Kirby's Adventure (Part X)

I just noticed that the Star Rod piece is always the same color as the backdrop for the little level introduction scene. Mind = blown.

Also, I had to do the boss battle over again (sigh) but I took no damage this time. Figures that the good stuff always happens when I'm not screen capping. So anyway, level 6!

Silly Kirby. The ocean is in the other direction! Or actually, several other directions.

Stage One

There are a couple ways to get this 1up. 1 - make it here while retaining the hammer ability. 2 - go into the doorway just on the other side of that wall to the left and fight Rolling Turtle, then pick up and throw the enemy that is sitting right in front of the blocks.

This battle with Rolling Turtle can be a bit difficult because of the water. Just fly around near the top of the screen, and when you see him about to spit out a baby, drop down, inhale it, then kick your way to the surface of the water and spit it at him. Good luck!

*Note: You don't have to defeat him to get out of the room, so if you think you're going to die just leave - it's not worth it.

In the next section you'll come across another doorway, which will lead here. The left section has a Maximum Tomato, the right has a 1up. But we want to get into the middle. If you have the throw ability as opposed to the hammer, stand about here and inhale to grab the sand block. Face to the left and hold the down arrow as you release the B button, and you will toss the block and break through. This will give you access to a switch (museum).

Through the next area, be cautious of jumping/ flying enemies, as well as a sword guy right at the end, but other than those dangers this place is straightforward. And then you are done!

Just for reference, that museum we unlocked has the wheel ability. Whoopee.

Carrying right along, then.

Stage Two

Again, you get thrown some tricky stuff right off the bat.

You probably don't need this soda bottle, but if you want it just to a regular slide to grab it before it falls. Just remember to start flying immediately afterwards. And yes, that is a doorway up there. It leads to a stone enemy and a 1up. You will want this stone ability. With this gathered, carry on to the next area.

Be careful as you climb the left side here - you will come across a bomb enemy. There's two doors in this area, but you'll want to enter them in the order you come across them, so it doesn't matter that much. In this first room use the stone power to kill the spark enemies and then push down the peg. You'll end up at a switch (arena - fire lion). Also, note that both of the doors here will drop out back out into the area right before, directly beneath one of the spark enemies. So as soon as you emerge get ready to slide out of the way (if you turn to stone the enemy will just continue to hop around right on top of you). Then back out to the previous area and on to the next door!

In the next area of the level you will have a sort of obstacle cours of enemies. There is a Poppy Jr. riding a Maximum Tomato at the bottom, as well as a UFO enemy.

I had a really humerous death in the next area - I had the Tornado power, and when I used it Kirby just went flying right off the edge and down the endless canyon. Silly guy. And then I failed miserably at the end jump again.

Stage Three

You're on a boat! No, I am not going to sing the song. Linear progression here, head on over to the doorway! In the ext area you will fight another Bonkers. Be sure to get the hammer ability!

You need it to break this crate. Go ahead and set yourself free, then head down to the bottom. Destroy the Sir Kibble (cutter enemy) here, and get the soda bottle behind him if you wish. Then bust the bomb block, and go through the invisible doorway that was concealed behind it.

As soon as you enter, start swimming down to catch a sinking 1up. Note that if you miss it you can exit the room and re-enter to try again. Then go over and take out that sword enemy to reveal a sort of odd looking door. You'll want to get rid of your hammer before you enter.

Here you will have to be very quick - there are three blocks lined up, and you are standing on the leftmost. Jump over to the middle one, and immediately inhale the laser enemy to your right (you will also jump on top of a Maximum Tomato). Now go through the doorway below you, and take the left door in the room with the sword enemy.

Stand about here, after taking out the fire-breathing enemy, then fire off a laser to ignite the fuse. Then slide off to the platform below, and then quickly slide again into the cannon. You'll be taken to a switch (Crane Fever). Take the doorway here.

This next area has a plethora of doorways.

First find this area. Go through both of the square doorways to get a 1up each.

The doorway just below the fire-breathing enemy leads to an upper level of the cannon room - there is nothing here. There is a soda bottle in the top-left corner of the area with lots of doors. The bottom left is the doorway we would have came out of if we hadn't of gone to the secret area. The doorway positioned at the top of a ladder, on a mast, is the way forward.

In the next area, simply head to the top right corner to find a warp star. This small island area is... well, small. So head on over to the end gate and make your jump!

And hopefully get a 1up unlike me.

On that sad note, I'm wrapping up this section of the post. See you in the conclusion of level 6!

Continue to part XI --->

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