Spring has Arrived
It was a nice day to get down to the river for a little fishing. I headed down those dreaded steps on Cardiac Hill. The river was in nice shape but the sun was up. I didn't care, it was just nice to wet a line.
The water really wasn't rushing as fast as the picture seems. I managed to catch a few small trout and then I saw the DNR officer.
I found out that he was counting lamprey in the trap. None on the south side but he did have one perch, two bluegills and about 6 brown crayfish.
I managed to get another trout and then decided to start back up the steps. To take my time so I didn't get winded, I started looking for scenery.
I don't know what type of flowers these are but they were along the steps.
This is my 4 weight rod but notice how green the area has become.
I think these are trillium. Please let me know the names of those flowers I have mislabeled.
Most of the spring flowers are white. I wonder why? Are these wild strawberries?
Now this flower seems to grow well in my yard! I am going to have a bumper crop this year.
After arriving home, I found this iris? growing in the front corner of my lot. Since the fishing is slow right now, I have to start appreciating the beautiful nature.
In the back corner of my lot, I have a 'happy place' that I always enjoy in the spring. This spot brings out happy memories of our home on Grand Rapids Street. I remember when my mother had these plants around the front of the house. I was in elementary or middle school then. So when I went to the special corner and the flowers had peaked out, I had happy memories of my mother, Lois Stauffer.
Lilies of the Valley at my garden wall!
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