Slimy Pebble Trip!

Ok, it has been one month since my first grandson, Roan, had arrived.  I waited for things to calm down and being 500+ miles away, it was time for a Road Trip.  I left last Monday around 6:30 am and headed across Highway 10 towards Bay City.  Then it was down I-75 to 23 towards the Ohio Turnpike.  I was making good time and the roads were dry.  Suddenly before me was a sign beckoning me in.... the little town of Dundee!  This is a great place to stretch my legs and unbend my back.  I love Dundee....Gee, what is this? ... a store by the highway?  Cabela's!  I'll just stop in for a short visit.  A half-hour later, I had to leave, it was too tempting and I had miles to go.  Finally, signs for the Turnpike.  I filled up with gas and started heading East.  I arrived in PA around 2:00 pm and decided top stop at Slippery Rock University to get a Visitor's Pass for three days, knowing I would stop in to see friends.  I'm still in the computer so they printed me a Parking Pass and I stopped over to the Special Education Department.  I only saw the secretary and two other professors but found out they would be having a Faculty Meeting on Tuesday.  I was going to be staying with friends in Grove City but decided to head over to Duffy Road to see the grandson for the first time.  Leslie's mom and dad from Colorado had been visiting for the past few days so I could say hi to them also.

As soon as I entered I was greeted and handed my Roan.

One month old and he is already taking charge of things in the cabin. It was a special moment to be holding my grandson.

Ok, this is all you are going to see on this of Roan so you can depart now or stay with me for more of the same.  Here is is letting me know that his stomach is upset..boy, those Stauffer's have a lot of gas!  I could feel him tense up and then feel him expell!!!

Right now, he is still sleeping and eating.  He likes to sleep during the day.  You know what that means......long nights for the parents.  He likes to have his right hand up near his face.

It has been awhile since I have had an upset baby in my arms.  I guess he is just developing those bagpipe blowing lungs.  Who does he look like?  I can't tell.

Ryan came in from work and took over.  Of course, there were three grandparents in the room so Leslie had been spelled during the day.  Ryan like to keep the bib on during the day.  He said he has learned that the baby can go through a lot of outfits in one day if the bib isn't on!

Leslie said she was hungry so Ryan cooked her an omelet.  Having been a chef, Ryan is an excellent cook. Now that baby and mother were fed, it was back to the baby.

I am proud of Ryan, he steps right up and takes over the care of Roan.  He wants to learn as much about parenting that he can.   There was a little concern that the baby might have a slight fever and so Ryan gets out the new baby thermometer to practice with.  I think that is a great idea, practice now before you really need to!

I am waiting for the moment when they learn to keep that penis covered but I guess they have already learned that trick.

I think that he has some of Leslie's features and I can see some of Molly here also.  What do you think?

He does have a head of hair.  I took this picture for his Aunt Barb.  I said he had lots of hair and I wasn't kidding.

Leslie's dad, Glen,  gets a fed, changed, and sleeping grandson to hold.  With all the visitors, Roan got held a lot.  Roan is a good baby.  He even sleeps through Ryan's bagpipe practicing.

Leslie and Leslie's mom, Carol, get some down time.  New mothers have to grab a nap when ever and where ever it is possible.  Tuesday night,  Roan did sleep through most of the night so the schedule is developing.

Tuesday night we we all went out to the Brewery for supper.  Ryan got to show off his son to friends and Roan slept through most of the meal.  He awoke hungry so he was fed before we left for home.

Carol is holdhing her grandson on the last day of her visit.  I am over 500 miles away but being from Colorado must really be hard on the other grandparents.  I'll be out the end of April as I promised Aunt Barb a road trip to see her nephew.  The first grandchild of the Middleville Stauffer's on my parent's side of the family.  I was sorry that my parent didn't get to see that the Stauffer name is still going on.

This is a shot of the cabin's new fireplace.  It was re-lined and a new rock face was installed before they moved in late December.  They have a small, cozy cabin.  It is nestled in the woods and it is their's!  They have plans for an addition and extra bedroom but I think that Ryan and Leslie want to get Ryan's workshop in the barn set up first so he can spend more time at home.  I'll be out in the Summer for the next building project.

Wednesday morning I drove to Butler, PA to Heritage School at Butler Community College where Ryan works.  He teaches blacksmithing and is the Environmental Field Trip coordinator.

While there I saw two of his new projects. 

This is one of his many hand-made pattern welded knives. He teaches blacksmithing and knife making and iron works.

This is the old Case tractor that he and his Venture Crew (high school boys and girls scout organization) are restoring.  Last year they restored an old hay wagon this is the tractor that will pull it around the campus.

Every thing that could be taken off was cleaned, repaired, and re-painted.  The engine was over-hauled and it fired up so all that remains is some re-assembly of some of the parts.

This shows a few of the new parts that had to be installed. The students have a light-weight airplane that lightly crashed that was donated to them.  They will re-store that next.  Leslie is worried!!

Realizing that the kids have had non-stop company and needed some family time, I decided to head back home.  As I walked out to the car, I noticed Ryan has marked out his property beside the front walkway.

I think this was to bug his mother-in-law!  She was marking the new grandson with lipstick kisses!!

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