What a Feast!

Well, we got the fresh seafood home and Molly started preparing the shrimp by removing the vein.

Next, she put a little olive oil and seafood seasonings on it and popped it into the George Foreman grill to lightly sear them.

Ah, here they are fresh shrimp off the grill and Mango Margaritias.  After our tasty appetizers, we headed out on our bikes.  It was 5:05 pm and Sunset Celebration was starting.  We had a 13 block ride down Whitehead Street.  On the way a Tourest pull right over in front of Joey and hit him!  Luckily, Joey avoided a heavy hit and was able to stay upright.  Wow, a close call.

Arriving at Mallory Square, we parked the bikes and started the tour.  There are many street performers and artist with booths and even food and drink booths.  It was fairly crowded and fun to do people watching.

The guy in the orange shirt was singing Jimmy Buffett tunes badly but his dog would take your $1 bill and take it over to his bag and drop it in.  All the performers are trying to attract your attention.  Some have been here for years and so have a favorite space and really work the audience.

These guys are the southernmost bagpipers.  Since my son, Ryan, is a piper, I always enjoy their music.

You can see a line of artists and their stuff!  They have a lot of art stores in KW and it is fun to see their creations.

This 52 year old guy from Jamacia challenged a young guy to push-ups.  The young guy did 16!  Here is how the street performer did his and he did 22!  They all have a good line of chatter to attract a crowd.

This is what lots of people come to the Square to see.  Many boats are taking tourists out for Sunset Cruises.

Yes, there are a few clouds.  We have had some rain in the early morning and late at night but the sun always comes out in the day.

The Catman of Key West was there with the street cats that he has trained.  He is a French circus performer and now does two 30 minute shows every day and makes a darn good living playing the buffoon with his trained cats.  He is very funny to listen to and watch.  Young and old howl at his antics.  Hope you saw his You-Tube videos I posted last time.

After a nice 10-15  minute bike ride, we arrived back home.  Molly got the water boiling to steam our Spiny Florida lobsters.  This is the before picture.

These guys were ready and we were hungry.  Eating at 7:30 pm, we took our time with these critters.  Since we didn't know how much meat would be on them, we each got two lobsters, after all they were only $5-6 each.  The tails had a very large portion of meat and we were very happy.  Since we all have visited Main, we had previous experience of getting to all the extra meat in the lobsters.  The Florida lobsters do not have large claws but all the joints on the legs are good to explore.

After we finished most of the two lobsters each ( we saved three tails for tomorrow) we went inside.  We started watching TV and got hooked on two episodes of "Hoarders"!  What a program.  I think we all learned a lesson about saving junk

Next day, we went to Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall for a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.  It was nice and the people were friendly.  I made a carrot souffle and Joey made a Rum Cake.  They even had several bottles of wine available at the meal.  Afterwards, a guy from France led the group in some Yoga exercises and some chanting to relax the body.  (Ha, Ha; Ho, Ho, Ho, Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho, Ho).    It was a fun experience. They chant on Monday night for an hour so maybe we will attend.

We stopped at Walgreens to get the special - Ben and Jerry's ice cream for $1.99 a pint.  We all got two!

Tomorrow we hit the beach and relax.  The weather will be in the low 80s!  Joey isn't feeling good, he thinks he will switch to Soy Milk.   We will all try it with Joey.  If he doesn't feel better by tomorrow, we will eat his Ben and Jerry's for him.  He might be allergic to ice cream!  I don't think we can take the chance!  :-)

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