Summer Kayaking

My son, Troy, called from LA to chat. I told him I was doing a blog but find it tough to get a blog out every day. He said , 'Dad, you don't have to blog every day or have each blog about fishing'. So, this is about kayaking!

My daughter, Molly and her boyfriend, Joey were visiting from Lafayette, LA and wanted a kayak trip. I went to the market and got our food and borrowed another kayak from my good friend, Jack.

We headed out to Red Bridge to stowed on car and drove up-river to Hodenpyle Dam on the Manistee River.

This Joey heading out for a 4 hour float. The life jackets are in the boats and the weather was great.

                                Here Molly is mid-stroke.

The scenery is nice and at the top of the banks on the south side of the river is ‘The Manistee River Trail’. I have hiked it three times and snow-shoed it once. It is the most beautiful hike in the fall as the leaves turn.

We stopped mid-way in our trip for our shore lunch.

We had homemade sourdough bread, hummus, artichokes hearts, baby Swiss cheese, fresh Traverse City dark cherries, and apples.

I am taking it easy as I float down. We really didn’t paddle much, but just floated down enjoying the river. It snakes and winds around lots of bends and flows along so you can just look around and relax. We had several areas of faster current and ripples that were fun.

This is one of the small rapids that we shot!

As we neared the end of the 4 ½ hours we were taking it easy and ready to give our butts a rest.

This is at the end , near High Bridge. Molly’s shoulder was sore. She had surgery earlier this summer. Joey hooked her kayak looped handle through his and they drifted the last way attached.

This was our 2nd annual kayak trip! Last year we floated the Jordan River where we rescued 4 bikini clad canoeist! We were downstream and about 150 jello-shot covered containers started floating down towards us. Their canoes had tipped over and they were thrown into the chilly river. I helped save their lives. But that is another story for another day.

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