.

When you arrive at the single tile, head east. From here go north to the first tile with a square in the centre (the far end of the path is a dead end) and go up an invisible ramp (to the west) to a new platform. You will now be back at the platform earlier that had three empty spaces. Place your battery in the leftmost slot and flip the switch to reveal the path.

From here head south to another pathway, then head east and north slightly (you'll see a small step jutting out, about 1/3 the size of one of the square tiles) for another mystery data, this one containing 5000 zennys. Go south and then west for an X-Panel3 G. Go a bit further west. Go south and then west again here for our first corrupted program, battle it to get it out of the way. After this go north and then west. Always west.

And find another corrupted program. Yikes. Ignore the path that is actually visible, going west to a single tile and north to see a teleport. Take that to the next area.

The first little bit is an obvious (visible) pathway, and also some data containing 1000 zennys in plain view. Take the path just east of this prize, and you will be guided west along an invisible path. On the next stretch of walkway, take the first path leading east if you wish to fight another corrupted program.

Then backtrack and take the other path just above it. You'll go east to a tile, east to a platform, north to a tile and then west to 800 zennys. Then go all the way back to the one we started on.

Take the end pathway leading east now.  You will have a somewhat long, but still fairly straightforward treck to the next battery platform. When you reach a pathway shaped kind of like a ] bracket (but on its side) head east. You will pass over another walkway, but you are not on the right level to get onto it. Go to the square the program is on and go south.

The program who gives you the batteries (two now) is just south of there. Take the batteries and place one on the far left of the bottom row and the other on the far right of the top row. Flip the switch for the new path to be revealed.

From the north-east side of the red part of the pathway, head north across a short walkway, and then west, north a bit more, west some more, and north past the program, then two single tiles to get 1200 zennys. Then go back to the tile below you and head west, then north.

You will reach a short, straight platform. Go east from the southernmost square tile to another platform, then east from the topmost square tile here, south to a single tile, then east to another battery platform.

Oh, joyous day.  This time one goes in the top right, one in the very middle, and one in the bottom right. Take your new path to the teleporter. Go along the visible pathway, then head north once it ends. Make a small detour off to the right for 1000 zennys. Head back and go left this time. Talk to the program if you want, then go north and east for 500 zennys.

Go back to the northwestern tile on this platform and keep going straight left, and then at the next small walkway (again, talk to the program if you want) then up an invisible ramp from the tile on the east end. On the long platform here, you can go all the way east, then south and west to a corrupted program.

To move on you need to stand a few steps in from the east end and go up. From this platform, go left. Go up to the end of that path, then east to a single tile (first one you come to, ignore the second) and up to another walkway. Then go right. The program that has your batteries is to the north of the big platform.

This time you wanna place the batteries in the top left corner and the top right corner. This will only light up 2/3 pathways, but that's fine - you don't need the other. You do however need that third battery for the second pathway just south across the two colored ones you just created. Place it in the bottom-right corner and move north across the blue path.

Which takes you back to the first area. But that's alright! Turn the switch off and rip out the two batteries, we don't need them anymore (charge them if need be, just in case you haven't been listening to my instructions, naughty independant reader).

Go back along the blue pathway, and place one of the batteries in the top left corner, as well as one in the direct centre. Also rip out the one in the bottom right we used for the blue pathway, again charging if necessary.

In the next area, you have a bigger grid. The space you want for now is the very bottom right, which will light the blue bulb in the northwest. So go back to the previous platform and rip out the batteries as usual. Then come back and take out the one powering the blue track, charge all three, and set two batteries in the far left and far right of the second row from the top. Keep the third, since you don't need the blue path anymore.

You get led now to an area with only one slot and one light. You shouldn't need any kind of direction here... assuming you took that spare battery out like I told you.

Finally we have reached the bo-NO JUST KIDDING IT'S ANOTHER ENTIRE SECTION. This is ridiculous.

Make your way to a platform that looks like this - the beginning is a linear, visible pathway. The mystery data contains a Typhoon D chip - but the real reason we're here is the invisible ramp leading north.

On this platform, you'll find 1800 zennys off to the right, and a program to the left will tell you the same thing that all the non-corrupted, non-battery programs have said in this scenario. Out of the two paths leading north, take the rightmost one. From this sideways L-shaped platform, go left for another 2000 zennys. Keep going left for another walkway, then continue south. Go right past the battery slots for the program which will give you your three batteries.

On the big grid to the north, we have to turn all three colors on at once this time. You want to place your batteries in the top right and left corners, and in the middle slot of the very bottom row. Upon flipping the switch you will automatically be switched to Lan. Leave the room and head up and through the yellow door. Head to the west and inspect the switch to find out nothing is wrong with it.

Thank goodness. I thought Lan was actually going to do something. As Mega Man, save and walk across the colored pathways.


Or trees. Trees actually work better here.

Elec Man
~~~ HP

Elec Charge: He heals, and is invulnerable while he does so.

I'll admit, this had me panicked for a moment until the screen blacked out and I was like "Oh. Oh, I see what's going on here. Yes. That makes sense." And then Lan does something stupid and dies.


Elec Man
600 HP
Chain Lightning: He will summon four bolts in succession, avoid the flashing tiles as usual.

Electric Pods: He will call up three metal doohickies which will alternate generating lightning between them. Limits your movement a bit and, naturall, hurts you if you touch the lightning.

Two words: Wood. Tower.

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