The Best Bait For Trout Fishing

In this article I'm going to discuss some of the most effective baits to use while fishing for trout in order to determine the best bait for trout fishing. Is this possible? Is it possible that there's a "best" bait for trout fishing? I'm not entirely sure, but after fishing for these wonderful fish for more than 25 years I can honestly say that some are certainly better than others, and one in particular is certainly my favorite.
Before I get into the trout baits themselves, it's important to know the type of trout that you're attempting to catch. Not the species of fish, but the kind of trout. There are two basic kinds. Stocked (or planted) and native. Stocked trout are placed into the river or lake by the governments' fish & game department. Native trout on the other hand were born and live in the water in which they reside. Actually stocked trout can become native after living in said body of water for an extended period of time (2 or more years).

Why do I mention stocked and native? Simply because both manners of trout tend to eat different kinds of bait, and as an angler you should be aware of this fact. Stocked trout eat baits such as corn, marshmallows, dough baits, and cheese. Native trout, on the other hand, tend to shy away from such baits, and tend to eat "live" baits such as worms, minnows, and crayfish. Basically, native trout are much more savvy (and more challenging) to catch than stocked trout.
One of the most popular (and effective) baits for trout fishing are synthetic baits that are shaped into live bait shapes. These baits are shaped like worms, minnows and crayfish (to name a few) and are impregnated with fish catching scents. The most popular manufacturers of these trout baits is Berkley, and are named Powerbait and Gulp. These baits, rigged on a set of gang hooks can be extremely effective.
Another popular bait is small spinners and spoons, such as Rooster Tails and Phoebe Minnows. Both native and stocked trout will bite these lures. These baits are effective in both the flowing water of rivers and streams and still the water of lakes. The important thing to remember in regards to these types of lures is to keep them small. 1/8 to 1/3 ounce will usually suffice.
The last bait that I want to touch on for trout fishing is the old standby live bait. This may indeed be the best bait for trout fishing. Live crayfish, for example, are probably the best bait for large trout. I live crayfish that's allowed to flow naturally with the current of a small trout river is a great large trout bait. Live worms are extremely effective for trout fishing as well. As a matter of fact a live worm rigged on a set of gang hooks and allowed to flow naturally with the current of a small river or stream is a great "all around" trout bait, and could very well be the best.
Does this article give you an answer to the best bait for trout fishing? Not one single answer, but it certainly gives you the best options that are available. Now you can go out, give these baits a try, and determine for yourself which is the best.
In my experience live worms are hard to beat when trout fishing (especially in rivers and streams), but for you it may be different? The cool thing about fishing is that there's only one way to find out. Get out on the water and figure out your best bait for trout fishing.
Gang Hooks Tied & Ready To Fish:

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